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The sky didn’t lighten much as morning ticked on. Clouds blew in, gray and thick, so thick that Thomas wouldn’t have had any idea of the time if it weren’t for his watch.

Clouds. Last time that had happened…

Maybe this storm wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe.

Once they left the dense pack of dead trees, they didn’t pause. An obvious trail led toward the valley below, switching back and forth like a jagged scar on the mountain face. Thomas estimated it would take a couple of hours just to get to the bottom-ru

The three agreed they’d hike quickly but safely, then book it once they were on flat land. They started down-Aris, then Thomas, then Teresa. The dark clouds churned above them as wind gusted in seemingly every direction. Just as Aris had said, Thomas could see two separate packs of people in the desert below-his Glader friends, not far from the base of the mountain, then Group B, maybe a mile or two farther out.

Once again Thomas was relieved, and his step felt lighter as he made his way.

After the third switchback, Teresa spoke up from behind him. “So, guess I’ll start the story from where we left off.”

Thomas just nodded. He couldn’t believe how good he felt physically-his stomach miraculously full, the pain from being beaten up gone, fresh air and brisk wind to make him feel alive. He had no idea what was in that gas he’d breathed, but it seemed far from poisonous. Still, his mistrust of Teresa itched at him; he didn’t want to be overly nice.

“It all started right when we were talking to each other in the middle of the night-that very first one right after the rescue from the Maze. I was kind of half asleep and then these people were in my room, all dressed fu

“Serious?” Thomas asked over his shoulder. They sounded just like the people he’d seen after being shot.

“Freaked me out-and I tried calling to you, but it suddenly cut out. The telepathy thing, I mean. I don’t know how I knew, but it just vanished. From then until now it’s only come and gone in spurts.”

Then she spoke in his mind. You can hear me perfectly now, right?

Yeah. Did you and Aris really talk while we were in the Maze?


She trailed off, and when Thomas looked back at her, she had a worried look on her face.

What’s wrong? he asked, turning his attention back to the trail before he did something stupid like trip and go tumbling down the mountain.

I don’t wa

“Go-” He stopped himself before he said it out loud. Go into what?

Teresa didn’t answer.

Thomas tried as hard as he could to shout inside her mind. Go into what!

She stayed silent a few seconds longer before finally answering.

Yeah, he and I have been talking since I first showed up in the Glade. Mostly while I was in that stupid coma.


It took every ounce of Thomas’s willpower not to stop and turn toward her. What? Why didn’t you tell me about him back in the Maze? As if he needed another reason to dislike either of them.

“Why’d you guys stop talking?” Aris suddenly asked. “You yappin’ about me in those pretty little heads of yours?” Impossibly, he didn’t seem the least bit sinister at all anymore. It was almost as if everything that had happened back in the dead forest had been a creation of Thomas’s imagination.

Thomas let out a heavy breath that had been building in his lungs. “I can’t believe this. You two’ve been-” He stopped, realizing that maybe he wasn’t so surprised after all. He’d seen Aris in the splotchy memories of his most recent dream. He was a part of this, whatever this was. And the way they’d acted toward each other in that brief recall seemed to say they were on the same side. Used to be, anyway.

“Shuck it,” Thomas finally said. “Just keep talking.”

“All right,” Teresa said. “There’s a lot of stuff to explain, so from now on just keep quiet and listen. Got it?”

Thomas’s legs were starting to burn from their steady pace on the slope. “Okay, but… how do you know when you’re talking to me and when you’re talking to him? How does that work?”

“It just does. That’s like me asking how you know when you’re telling your right leg to move and when you’re telling your left leg to move. I just… know. It’s built into my brain somehow.”

“We’ve done it, too, man,” Aris said. “Don’t you remember?”

“Of course I remember,” Thomas muttered, a

Too many questions. Too many shuck questions, all without answers. “All right,” he finally said. “I’ll keep my mouth and brain shut. Keep going.”

“We can talk about Aris and me later. I don’t even remember what we spoke about-I lost almost everything when I woke up. Our comas had to be part of the Variables, so maybe we could communicate just so we wouldn’t go crazy. I mean, we were part of setting it all up, right?”

“Setting it all up?” Thomas asked. “I don’t-”

Teresa reached forward and swatted him on the back. “Thought you were go

“Yeah,” Thomas grumbled.

“Anyway, these people came into my room dressed in those creepy outfits and my telepathy with you cut off. I was scared and only half awake. Part of me thought it was just a bad nightmare. Then the next thing I knew, they put something over my mouth that smelled horrible and then I passed out. When I woke up I was lying in a bed in a different room and a bunch of people were sitting in chairs on the opposite side of this weird glass wall. I couldn’t see it until I touched it-almost like a force field or something.”

“Yeah,” Thomas said. “We had something like that, too.”

“So then they started talking to me. That’s when they told me this whole plan of what Aris and I had to do to you-and they expected me to tell him. By, you know, speaking in his mind, even though he was now with your group. Our group. Group A. They took me from my room and sent me to be with Group B; then they told us about the mission to the safe haven, about having the Flare. We were scared, confused, but we had no choice. We went through these underground tu

Thomas thought about the sketchy memories he’d had in his dreams. Something told him he’d known that a scenario like this might need to happen before he ever went to the Glade and the Maze. He had a hundred questions to ask Teresa, but decided to hold back for a little while longer.

They turned at another switchback; then Teresa continued. “I only know two things for sure. One, they said that if I did anything against their plan they’d kill you. Said they ‘had other options,’ whatever that means. The second thing I know is that the reason for all this was that you had to truly and absolutely feel betrayed. The whole purpose of what we did to you was to ensure that that happened.”

Again Thomas thought of the memories. He and Teresa had both used the word patterns right before he left her. What did it mean?

“So?” Teresa asked after they’d walked in silence for a while.

“So… what?” Thomas replied.

“So what do you think?”

“That’s it? That’s your whole explanation? I’m supposed to feel all happy now?”