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Mason waited until we were in my truck before asking, “Are you going to be able to swing that without Rachel noticing?”

“Yeah, she had to cut back on hours anyway because of classes and she’ll have a lot of homework. I’ll just say they need me more, more business with the students being back and all.”

“Kash, I know you think you’re still protecting her, but I really think it’s time you told her everything.”

“We’re not going over this again, Mase. Have you told your family where we are?” He didn’t answer, and I knew he hadn’t. “Then I’m not telling Rachel anything until this is all over.”

“You asked her to marry you. That’s a big fucking deal. And you swore you would tell her soon!”

“And I will.”

He snorted. “When, Kash? At the altar? Wait until she says I do and then say everything really quick before you do the same?”

“Screw you. You know I’d never do that to her.”

“Well you shouldn’t be doing this to her, it’s not fair to her.”

“I get that, Mase! I fucking get that! I’m sorry you don’t agree or approve of my situation, but it’s not like I sat there and decided to hurt her by moving our relationship to this next step by asking her. I literally couldn’t think about anything but asking her to marry me. I should have waited, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. Okay?”

“No. It’s not. You need to tell her.”

I ran a hand over my face and kept it over my mouth as I shook my head. I wanted to. I just wanted to keep her safe more.



WALKING INTO THE gym, I stopped short and took a step back when I saw Candice and Blake talking right around the corner. It never got easier seeing him. I’d seen him almost every day for the last two weeks, and though he hadn’t once spoken to me, there were always the notes . . .

A shiver climbed its way up my spine and I clutched at my bag to help with the shaking that always came when I saw or thought about Blake. When I began receiving awkward looks for just standing there, I acted like I was checking my phone as I focused on what Candice and Blake were saying. My mouth popped open when Candice confirmed with Blake that he was going to come back with us for Thanksgiving.

“Yeah, there’s no reason to waste money on a plane ticket if you’re driving. So I’ll just go with you and Rachel.”

“Okay, I’ll let my mom know you’re coming with. I told her I didn’t know if we were coming back or not, but Rachel and I really want to see them.”

Uh, Candice might be going. But if Blake is going to be there, and traveling with us, then I sure as hell won’t. I can wait until Christmas to see them.

“Let’s just hope Rachel is done with this game she’s playing by then.”

My body stiffened and I heard Candice sigh.

“I know, this whole thing she’s doing is . . .” Her voice trailed off as they walked away and I forgot that I was supposed to be appearing inconspicuous.

Phone temporarily forgotten, my eyes were wide as I leaned around the corner and watched as they made their way toward the back of the gym. What game? I wasn’t playing anything!


“What?” I practically shrieked, and whirled around, only to see Marcus, a guy from my class, standing there looking like he thought I was going to explode . . . again. “Jesus, Marcus, I’m sorry. You scared the crap out of me.”

“Uh, yeah. I figured that. Are you going to go all the way in, or are you just going to keep standing here on the side?”

“No, I’m . . . I’m going. I just—yeah, I’m going.”

He tried to hide his smile as he gestured for me to go ahead of him. I didn’t want to be here, but seeing as I had to be here to pass this class, I didn’t really have an option right now. I heard the tail end of Candice and Blake making plans to grab di

I didn’t look at either of them as I passed by them, I just walked with Marcus until we hit the very back of the gym and then said my good-byes to him, silently thanking him for being a distraction from them.

“Hey, Rach.”

I ground my teeth and forced a closed-lip smile as I turned to look at Candice.

“Just letting you know I won’t need a ride home today, but I’ll be home tonight.”

“Oh? You don’t have practice today . . . do you?”

“No, but some of the girls are going out for an early di

Liar. “ ’Kay. Have fun.”

“Hey.” She touched my arm and I turned to look at her again. “Are you okay?”

“I’m great.”

She actually looked concerned, and I think that pissed me off more. Because I knew she loved me, and I loved her. She would always be like my sister. But Blake was ruining us. “You sure? Are you and Kash fighting?”

“Ha, uh, no. Not any more than we usually do anyway, not anything that’s serious. I’m really fine, Candi.” I met her stare and hoped she understood my next words for what they were. “I hope you have fun at di

Her eyes widened and she bit on her cheek as she nodded with exaggerated slowness and pursed her lips.

Yeah, I’m calling you out on your lies, Candice. Keep them coming; all you’re doing is showing me how much I don’t matter to you.

“Are you staying at our apartment tonight? Or will you be with Kash, or . . .”

“Or . . . ?”

“Will you be somewhere else?” she asked, challenging me.

“Where else would I be?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?”

“I’d be happy to if I had any idea what you were even getting at.”

“Whatever, Rach. I give up,” she huffed, and stormed off in the other direction.

How the hell had that gone from me catching her in a lie to her being pissed at me?



RACHEL GIGGLED AS I made my way down her neck. “I’m go

“Don’t care.” I nuzzled her throat and bit softly at the smooth skin. “Give me a little bit, I’ll be ready for round two.”

“You’re going to be late for inventory at the restaurant. And I don’t think I can go again, babe.”


“Ha! Uh, well, seeing as I woke up to one, and then you forced another one out of me right after . . . then as soon as we were done with breakfast you brought me back in here and I just had another two orgasms? No, I’m not a wimp, I’m just worn out, mister.”

I smiled wolfishly up at her and kissed her lips softly, loving how swollen they were from kissing. “Good. When we’re married, I’m go

She laughed loudly. “Really now? You’re going to make me stay home?”

I grunted some form of affirmation and said teasingly, “Go

“You’re ridiculous. And I refuse.”

“To marry me?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“To be your fifties wife. But I can’t wait to marry you.” Her eyes unfocused as she continued to run her hands through my hair.

“Rach? Hey.” When her blue eyes came back to me I rolled to the side and pulled her with me. “Where’d you just go?”

“Can we elope, Kash?”

That was definitely not what I was expecting when she’d just spaced out on me. “Why? Don’t you want the big wedding and the dress? Don’t you want the Jenkinses and your friends there?”

“No, I just want to marry you. Please? We can get married this weekend. Candice still won’t talk to me about it. I just feel like no one really wants us together except for us, and there’s no point in waiting.”

“That’s not true. My parents want us together.”