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“Of course, find me whenever you get tired, room—”

“I know, Chase, room’s locked. Like always. I’ll find you later, I gotta go find Harper.”

Harper . . . what the hell kind of name is Harper? Sheltered girl named Harper, I already felt bad for my sister. I laughed softly as I continued to walk toward the hallway; after looking up and down it and not finding her, I went back out toward the kitchen to look for her there.

“Hey there, handsome.”

My brow scrunched as I turned to look at who had just whispered in my ear but relaxed when I saw her. “Natalie. How was your summer?”

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and leaned close. “It was fine, spent most of it with my boyfriend.”

I nodded and kissed right below her ear. “And how is he?”

“Not here.”


Her body pressed even closer to mine. “Isn’t it? I was thinking since I’m just so upset about that, you should help me enjoy tonight.”

My fingers trailed under her shirt and against her hot skin, “Bathroom?”

“Where else?” She laughed low and took my other hand as we turned to go one of the bathrooms on the hall I’d just been.

We’d turned the last corner when a little blur smashed into me and began falling backward from the impact. My arms had automatically gone out to steady her, and I instantly recognized the auburn hair moments before the gray eyes met mine.

“I’m so sorry, I—” Her mouth snapped shut, and her gorgeous eyes narrowed.

I couldn’t help but smile at her; she looked like a fierce little kitten the way she was glowering at me. Her eyes lost their anger, and her cheeks reddened slightly as her eyes locked on my lips. I doubt she realized she had pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and was currently biting on that perfectly full, soft-looking lip. I tilted my head to the side and smirked at her; I knew that look. Hell yeah. This was go

She blinked rapidly, and a determined look came over her face as she tried to get out of my grasp. No way in hell was I letting her leave yet.

“What, you’re too good to tell me?”

Her expression deadpa

Excuse me?Who the hell doesthis girl think she is?She’s going to look at me and talk to me like that at my party in my house? She was looking at me like she was royalty, and I was some peasant in her way. I let go of her and crossed my arms over my chest, but for the life of me, I couldn’t tell if I was more pissed off or intrigued. I’d had a girl thank me for letting her blow me earlier, and this girl wouldn’t even give me her name? “Excuse me, Princess?”

Those eyes turned into damn thunderclouds as she roughly shouldered her way past me. “You’re right, excuse me.”

I stood there stu

“On or over?” she asked, and was already reaching for the button on her shorts.

That’s what I liked about Natalie. No bullshit with her. Just sex. She had a guy back home, and I didn’t want a relationship. “Over.” I pulled a condom out of my wallet and shed my pants and boxer briefs before rolling it on. Natalie was already bent over the countertop, and I didn’t waste any time.

We both groaned when I slammed into her; I kept one hand on her hip, the other went to her shoulder. I looked at the long blond hair falling across her back and onto the countertop, and my eyes shut as images of auburn hair filled my head. What is it about that girl? I’d seen her for all of three minutes, and already she was consuming my mind this way? Why? She was disgusted with me . . . that was more than apparent. That had to be it. I was used to this, used to tonight. The blonde earlier, the redhead in the kitchen, and now Natalie. I wasn’t used to insignificant girls not wanting me. And she had no idea how bad that was for her. It just made the challenge that much better. I would get her. And I would enjoy breaking her heart. I almost smiled to myself, but then flashes of her wide, i

“Hell, Chase,” she said roughly, her breathing ragged.

“I’m sorry.” I took a deep breath in and released her before sliding out.

“Why are you apologizing—that was—just holy crap.”

I wanted to ask what else she expected. But I hadn’t even lasted four minutes and had been so lost in a gray-eyed princess that I don’t even remember it. “Get dressed, Natalie.”

After pulling on my own clothes and waiting for her to situate herself, I unlocked the door and led us back into the hall. Without another word, I let go of her and went toward my room in another part of the house. Once I was locked in, I groaned into my hands. What the hell just happened? Why had I pictured her in that way? Sex only, making love never. Those images had definitely been me making love to her, and how was I already getting hard again thinking about this? And about her, especially? That’s it, it’s official . . . there’s something wrong with my dick. She’s a challenge, yeah, but that’s all.

Shutting my eyes tightly, I tried to think about anything other than her and those fucking mesmerizing eyes, but nothing was helping. With a frustrated groan, I shot off the bed and dug around my desk until I found my latest sketchpad. I focused on some pieces I was working on for myself, as well as my buddy Brian at the shop, and tried to push that girl out of my mind. And no, the fact that I hid the word “princess” within the design I wanted to complete my right sleeve had nothing to do with her or the fact that I couldn’t stop thinking about her. At all. Fuck. I slammed my sketchpad shut and shoved it into my desk.

I stretched my arms and back before leaving my room and locking the door behind me. I’d almost gotten to the end of the hallway when I heard Drew’s loud slur.

“YYYEEEAAAH, Bree and fresh meat are sleeping over tonight!”

I figured “fresh meat” was Bree’s new roommate and felt bad for once again forgetting to meet her. I needed to make sure my sister wasn’t going to be rooming with some crazy person. When I got into the living room, Bree was over taking shots with Drew and Zach, and there, standing near the doors to the backyard, was my gray-eyed princess. This better be a fucking mistake.

Plastering a smile on my face, I couldn’t help but embrace the images that were now burned into my mind, “Well, well. If it isn’t the princess.”

She froze when she heard me, and as she turned to look at me, her eyes narrowed, and the fakest smile I’ve ever seen crossed her face. “I almost didn’t recognize you without a tramp attached.”

Seriously, who the hell doesshe think she is? I leaned close and whispered harshly in her ear, “Would you like to change that? I’m not up to my limit tonight yet.”

The princess leaned away, and her eyes went wide, “Oh, I’m sorry, but I don’t have any STDs, I’m not your type.”

Bree started choking, and I knew I should make sure she was okay, but my jaw had dropped, and I couldn’t stop staring at his frustrating girl. “Chase, you better stay away from my roommate. I told the guys she’s off-limits.”

I cringed at Bree’s words. Not a mistake. This really was her roommate.