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Отдельная реальность [A Separate Reality] (1971).
Путешествие в Икстлаи [Journey to Ixtian] (1972).
Сказки о силе [Tales of Power] (1974).
Второе кольцо силы [The Second Ring of Power] (1977).
Дар орла [The Eagle’s Gift] (1981).
Огонь изнутри [The Fire From Within] (1984).
Сила безмолвия [The Power of Silence] (1987).
Искусство сновидения [The Art of Dreaming] (1993).
Активная сторона бесконечности [The Active Side of Infinity] (1997).
Колесо Времени [The Wheel of Time] (1998).
Магические пассы: практическая мудрость шаманов древней Мексики [Magical Passes of the Sorcerers of Ancient Mexico] (1998).
Corvalan, Graciela, Magical Blend № 14, "А conversation with the elusive Carlos Castaneda".
Corvalan, Graciela, Magical Blend № 15, "Carlos Castaneda, part II".
Burton, Sandra, Time Magazine, "Magic and Reality". 1973.
Corvalan, Graciela, "Der Weg der Toltekcn — Ein Gesprdch init Carlos Castaneda", Fischer, 1987.
Fort, Carmina, "Conversationes con Carlos Castaneda". Madrid (Spain), 1991.
Keen, Sam, Psychology Today, "Sorcerer's Apprentice". 1975.
Leviton, Richard, Yoga Journal, March/April 1994 № 115, "The Art of Dreaming", gopher: //gopher.intcrnet.com: 2100/1 l/collectcd/yoga
Thompson, Keith, New Age Journal, March/April 1994, "Carlos Castaneda Speaks: Portrait of a Sorcerer", http: //www.holysmoke.org/ fem/fem0427.htm
Wagner, Bruce, Details, March 1994, "The Secret Life of Carlos Castaneda: You Only Live Twice".
Интервью и статьи
Карлос Кастанеда. Лекции и интервью. — М.: София, 2006.
Fort, Carmina. Conversationes con Carlos Castaneda. — Madrid, 1991 (отчет о встречах Кармины Форт с Карлосом Кастанедой в 1988 году, в котором делается попытка прояснить некоторые противоречивые вопросы вокруг личности последнего, например, с журналом TIME. (На русском языке: Форт К. Беседы с Карлосом Кастанедой // Карлос Кастанеда. Лекции и интервью. — М.: София, 2006).
Shabono: A Visit to a Remote and Magical World in the South American Rain Forest by Florinda Do
Being-In-Dreaming: An Initiation into the Sorcerers’ World by Florinda Do
The Sorcerers Crossing by Taisha Abelar first published in 1992 in hard back (1993).
The Witch’s Dream by Florinda Do
The Soul of Shamanism: Western Fantasies, Imaginal Realities (New York: Continuum, 1997) by Daniel C. Noel.
Robert J. Wallis, Shamans/neo-Shamans: Ecstasy, Alternative Archaeologies and Contemporary Pagans. London: Routledge, 2003.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice: My Life with Carlos Castaneda by Amy Wallace (2003).
The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception — The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus by Lujan Matus (2005).
The Four Yogas Of Enlightenment: Guide To Don Juan’s Nagualism & Esoteric Buddhism by Edward Plotkin (2002).
Encounters with the Nagual: Conversations with Carlos Castaneda by Armando Torres (2002) Spanish (2004).
"Awakened Imagination" by Neville Goddard heavily influenced the work of Castaneda.
Alice Kehoe, Shamans and Religion: An Anthropoligical Exploration in Critical Thinking. 2000. London: Waveland Press.
The Don Juan Papers: Further Castaneda Controversies by Richard de Mille (1973).
Carlos Castaneda: Academic Opportunism and the Psychedelic Sixties by Jay Courtney Hikes (1993).
Carlos Castaneda e a Fresta entre os Mundos: Vislumbres da Filosofia Anahuacah no Seculo XXI (Carlos Castaneda and the Crack Between the Worlds: Glimpses of Anahuacah Philosophy in Century XXI) by Luis Carlos de Morais Junior (2012).