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I wanted whatever this was with him. I was tired of keeping him at arm’s length, and honestly, I didn’t know how we’d even lasted this long. As I went over the last couple months with him, it seemed so obvious that we were meant to be together and I could hardly remember why I’d told him we could only be friends.

Grabbing and putting on one of his old T-shirts, which hit me right at midthigh, I glanced at the top drawer that held all of his boxers and workout shorts but didn’t open it this time. Pulling my hair out of the bun, I ran my fingers through it and tried to give it some fluff before taking a deep breath in. My heart was already racing and my hands were shaking, and I was still alone in his room. Looking down at my bare legs, I made sure the shirt covered me enough and then almost laughed out loud at how ridiculous that thought was with what I wanted to do. Before I could change my mind, I turned off the light in his room and rounded the corner to the living room.

Kash was sitting on the couch, the room dark except for the glow from the TV. He was pressing buttons on the remote and turned to look at me, then did a double take. Through the light coming from the screen, I watched his eyes drift over me as I walked toward him. Without saying anything, I pulled the remote out of his hand and dropped it onto the coffee table before placing one knee on the couch, followed by the other so I was straddling him.

“Rachel . . . ,” he whispered, and looked down to where I was almost sitting on him before meeting my gaze.

I placed one hand on his chest and smiled softly when I felt his heart beating just as fast as mine. “I’m done playing this game, Kash. I’m done hiding.”

His hands cupped my cheeks as he continued to stare at me, and slowly—so slowly—he brought my face down to his and brushed my lips with his once . . . then twice, before pressing them firmly against my own. And just like the first time, I had the overwhelming feeling that I was exactly where I belonged.

Pulling away, he looked at me for a few heavy moments. “You’re sure?”

Hoping my actions would be answer enough, I lowered myself until I was sitting on his lap, his growing erection pressed firmly against my heat, and I almost moaned as I captured his mouth. Our lips moved against each other, and soon, his tongue was torturing mine in the sweetest way possible. I rocked against him, and the goose bumps came back full force when he moaned into my mouth. His hands left my cheeks, slowly sliding down my neck and breasts, his thumbs brushing over my hardened nipples before continuing down until he was grabbing my hips and pressing us closer together.

Our kisses started getting rougher, our breathing heavier as I continued to rock my hips against him. Ru

Kash leaned away and looked down at my legs as his hands made their journey back to my butt. A devilish grin flashed across his face before his lips made a trail up my throat as one hand came back around my hip to my thigh. “You’re not wearing anything under this shirt?” he asked softly against the sensitive skin behind my ear.

“Kash . . .” I pulled his head back to press my lips to his and pleaded, “Touch me.”

The hand on my thigh slowly trailed over and up but continued to stay just on the inside of my thigh. I started to lower myself, but the hand on my butt flew to my hip, and both hands squeezed to keep me where I was. An aggravated groan left me, and Kash laughed softly against my mouth.

“Be patient.”

He released his hold and I didn’t move as he dipped his head to suck on my breast through the shirt. The hand on the inside of my thigh went back to making lazy circles, each one bringing him closer to where I was aching for him. My breathing was getting rapid and I had to grab on to the back of the couch for support as he continued to tease me. I thought I would die if he didn’t touch me soon. Each circle on my thigh and teasing bite to my hard nipples had the heat in my stomach growing. My whole body was buzzing and I was so turned on I was afraid I’d fall apart the second he finally did touch me.

Just when I was about to start begging, his fingers trailed against my heat, his thumb stopping on the sensitive bud as his fingers teased my opening before he slid one inside me.

“Fuck, Rachel.” He growled and smashed our mouths together.

I kissed him with everything I had and whimpered when he added a second finger and started teasing my aching bud as he worked me slowly. The knot in my stomach tightened and I pressed harder into his hand as his fingers started going faster. I was so close. I broke off our kiss and tilted my head back as I rode his hand. Just before I went crashing over the edge, his hand was gone and my head snapped forward.

“Wha—” I broke off when I saw that devilish grin again. “You—I—why . . . stop teasing me!”

“Woman, I’m nowhere near done teasing you,” he said softly, and pressed his lips to mine.

I wanted it rough. I wanted his hand back on me, in me. And he was smiling at me like he knew I was seconds from screaming in frustration and kissing me soft as a feather.

“Enjoy that frustration for a bit.” He spoke around my lips and kissed me once before lifting me off him and standing up.

“What . . . just . . . what?!”

With a wink, he turned and walked into Mason’s room. I was going to kill him. Or cry. I couldn’t decide which. I knew as soon as my aggravation died down I was going to be mortified that I’d been that bold with him, and he’d spent countless minutes teasing me before finally giving me what I wanted, only to stop before it got to the best part. And why was he in Mason’s room?!

Shakily getting to my feet, I swallowed the rejection that had just hit me and turned toward Kash’s room to put some more clothes on. I didn’t care if Mason and Candice kept it up all night; I’d rather have sat in front of my apartment than let Kash know how much he’d just crushed me. Before I made it to his door, his arms were suddenly on me, turning me around and pushing me up against the wall. His mouth slammed down on mine and he pressed his hips into me. His hard-on against my stomach had my knees going weak again. But before I could get lost in the feelings he stirred up in me, I pushed against his chest and turned my head.


“You want to see what a little frustration will do?” he asked huskily as his fingers trailed against me before he slid two back inside me.

I moaned and my back arched off the wall as my body instantly reacted to his touch. The knot and heat were back and stronger than before, and I couldn’t talk anymore. I could hardly think, only feel. In less than a minute he had me right back to where I’d been on the couch, my body tensed, and I felt like I was suspended in air for torturous seconds before everything in me shattered and I couldn’t help the loud moan that escaped me.

Kash’s mouth was back on mine, swallowing my moans as he continued to work me through the most earth-shattering orgasm I’d ever experienced. My knees gave out and he caught me before I could crumple to the floor. Slowly, he pulled his fingers out of me and let them trail back against me; a whimper sounded in my throat when they ran across my overly sensitive area.

I took in a shaky breath and face-planted into his chest. Frustrated orgasms. Best. Ever.

He laughed out loud and the sound warmed my body. “C’mon, Rach.” As he lifted me into his arms, I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist and let him walk me toward his bed. When he set me down, he brought my head back, pushed some hair behind my ear, and cupped my cheek. My hands reached for the button on his low-slung jeans but he twisted away from me. “Don’t pout, woman.” Kissing my lips once, he pulled back again and looked me in the eye. “Tell me what’s going on with us, what you’re wanting, because I—Rachel, if we do this . . . I’m all in. I want all of you . . . need all of you. I won’t do what Candice and Mason are doing. If that’s what you want, I’m sorry, but I can’t give that to you.”