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Tyler told me he was bringing his friend to live with us, and that she was a girl. I’d remembered hearing her name over the years, but whenever he spoke about her, it seemed like they were only friends, so why did he hold her hand and kiss her damn cheek? I couldn’t even stop the growl that came from my throat when I saw it. Then freakin’ Bry

When Cassi first spoke, I had to force myself to breathe. Her voice was soft and melodic. It fit her perfectly. She was petite and even with how short she was, those legs in those shorts could make any guy fall on his knees and beg. I couldn’t stop thinking about how she’d feel in my arms, how she’d look in my truck or on my horse. And yeah, I’m not go

After Bry

“She’s mine, Gage. Let’s get that clear right now.”

Okay, so maybe I’d been a little more obvious than I’d thought. “Thought you said y’all were friends.”

“She’s my best friend, but you’ll see. She’s mine.”

I nodded and clapped his back, forcing my hand out of a fist. “I got you, man. Come on, let me get you a beer.”

As the night wore on, I continued to get closer and closer to where she was. I felt like a creep, trying to be near her, but I couldn’t stop it. I wanted to listen to her talk and laugh; I swear she sounded like an angel singing when she laughed. I almost groaned out loud—Angel singing? What the hell is wrong with me?

We were all sitting around the bonfire talking and drinking. I was just a few feet from Cassi when she got up to head over to Jackie. If it hadn’t been for what happened immediately after, I would have punched Jake in the face for touching her. With one hand he grazed the front of her thigh, and with the other he grabbed her ass, causing her to stumble and fall right into me, her beer soaking my shirt.

Her big eyes got even wider and she sucked in a quick gasp. “Oh God, I’m so sorry!” The sun was setting and it was getting darker, but I could perfectly see her blush. I’m pretty sure Cassi blushing was my new favorite thing.

I laughed and grabbed her small shoulders to steady her, not caring one bit about my shirt. “You all right?”

Her eyes focused on my lips, her teeth lightly sinking into her bottom one. I wanted to replace her teeth with mine and without realizing it, I started to lean forward. She blinked quickly and glanced up, then looked at Jake on my right. “I’m fine. I’m really sorry about your shirt.”

Aw hell, this isn’t normal. She’s said all of two sentences to me tonight and I was about to kiss her? “Don’t worry about it,” I murmured as she righted herself and continued toward Jackie, only to be quickly pulled away by Tyler as he spoke in her ear, his arms around her.

“Damn, when you said your cousin was bringing a chick, I wasn’t expecting her to be so hot,” Jake said.

“Jake, touch her again . . . see what fuckin’ happens.”

“Whoa, got it bad for your cousin’s girl already, huh? You go

I eyed Cassi in Ty’s arms and shook my head as I brought my beer up to take another long drink. “Nope.” Yes, yes, I am.

“Well, if you’re not, I sure as hell am.”

“Jake,” I growled.

“All right, all right. Chill, Gage. I won’t touch her and you heard her . . . she’s fine.” Jake leaned forward to grab another beer out of the ice chest and settled back into his chair, his eyes already off Cassi and onto Lanie.

After a quick glance to see Cassi and Tyler still quietly talking, I got up and walked back to where all the trucks were parked. I took my wet shirt off and hung it off the bed of my truck before grabbing a clean one out of the backseat. When I turned around, Tyler was walking up to me.

“I’m real glad you’re here, bro,” I said.

“Me too.” He took a long drink out of his can before setting it down on the tailgate. “We couldn’t get here fast enough. Cali was really starting to wear on me; I was ready for someplace new. And hey, I know I’ve said this, but I appreciate you letting us room with you. I know you could’ve had anyone share your apartment with you, and he probably wouldn’t have brought a girl with him.”

“Don’t worry about it, you’re family. To be honest, I was kinda surprised when you said you were coming to Austin to go to school with me. After you started refusing to come to the ranch with Aunt Steph and Uncle Jim the last few years, I just figured you didn’t like us much anymore.”

“Nah, it had nothing to do with you. I just hated leaving Cassi behind. Sorry I made you think that though.”

I took a deep breath, reminding myself Cassi had followed him to Texas. “Really? I don’t get it, Ty, you said she was a friend. Then she follows you here, and now you’re saying you wouldn’t come visit because you didn’t want to leave her? How come you never just told me how it really was with y’all?”

“It’s complicated; we really were just friends. But she needed me; I couldn’t just leave her. And I’m in love with her, man.”

Holy hell. I felt like someone had just knocked the air outta me. How was I already so into this girl that it physically hurt to think of her being with Ty? With anyone, for that matter? Seriously. This was not. Fucking. Normal. “What do you mean she needed you?”

Tyler sighed and shook his head. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”

We both looked up when we heard girls squealing and splashing. Some of the guys were throwing them into the lake, and I couldn’t stop myself from going to Jake when he picked Cassi up and threw her over his shoulder. My hands were already balled into fists for when he put her down. Her long hair was hiding her face as she pounded her little hands on his back.

“Put me down! I’m not wearing a suit!” She sounded so determined for a little thing that I almost smiled. Almost. “I’m serious, put me down!”

“Jake, I told you not to touch her. Put her down.” I was standing right behind them then. Cassi grabbed the top of his jeans to push herself up and look at me, but Jake turned so he was now facing me. She was trying to kick him as well and his hands high up on her thighs had my hands fisting again.

“Come on, Gage.” He sounded a

“She doesn’t want to—” Jake slid her down, causing her shirt to ride up high on her back. I choked on my next words, and at least two other people gasped behind me. WHAT THE HELL?!

Tyler grabbed Cassi and started pulling her away. He looked at her sympathetically, and when his eyes met mine they looked worried. Cassi’s face was bright red again and her lips were smashed together tight as she let Tyler lead her to his Jeep.

Jake looked at me like I was insane; if it wasn’t for the other guys having the same reaction, I woulda felt like it too. I turned and followed Tyler and Cassi to the Jeep, waiting until I was sure no one could hear us. “What the hell did I just see?”

Tyler helped her into the Jeep before going to the driver’s side and opening up his own door. Cassi was looking straight ahead, her jaw still clenched.

“Ty, man, what was that?”

“Nothing. We’ll see you whenever you get back to the apartment.”

“That wasn’t nothing!”

He sighed and stepped away from the door, leaning close so she couldn’t hear him. “Look, we were trying to avoid something like this, but since you already saw, I’ll explain it later. But this is exactly what I was getting her away from, so I’m going to take her back to the apartment now if you don’t mind.”