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This is humiliating.

Sabin wraps his arms around my head, covering my face so that I can’t even see and fakes a soft sob. “My i

When we all say good night, Eric lets our hug linger for a moment. I realize that he had very little visible reaction to Sabin’s outburst, and I wonder if he disapproves. I brush it off for now.

After we say good-bye to the three in the parking lot, Chris and I climb back in his truck. After just a few minutes of watching him drive, I can’t take it anymore. Just looking at his hands on the steering wheel is turning me on. God, I love his hands. The way he moves, the way his fingers find every spot on my body that gets me hot, the way he intuitively knows when to be gentle and slow … and when to push harder against me, to be strong and firm. Those hands do incredible things to me, and they’ve made me greedy.

I run my fingers through his dark hair and scratch my nails down the back of his neck. I can’t go another second without Chris touching me. I lift up slightly, hike up my dress, and slip my nylons down. I put one foot up on the dashboard. I lean back and open my legs before I take his hand in mine. I push my underwear to the side and set his hand on me.

“Put your fingers inside me,” I say. “Please.” I can barely talk.

“Like this?” he asks teasingly.

Very slowly, he eases one finger in. I close my eyes and put my hands up to my head. I can feel how ridiculously wet I am already, and he’s not even moving his hand. He’s just holding his finger inside me.

Christopher, please,” I beg.

“Oh, you mean like this?” He briefly takes away his hand and then pushes hard against me, shoving two fingers deep inside. I moan, and he starts moving in and out, slowly and firmly. I have no idea how he can do this and drive, but he doesn’t take his eyes off the road.

“Is that what you wanted?” he asks.

I nod.

“And what about this?” I feel his fingers pull out and run over me a few times before he settles on my clit. “Did you want this, too?”

I moan as he starts to brush a finger over me. He presses a little harder, and I start gasping. The truck stops, but he leaves it ru

I can’t believe that I’m going to come already, but his fingers are on just the right place.

However, I still plan on giving him crap for earlier.

I pull my lips away. “I’m still pissed at you,” I whisper.

He smiles at me and pushes his fingers back inside me. “I can tell.”

I whimper and start breathing harder, and my hands are gripping the back of the seat. He’s moving steadily inside and against me, and I come hard. If it didn’t feel so fucking good, I might be embarrassed at how loud I am. As it is, I couldn’t care less. My whole body shudders under his touch.

“I’m going to take you up to my room now and continue apologizing for not fucking you before di


“You good with that idea?” he murmurs while he kisses my neck.

“Mmmhmmm. And you can also apologize for baiting Sabin the way you did.”

His tongue is slick on my skin and the throbbing between my legs is relentless. “I did nothing of the sort.”

Now I can’t help laughing. “Yes, you did. You were like a dog pissing on a tree, marking your territory.”

“You don’t look anything like a tree.”

“I’m flattered. But that was not nice what you did. And it was u

He smiles. “I know that. I was being an ass. So now I really have some more apologizing to do, huh?”

Somehow we make it up to his hotel room. I hear him throw his wallet from his pocket into the room, and then he’s behind me, grinding against me. Listening to me get off has made him completely hard. His breath is hot on my neck while his hands unzip my dress and then find the hem, lifting it up over my head. I can feel how much he wants me now. I kick off my boots and he takes hold of the top of my nylons and underwear and kneels as he pulls them down. I feel him lick the curve under my ass as he helps me out of my clothes, and then he reaches up to unhook my bra.


Our five days at the hotel pass insanely quickly, and before I feel ready, it’s our last night together. The next day we’ll be returning to campus. This will be over. I know that we’re not done and that there will be more to us, but for the moment, this time at the hotel with him is all I am ready to handle. Even so, I’m a bit shaken by how much I am dreading separating from him, even in just the physical capacity. Our friendship is solid and unwavering, I am sure, but I’m still edgy at the thought of this ending.

Virtually all that Chris and I have done at the hotel is make love. Or fuck. Whatever. We’ve gone slow and gentle, we’ve gone hard and rough. We’ve traded power back and forth. Sometimes he leads me, defining what we do, how we do it, and what the mood is. Sometimes I do. I have been relishing the chance to be in control, to make decisions for myself, to take what I need, and to give to someone else. So I am sore, very much so, and my entire body hurts, but in the most amazing way. My ability to co

We’ve been in bed all day. I think both of us are conscious of the ticking clock. His brothers and sister stopped calling, and texting, and banging on the door two days ago.

Chris leans over me, kissing my chest and my stomach.

“How can you be this good?” I whisper. “It’s impossible.”

“If I’m good at all, it’s because of you. Because I want to give you everything.”

He lowers his kisses and bends up my legs. I know what he’s about to do, and I’m dying to let him do it, but there’s something I want first.

I move between his legs and take his cock in my hand. He is so hard, so perfect. I start moving slowly and then lean over and begin to slide him into my mouth. I keep my fingers around the base and press my tongue against him as I take him in fully. The taste of him is extraordinary. The taste is mine. When he’s wet and slick, I tighten my lips and begin to move up and down, doing what I’ve gotten good at over the past few days.

Chris groans loudly. “Fuck, your mouth is so hot. God …”

Hearing him say this makes me move faster. Tonight I’m to make him come in my mouth. It’s something that we haven’t done completely yet because the lure of having sex has always taken over, but right now I desperately want this. I’m moving my hand up and down in rhythm with my mouth as he shifts under me, and I love how it feels to blow him. Soon his hands are in my hair, and his breathing quickens.

“I can’t last like this, Blythe. You’re too good … God, you’re too good.”

I don’t need him to last because there is no way that I’m letting him stop me this time. And I know for sure that this isn’t going to put him out of commission for the night. I start sucking on him faster, harder. I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to.

His hands are tight in my hair now, moving up and down with my head, and I can tell by the sounds he’s making that I have him on that same edge where he puts me. I slow down a bit to keep him there because I want him blind with pleasure.

I love it. I love making Chris feel like this. I feel him clench his muscles as he pushes a little farther into my mouth. Then he is saying my name, and I taste him, I drink him in, totally turned on and high from being able to satisfy him like this. When his groaning has subsided, when he’s fully done, I kiss my way breathlessly up his muscled chest, and before I even reach his mouth, he flips me onto my back and starts kissing my neck.