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I shrugged and began walking out of the kitchen. “I’ll take that as a no.” He was breathing heavily and obviously trying to talk himself out of this fight, but I needed it. I still hate that he has her, and I need the reminder that I never will. “Looks like you’re underperforming, brother. Better step your game up before she stays in my bed for good. ’Cause those moans and little noises she makes? God . . . sweetest fuckin’ thing you’ve ever heard.”

Brandon was already rounding the island before I’d finished with the last sentence, but this time I was ready for him. He was a skilled fighter, yeah. But this wasn’t the ring he was used to, this was over a girl I knew he had fallen in love with just as much as I had; so he wasn’t thinking strategy. He just wanted to hit something. And that’s exactly what I’d been hoping for. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and slammed me up against the wall. I’d been expecting a blow to the head, but he smashed his fist against the wall near my head instead.

“I will end you if you touch her! Stay the hell away, Chase!”

I waited until he took a step back before landing one on his jaw. Payback. “Sorry, no can do.”

He slowly looked back up at me, worked his jaw a couple times, and spit blood in my face. “You can, and you will. She’s mine. I’m not doing this with you; you’re like a brother to me.” Brandon took a step back and shook his head before turning toward his hallway.

“No wonder she comes ru

He froze midstep and stayed like that for a couple seconds before turning and charging at me. He plowed into me, and I felt like all the air was knocked out of me from having him land on top of me. Before I could take a deep enough breath, he rolled off and punched me hard in the stomach.

“Stay. Away. From Harper!”

“Not my fault—” I wheezed and tried to take a deep breath—“you can’t make her—scream your name.”

Just as Brandon leaned back to deliver another punch, arms were around him and pulling him back. He turned and kicked my side as Derek and Drew pulled him away. “We are done! You hear me?”

I struggled up and winced at the pain in my stomach. God, these guys really need to quit stopping the fights. Brandon ripped his arms from the guys and scrambled up quickly before Zach was there, helping the first two keep him back, and Brad was in my face, pushing me toward my hall.

“You’re such an ass, Chase. Why can’t you just leave him alone?”

“Because he’s with my entire world.”

Chapter Six

“WHAT ARE YOU working on today?” Princess leaned over the back of the couch to look at my sketchpad.

I flipped it onto my stomach so the drawings were covered and turned to smile at her; her face was so close to mine, I could smell the mint from her gum, and it took everything in me not to lean in and taste her.

“Hey now! That’s not nice. Is this one top secret?”

“Maybe, or maybe I just don’t want you looking at my drawings.” Not true, the way her face had lit up as she spent time going over every single one of my pieces from the sketchbooks I had at my parents’ had made me fall in love with her that much more.

How she hadn’t figured out I was a tattoo artist yet made me laugh at the time, but I was glad I got to see her reaction, glad that she was fascinated rather than disgusted. I wasn’t bringing in money like Brandon, and while I loved what I did, I know some people looked down on it. Instead, the biggest smile I’ve ever seen crossed her face, and her stormy eyes got even wider when I brought down the sketchpads, and she’d spent hours going through them.

“Seriously? Rude.” Her fingers came up to just behind my collarbone, and I swiftly moved from under her hands and knelt on the couch so I was facing her and pressing her hands down into the cushion.

“Now that’s not nice. Your pressure-point training isn’t fair.”

“It’s perfectly fair! It’s the only way I can win at anything around you guys! All any of you have to do is pick me up, and it’s over.”

I raised an eyebrow at her seconds before I let go of her hands, grabbed her waist, and hauled her over the couch. She gasped, and I could tell she was getting ready to let me have it. Those hands of hers went up to hit another point I’m sure, but I let my body stretch out on top of hers, and her mouth snapped shut, her hands stilled on my chest. I leaned in close to whisper not even an inch above her lips. “Good girl. Now, if you’re done trying to hurt me, I’m go

She nodded, and I sat up and prayed she didn’t notice my hard-on. I picked the sketchpad up off the floor and got comfortable. Harper stood up, but I grabbed her hand and brought her ass right back next to mine, keeping my eyes fixed on the pad of paper on my lap.

“I said I was going back to what I was working on, not that I was ready for you to leave my side.”

“Chase, I’m just going to—”

“Sit here with me.”

Even though I was still grabbing one of her hands, the other came up to our joined hands, and she started nervously playing with her fingers. “So it’s okay if I watch you?”

I finally looked up into her wide gray eyes, and said softly, “ ‘Okay’ is an understatement. Please don’t leave.”

Her only response was to remove her hand from mine, bring her legs up onto the couch, and rest her chin on her knees as her gaze went to the pad of paper. They widened even more, and her face lit up. God, I seriously loved her reactions to my work.

Bree walked in as soon as I started back drawing, and I was glad she hadn’t come in while I was lying on top of Harper. I could only imagine how that would have gone over. “We’re having a movie day since it’s all stormy outside. Any requests?”

Princess shook her head as she studied the latest piece, and I smiled. “Whatever you pick is fine, I’ll be working.”

Mom and Dad walked in with bowls of popcorn, and the three of them went about deciding what to watch first. Harper’s eyes never left the paper; I’d have to draw something for her one of these days.

Harper fell asleep just minutes into the second movie, and I knew I should get down on the floor so she could lie down, but having her right next to me for the last couple hours had been more than perfect, and I only got her for one day out of the week; I wasn’t about to give that up. I grabbed the pillow next to me and put it on my left leg before gently pulling her down. She went easily and immediately curled up against me. Her arms and legs were covered in goose bumps, so I took the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over her. She grabbed at it subconsciously and pulled it tighter around her before stretching out and drifting back off. She looked so beautiful when she slept, and I wished I hadn’t wasted time that first night with her, I wish I had woken up so I could watch her just like this. I could spend every early morning for the rest of my life watching her sleep, and it still wouldn’t be enough.

One of her hands came out from under the blanket to grip the pillow, and the blanket slid down to just under her perfect breasts. I almost covered her back up since I knew she’d been cold, but I let my gaze travel up her throat to her face; her mouth was barely open, those incredibly long eyelashes I loved were resting against her cheeks, and her long hair was falling wildly around her face, shoulders, and chest. I knew I’d never forget this moment, but I never wanted to forget exactly how she looked that very second. I flipped the page on my sketchpad and took a deep breath before starting to replicate everything that was my princess. I just hoped she didn’t wake up and freak out about this.