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She closes her eyes briefly. I imagine her counting to ten in her head. When she opens them, she turns to face a tall, shirtless bald guy stalking toward her.

“What do you want, Dante?”

“Are you seriously giving me attitude right now? You’re supposed to be in the Arena at the table full of Westies. The other girls are already there but they’re asking for you.”

Freedom rolls her eyes at this hulking man covered in tats, towering at least six inches over her. “Why are you even doing business with them? I told you, they’re idiots.”

“Idiots with deep pockets. Get in there.”

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Freedom, I’m not dealing with you tonight. Get in there now.”

I hold my breath as I watch his hands, worried he’ll hit her soon. I’ve seen women treated worse than that and this one is pushing the limits. Inside, I’m begging her to just go.

“Dante,” she says quietly, her accent becoming more pronounced. Less sweet. “If you tell me to get in there one more time, I will cut you. Do you understand me? I will cut you so deep your grandma in the grave will feel it. Now, I said I’ll be there in a minute and I meant it.”

Dante shakes his head, a harsh breath coming out his nose, but I see his mouth twitch at the corners. “One minute.”

“Isn’t that what I said?”

“You’re insane.”

“Get out of here.”

He turns to leave, shouting over his shoulder, “Fifty seconds!”

“Unbelievable,” Freedom mutters. She turns to Ryan. “You better get to that meeting. You know where to go?”

“Yeah, unfortunately.”

She pats him affectionately on the shoulder as she steps past him. “You need anything, you come find me, alright?”

“Thanks, Freedom.”

“Thirty seconds!”

“Oh, Grandma Jean is go

Ryan looks at me, his face tense. “You could wait out here. Trent could stay with you.”

“You shouldn’t go in there alone,” Trent tells him.

“She can’t stay out here alone.”

“So she won’t stay out here at all,” I snap.

I’m grateful for the rage I felt toward Elise. The excitement at the idea of dismantling her has chased the shakes away. I don’t feel any braver, but I’m not outwardly pissing myself in fear either. Progress.

“We do this together or we don’t do it at all,” I say, my voice a little softer.

Ryan sighs, but he nods reluctantly. Trent and I follow him toward the reception desk where we cut right down a dark hallway. Another bouncer with dark almond eyes and perfect mocha skin stops us, gives Ryan the runaround about fighting just like everyone else, then finally leads us to a closed white door. I’m surprised that he doesn’t knock. Just opens it up and sends us right in.

The office isn’t much, but it is large. There are small square tables arranged in every corner, all of them occupied by a few people speaking in hushed voices, but at the far end of the room there’s a large half circle of couches arranged on a platform. There are several men of all ages seated on the couches, all of them talking loudly and laughing. Not too loudly to miss our entrance, though.

“Ryan!” a tall man with long, shaggy hair graying around the temples exclaims. He sits forward in his seat, his eyes landing on Ryan and looking excited. I don’t like that look.

Ryan nods slightly. “Marlow.”

So this is Captain Hook in the flesh.

“Good of you to join us. I sent for you hours ago.”

“I came when I got the message.”

Marlow leans to the side dramatically, eyeing Trent with mock suspicion. “Maybe I sent the wrong messenger.”

“No, I was… unreachable for a while.” Ryan gestures over his shoulder to me.

I can feel every eye at the circle of couches fall on me. I’m acutely aware of the clothes I’m wearing but I’m more aware of what I’m not wearing. I long for the jacket draped over my arm but to put it on now would be to hide. To show weakness. So I square my shoulders, raise my chin, and even though the shakes are coming back, I keep my eyes locked on Marlow’s.

“Now that,” he says softly, eyeing me, “I can most certainly forgive. Where did she come from?”

Ryan shrugs, casually sca

I thought I was from the Pikes, I think.

I nearly scowl, nearly pinch my brow in confusion, but I lock it down. Marlow is still watching me closely.

He grins, sitting back in his seat. Finally his eyes fall to Ryan again and I can breathe.

“I’ll have to get in touch with them. They have better inventory than I thought. But I’m glad you’re finally here. You and I need to talk. It’s come to my attention that you’ve come out of retirement.”

“You’ve been lied to. I’m not fighting for anyone.”

Marlow’s eyes go round in surprise. “Really? I saw you fight with my own eyes.”

Ryan shakes his head. “I was dealing with Kevin’s death. I needed an outlet. I worked it out in the ring. I’m over it now.”

“Just like that, eh?”

“It wasn’t so easy.”

“No, I doubt it was. So you’re not fighting under the Hyperions?”

“No. I’m not fighting for anyone.”

“Not even for the right price?”

“I’m not as good as he was. I’ll die sooner rather than later.”

Marlow nods slowly, his eyes drifting around the room. “You’re right about that. You’re not as good as your brother was, but you’re still one of the best out there. And I do hate to see talent go to waste.” His eyes land on me again. “A sure fire money maker is so hard to find.”

“I’m not in the market,” Ryan tells him firmly.

“A shame. Well, then be on your way, I guess. If we have nothing else to say to each other.”

Ryan nods again, then starts to back out of the room. His hand grips mine gently, careful of my injured arm. I go willingly when he pulls on it.

“Hold on,” Marlow calls. “Leave the girl. I’ll return her to the Elevens.”

Ryan freezes, his grip tightening painfully. “I can’t. She’s checked out in my name.”

Marlow waves his hand. “I’ll return her for you. I’ll even pay your fee on top of my own. I’d like a taste of what they’ve got up there.”

Ryan is breathing fast and hard, his grip not loosening.

Marlow’s eyes shift to Ryan slowly. “Is there a problem?”

“She’s not staying.”

Marlow smiles. “Either she’s staying or we have a problem. Do you want to have a problem with me, Ryan?”

“She knows Vin,” Trent speaks up calmly. All eyes dart to him. “She has a message from him.”

Marlow doesn’t miss a beat, though his smile disappears. “Vin is no longer with us.”

“Not with you here, but he is alive.”

That’s a big maybe, I think, but I keep it to myself.

Trent looks at me with his intense eyes. They speak volumes, all of them saying don’t mess this up.

“Show him the ring.”

I look at Ryan meaningfully. He releases my hand but his eyes are tight, full of worry and regret. I smile faintly at him before I turn to Marlow, hoping it’s reassuring. I raise my hand, showing Marlow the large ring on my finger.

He eyes it without emotion, his face completely placid. I can’t tell if he actually recognizes it. Then he speaks and the entire room freezes from the chill of his tone. I know immediately I’ve struck a chord with the ring but the tension rolling through the room makes me worry it’s one I shouldn’t have hit. It makes me wonder if I’m making it out of this room with all my fingers.

“Out,” he says coldly, his eyes hard on mine. “Everyone out. Now.

Chapter Ten

“When did you steal that ring from him?” Marlow asks, his voice so low I barely hear it.

My heart is in my throat. I have to swallow to speak, but I hold his eye because I know to look away is to admit something. Guilt, lies, theft, murder. None of these will get us out of this room unscathed. It’s emptied out except for the three of us, Marlow and a few men scattered around the room guarding all the exits. Guarding the Boss.