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Vin grins affectionately at her hostility. He leans forward to kiss her cheek lightly. “Anything you say, Boss.”

“So you’ll do it?” Lexy asks eagerly. “You’ll go for help?”

He nods reluctantly at her. “Yeah, I’ll do it. Just tell me when and my bags will be packed.”

“Tomorrow night.” she says without hesitation.

“What?” I ask, shocked. “Seriously?”

“Yes, we’re ready. We’ve been ready. There’s no sense in waiting, right?”

“I guess not.” I mutter, still feeling surprised by the sudde

“You’ll go out on a boat. I can’t get you a jacket, they monitor those too closely and only hand them out to people working the fields. Then they take them back the second they come inside. But the women in the laundry have been pulling things aside in varying sizes so you can wear layers.”

“You’ve been prepping for this already?” Vin asks. “Even before asking me?”

Lexy shrugs with a smile. “Luck favors the prepared.”

The phrase immediately reminds me of Crazy Crenshaw and I realize I miss him and his madness. Among other things.

“How exactly am I getting out?”

“Tim will explain all that in the morning. He’s got an idea of how to slip you through the fences.”

“Tim from the field crew? He’s in on this?”

“We’re all in on this.” Lexy says seriously. “Every last one of us.”


As it turns out, that’s not strictly true. Aside from the meager leadership there are still a few people in this Pod that are too scared of the Colony’s rule to stand up against it. Hopefully when it all goes down they jump on board anyway. At that point, what have they got to lose? But until then some stealth is still required and even Lexy isn’t 100% sure who is a total ally and who isn’t. Aside from herself, Tim, a few of his friends in the fields, all of the women in the laundry, half the sewing room, all of the kitchen and the better part of the greenhouse and gardens crew, people’s alliances are unknown. That means every last guard is a question mark and most likely loyal to the Colony, albeit grudgingly.

Ask me how much I like those odds.

But the ball is rolling and after di

“You look worried, Kitten.” Vin tells me from across the table.

Nats has gone to work while Vin and I are skipping out on after di

“Shouldn’t I be?” I ask dryly.

“You worried about me? That I’m go

“No.” I chuckle.

“You worried about your boy?”

I frown at him. “What?”

“Are you worried he’s one of the newbies she told you about?”

Yes. I am worried Ryan is here. I’m worried he’s here and I’m hoping he’s here and the contradiction is ridiculous and torturous.


“You’re a terrible liar.”

“You’re a terrible person.”

He grins. “You don’t mean that.”

“Are you really going to do it?” I ask him, staring him straight in the eye. “Will you really go to Marlow and try and sell this to him? Or will you go home and forget about us?”

His grin fades. He spins the ring on his finger and I wonder what he’s considering. Lying to me? Telling me the cold, hard truth? Or is he actually wondering what he’ll do? Part of me wonders if he, as cocky and sure as he is, even knows what will come of this night.

“We’ll have to wait and see, won’t we?” he finally replies, his voice deep and low.

I should be a

Welcome to the new age.

This is the world we live in now and it’s been working relatively well for everyone so far. We’re all still alive, aren’t we?

Honestly, are we?

I don’t know anymore. I think of the last message I wrote to Ryan telling him I was waking up. I still believe it, even here and now in this place where everyone seems to be sheep falling asleep, following commands. No part of me wants to fall in line, not even with Vin when it’s for the greater good. I don’t know if that makes me a loner, a rebel or a free thinker who refuses to go down without a fight. Maybe I’m none of them or maybe I’m all of them, but what I know for certain is that I need to leave this place to find out. I want another shot at living my life outside with choices to be made and risks to be taken. I want to laugh out loud with no one else around. I want to walk through the streets and not be so afraid of who sees me. And I want to write on the wall with no filter or restraint.

“I have to go.” I say suddenly, heading for the door.

“Not even going to kiss me goodbye?!” Vin calls after me.

I run through the halls and burst outside, the cold air slapping me hard in the face. It invades my lungs, pinching them and making it painful to breathe. I don’t envy Vin this. Going out into this cold tomorrow. Trying to make it across the city is going to suck for him. Lexy told us it’s about a mile and a half from here to aquarium but it’s going to be dark, possibly raining and so very cold. We didn’t even discuss the massive swarm of Risen roaming just outside the walls. Luckily Vin thinks he’s invincible.

“You’re not supposed to be out here.” I hear a voice say to me from across the grass.

I raise my hand, waving to them faintly. “Sorry, I just… I needed some air. I won’t leave this spot okay? Just five minutes?”

The guard hesitates and I wish I knew some of them. I wish I’d made more friends and had more pull. Don’t tell Vin.

Finally he nods silently and goes on about his patrol but I know he won’t go very far. That’s okay. This won’t take long.

I look around the ground furtively, cursing the sparseness of this area but this is as far out as I can get. Whatever I find in here is going to have to suit me. What I could do is go inside and forget the whole thing. It’s not like it matters. It’s not like he’ll ever see it. It’s not like he’s here.

My heart pangs at the idea of him locked inside these walls and I want to write this message more than ever if only to prove to myself that it will go u

I miss your kiss.