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The Emperor perked up, took another spoonful of soup, then said, “Rich mining interests, substantial holdings. And Omak Péle was so proud of his luxurious foldspace barge — I want that brought here, refitted, marked with the Corrino crest.” He grumbled. “It’s a start, at least. But I still want Lord Péle found — people shouldn’t be allowed to run away from justice in my Imperium.”

Dorotea added, “For what it’s worth, Sire, Empress Tabrina is i

The Emperor frowned, seemingly disappointed by the news.

With a sigh, Roderick said, “I just lost my daughter, Salvador, and enough is enough. It is not fitting that Tabrina should lose her father, too. House Péle was a valuable political asset when you secured your throne, and now you have everything.”

“I am the Emperor. I’m supposed to have everything.” Salvador pondered for a long moment, wrestling with his dissatisfaction, and finally he looked up. “And you think this is a good solution?”

“I do. It demonstrates that you are firm, but not vindictive. It’s the mark of a true leader.”

Salvador sighed. “Very well, brother, it is my command that the assets of Omak Péle are forfeit. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Chapter 28 (With the right tools and proper concentration)

With the right tools and proper concentration, we can unlock secrets hiding within the human mind. Unfortunately, some of those secrets are better left sealed away.

— GILBERTUS ALBANS, Mentat Doctrines

Erasmus observed his subject, conversed with her, and instructed her. Now that he finally had the grudging permission of Gilbertus, he wanted to spend every moment studying the puzzle of A

Unfortunately, the young woman had her routine class exercises, and, being human, she also required sleep. The independent robot had no such biological frailty; he possessed sufficient energy to concentrate, discuss, and analyze all day long, but Erasmus could detect when the young woman’s energy reserves were being depleted.

Through the spy-eyes he saw that A

How he wished he could interact with her directly, though, in a personal and tactile way. Gilbertus had had ample time to find Erasmus a permanent artificial body, but he’d been unable, or unwilling, to do so. He didn’t understand why his ward would stall. Had he not served Gilbertus extremely well as a paternal presence and mentor? Surely even the Headmaster wanted more than a conversational companion. Erasmus could well imagine how much he’d accomplish in his experiments if he were more than a disembodied voice in A

Erasmus mused about how A

Late at night, when A

As A

When he realized that A

“I know you’re tired. Reshaping your mind and learning so much history is a wearisome process. But it’s important for your development.”

A year ago, he had eavesdropped while one of Gilbertus’s old students, Sister Karee Marques from Rossak, gave the Headmaster a new thought-focusing drug. Sapho, she’d called it, a distillation from the barrier roots on Ecaz, and she thought it might prove useful for Mentat trainees. Erasmus knew where the drug was kept and had ideas about how it might be used.

“There’s something I want you to try,” he said to A

“Let’s consider it our special little experiment,” Erasmus said. “I think it’s exactly what you need.”

ANNA CORRINO GLIDED along the corridors of the Mentat School, flitting through shadows — she found it thrilling, like when she used to sneak off to meet Hirondo Nef. Now she felt as if she were on an espionage operation, a character from one of the stories she’d read with Lady Ore

She missed Ore

Recalling the assignment from her secret friend, A

No one challenged her as she moved toward the medical dispensary near the dissection labs, and A

Sapho. A mind-enhancing drug, a catalyst that could help make her thoughts clear and normal again. A

In the back of her mind, questions kept nagging at her … not quite another voice, simply concerns that emerged from her own brain. If this was a new and untested drug, how did the friendly voice know it would help? How did that voice know so many details about her past, about her secrets? Who was he? He seemed to be an expert on any topic she could imagine, though, and A