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16. The Guardian (London), 1 June 1995.

17. Newsweek, 23 September 1996, 57.

18. Radford, London Review of Books, 16.

19. Hansson, Mars and the Development, 45.

20. Paul Davis, The Guardian (London), 1 June 1995.

21. Quoted in Quest for Knowledge (Chester), October 1996, 6.

22. Daily Telegraph (London), 24 May 1997.

23. The Sunday Times (London), 3 November 1996.

24. Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), 26 December 1996.

25. The Sunday Times (London), March 1997.

26. Times (London), 9 June 1997.

27. Ibid.

28. Hansson, Mars and the Development, xiii.

29. Daily Mail (London), 1 November 1996.

30. Daily Mail (London), 8 August 1996.

31. Times (London), 8 August 1996.

32. National Academy of Sciences briefing to Vice President A1 Gore, 11 December 1996.

33. Daily Mail (London), 8 August 1996.

34. Times (London), 8 August 1996.

35. Times (London), 9 June 1997.

36. Daniel Goldin, quoted in Space/light 38 (October 1996): 328.

37. Hieronimus and Co. Newsletter 1:8—10,2, Owings Mills, Md.

43. Astronomy Notv, October 1996, 39–42.

44. «Mars Dossier», Focus (1996), 90.

45. Spaceflight 38 (October 1996): 327; Times (London), 9 August 1996.

46. Writing in Spaceflight 38 (October 1996): 328.

47. The Sunday Times (London), March 1997.

48. Ibid.

49. Bartholemew Nagy, quoted in Hieronimus and Co. Newsletter, 1:8—10,1.

50. Nagy, quoted in Nature, 20 July 1989.

51. «Mars as the Parent Body of the Cl Carbonaceous Chondrites», Geophysical Research Letters, 1 May 1996. Cited in Hieronimus and Co. Newsletter, 6.

52. Hieronimus and Co. Newsletter, 4.

53. Ibid., 1.

54. Ibid.

55- Daily Mail (London), 30 August 1996.1

56. Spaceflight 38 (October 1996): 328.

57. Ibid.

58. Hieronimus and Co. Newsletter, 5.

1. Miller and Orgel, quoted in Hansson, Mars and Development, 38.

2. Ibid., 77–78.

3. Ibid., 37.

4. Ibid.

5. Percival Moore, quoted in Patrick Moore, New Guide to the Planets, (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1993), 99—100.

6. Лоуэлл в 1894 году был первым астрономом, подробно обсудившим тему «волны затемнения».

7. Encyclopaedia Brita

8. Cattermole, Mars, 192; Encyclopaedia Brita

9. Encyclopaedia Brita

10. Cattermole, Mars, 161.

11. Ibid, 161.

12. Encyclopaedia Brita

13. Ibid.

14. Cattermole, Mars, 23–24.

15. Ibid, 91–94.

16. Kim Stanley Robinson, Green Mars, quoted in Clarke, Snows of Olympus, 55.

17. Cattermole, Maw, 104.

18. Ibid, 23, 72.

19. Ibid, 72.

20. Ibid, 23–24; Murray, Malin, Ronald Greely, Earthlike Planets (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1981), 297.

21. Cattermole, Mars, 30; Encyclopaedia Brita

22. Cattermole, Mars, 30.

23. Ibid, 134.

24. Ibid, 32.

25. Ibid, 22.

26. Ibid.

27. Ibid, 22, 72.

28. Ibid, 22,27.

29. Donald W. Patten and Samuel L. Windsor, The Scars of Mars (Seattle: Pacific Meridien Publishing, 1996), 12; Cattermole, Mars, 27.

30. Patten and Windsor, The Scars of Mars, 12.

31. Ronald Greely, Planetary Landscapes (New York: Chapman and Hall,1994), 155.

32. Giuseppe Filotto, The Face on Mars, 150. См. также Cattermole, Mars, 25.

33. Filotto, Face on Mars (Gardenview, South Africa: Exact Print, 1995), 150.

34. Cattermole, Mars, 60.

35. Greely, Planetary Landscapes, 175.

36. Melosh and Vickery quoted in John and Mary Gribbin, Fire on Earth: In Search of the Doomsday Asteroid (London and New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996), 77.

37. Ibid., 76.

38. Ibid, 79.

39. Hansson, Mars and the Development, 68ff.

40. Scientific American, November 1996.

41. Di Pietro and Molenaar, Unusual Martian, 60ff.

42. Ibid.

43. Carr, et al. An Exobiological Strategy for Mars Exploration, NASA, January 1995.

44. Ibid, 8–9.

45. Cattermole, Mars, 32.

46. Scientific American, November 1996.

47. Victor Baker and Daniel Milton, «Erosion by Catastrophic Floods on Mars and Earth», Icarus 23 (1974): 27–41.

48. Cattermole, Mars, 198.

49. Scientific American, November 1996.

50. Charleston Gazette, 8 July 1997.

51. Ibid.

52. Cattermole, Mars, 198; Murray, Malin, Greely, Earthlike Planets, 277–286.

5 3. Hansson, Mars and the Development, 41.

54. Ibid.

55- Ibid.

56. See chapter 2.

57. Cattermole, Mars, 130.

58. Astronomy Now, October 1996, 45–46.

59. Greely, Planetary Landscapes, 185.

60. Cattermole, Mars, 198; Greely, Planetary Landscapes, 185.

61. Координаты Сидонии см. Hoagland, Monuments of Mars, 16.

62. Hieronymous and Co. Newsletter, 14, 16.

1. К примеру, см. Gribbin, Fire on Earth, 74–75.

2. Encyclopaedia Brita

3. Cattermole, Mars, 191.

4. Carr, et al., Exobiological Survey, 233–234.

5. William K. Hartma

6. George E. McGill and Steven W. Squires, «Origin of the Martian Crustal Dichotomy: Evaluating Hypotheses», Icarus 93 (1991): 386.

7. Ibid., Cattermole, Mars, 191.

8. Carr, et al., Exobiological Survey, 233–234.

9. Hartma

10. McGill and Squires, «Origin», 391.

11. Hartma

12. L. A. Soderblom, C. D. Condit, et al., «Martian Planetwide Crater Distributions: Implications for Geologic History and Surface Processes», Icarus 22 (1974): 240.

13. Насколько нам известно, первыми серьезными исследователями этой проблемы были Паттен и Виндзор. См. Patten and Windsor, Scars of Mars.

14. D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair, When the Earth Nearly Died: Compellingßvidence of a Catastrophic World Change, 9500 B.C. (Bath, England: Gateway Books, 1995), 230.

15. Patten and Windsor, Scars of Mars, 18–19.

16. Ibid. См. также Patten and Windsor, The Recent Organization of the Solar System (Seattle: Pacific Meridien Publishing, 1997).

17. Icarus 36 (1978): 51–74.

18. Ibid., 51.

19. Greely, Planetary Landscapes, 155.

20. Patten and Windsor, Scars of Mars, 19–21.