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              And I know he’s hiding. Doesn’t want me to see him when he says stuff like that. Can’t be that close. Me? I’m letting go. Finally, a tear slips from my eye. I wipe it away and go to sleep.



I’m sitting in the passenger seat of Cheye

              “You have shitty music,” I tell her. When I resort to the radio, you know my options are limited.

              She shrugs. “I’m not all that into music.”

              This surprises me. “You dance.”

              “Yeah and I listen to music for dancing. When music is on I’m thinking about my body and how to move and it makes me want to do more than just sit around.”

              I look at her and grin. “I’m thinking about your body and how it moves too.”

              She quickly glances at me. “I’m kind of impossible not to think about.”

              I laugh because it’s true and she’s probably the only woman I know who would have the balls to say it.

              “Or touch.” I reach over and slide my hand up her leg. Unfortunately she’s wearing jeans, but I let my hand creep higher.

              “You’re distracting me.”

              “That’s the point.” I never expected to have fun with her like this. I don’t have fun with anyone like this, but just like it’s hard not to think about her body, it’s hard not to enjoy her too. Yeah she pisses me off, but that kind of makes it better.

              And then because we’re almost to the party and it’s only been a few days since she buried her mom, I ask. “You sure you’re cool with going out?”

              Again she looks over at me. I can’t see her real well because it’s dark, but I know her eyes are on me. “Why Colt, one would think you’re a nice guy.”

              Her comment a

              But fuck. That’s what I’m supposed to be. A distraction. I knew that going into it and know it now so I don’t know what the hell my problem is with it. Maybe it’s because I’m in the same boat.

              “We both know I’m not a nice guy. And we both know there’s a lot of shit in your head too. That’s why I’m asking. If you don’t want to answer, tell me you don’t. Don’t play me.”

              “I don’t want to answer.” We’re quiet for a few minutes. I’m feeling way more pissed than I have a right to be. Finally she speaks. “It’s hard. I’m trying to deal. Distractions help. Fun helps. You…help.” The last part I can tell she didn’t want to say.

              Did I want to hear it? I don’t know. “Good.”

              “How’s your mom?”

              Fuck. Why did I start this? I just gave her shit so it’s not like I can’t answer her now. “The same…how else? There’s nowhere to go, but down.”

              “You never—”

              “You saw her, Chey. There’s no hope. She stopped treatment. Hospice has been involved. We both know what’s going to happen.” The words hurt coming out. I want to close my mouth. Trap them in, but it won’t make things any different.

              Now it’s her hand that’s on my leg. “So…tonight… When we get home… Do you wa

              “Fuck yeah I wa

              We pull up at the house for the party. It’s out of the way and on property and I can see the bonfire out back already.

              I’m about to open the door when Chey asks, “What’s the deal with you and Gregory?”

              I hit the interior light. “He’s a prick?”

              “Nice try.”

              I shrug. “That’s basically it. I fucking hate guys like him. Thinks he can get away with whatever he wants. We were out one night and we caught him fucking around with this kid. It was bullshit frat stuff, but they had the kid shitting his pants he was so scared. Him and his friends were making him go in and steal something. They threatened him. We kicked his ass. He didn’t like having his ass kicked and I liked doing it.”

              When my eyes hit hers she has that lost girl look. No, not the lost look, but the one that says she’s thinking all sorts of things women don’t usually think when looking at me. “Don’t do that. It’s not a big deal,” I say.

              She gets a huge smile on her face. A cocky one that says I’m not going to like what she says.

              “Don’t worry, Colt. I won’t tell anyone that you’re really quite noble.”

              She gets out of the car and slams the door, giving me no choice but to get out with her.


              We’re sitting around a big ass fire, beer in hand. There’s about forty people out here. More in the house. None of Cheye

              She’s sitting on my lap, my arm wrapped round her waist. Adrian’s sitting next to me with whatever girl he’s boning this week. He keeps giving me that look like he did in the kitchen that night. Like he knows or feels something else going on than is really here.

              “Shut the fuck up,” I say when he winks at me.

              “Huh?” Cheye

              “Nothing.” I bite her shoulder softly instead of playing Adrian’s game.

              “Ah, so you’re the new flavor of the week. He’s good, isn’t he?” I look up to see Deena standing in front of us. I really didn’t want to do this shit and hoped she wasn’t here. I know she doesn’t want me. She just wanted to screw around like I did, but I also know she’s the kind of girl who wants to be on top. Who wants to show everyone she doesn’t give a shit and that she’s going to use Cheye

              “Who are—” Cheye

              I feel Chey tense, but she doesn’t move off my lap.

              “Stop playing games, D. No one wants to hear it.”

              Adrian laughs beside me.

              “She can’t speak for herself?” Deena adds.

              I know this can’t end well. Deena’s not one to back down and Cheye

              “Actually she can,” Chey says. “And maybe you were only around for a week, but I’ve been here longer than that. It doesn’t look like I’m going anywhere anytime soon, either.”

              I see the shock register on Deena’s face. She didn’t expect Cheye

              “Good for you.” Deena grasps for something to say, but just stands there.

              “Did you need something else? We’re a little busy here.”

              “Bitch,” Deena mumbles before walking away.

I bury my face in Cheye


She turns on my lap, straddling me. Her arms go around my neck and her lips find mine. I’m scared as hell I might want her to stick around too.


              Adrian nudges my shoulder a while later.

              “What’s up lover boy?”

              “Fuck off,” I tell him. I rip my eyes away from Cheye