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Is this the moment? Will we make love beside the koi pond?

Suddenly Cassie backed away, her tail rigid in the air. “I’m sorry, Stefan. It’s too soon.”

He lay down, his patient eyes fixed on her. “I understand.”

She knew that he did. He was so genuine. And yet so mysterious.

Stefan stared into her face. “There will be a right time, and we have so much time to spend together. Especially if you come away with me.”

“Where?” Cassie lowered her head in surprise.

“The Orient. Together we can see many koi ponds in beautiful gardens. We’ll dine on the freshest sashimi, sleep in the most luxurious places. It will be wonderful.”

“When will we go? How long will we be gone?” Cassie worried about leaving her home, but she was excited about the invitation.

“We leave in three days, and we’ll be away for at least a month. Perhaps more.”

“It sounds wonderful.” Cassie glanced at the pond, noticed the ripples in the water. It was all so perfect.

The next day she had lunch with the queens. Abigail, Maureen, and Cam barely touched their food as they peppered her with questions.

“Who is this tom Stefan?” Abigail demanded.

“He’s very kind and has the most striking eyes. He’s Russian Blue, from Archangel, Siberia. A very good breed. His lineage stretches back before the court of the last czar.”

“Is he a good lover?” Cameron raised her ears.

“We haven’t done that. Not yet.” Cassie twitched her whiskers.

“When are you going to see him again?” Maureen asked.

“Maybe tonight,” Cassie said, “I’m going to tell him my answer.”

“Answer to what?” Abigail asked, looking a bit worried.

“He asked me to go on a trip with him. To the Orient.”

“You just met him!” Maureen exclaimed, skepticism causing her teeth to show.

“I know!” Cassie shook with excitement. “Isn’t it great?”

Maureen hissed. “No, it’s not, and don’t you want to be here when I have my kittens?”

“Of course I do.” Cassie glanced at Maureen’s tummy, which wasn’t showing a bit.

“She’s right, honey, especially since you haven’t done the deed. You don’t want to get stuck on the Orient Express if it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” Cam paused as a wicked look came over her face. “Come to think of it, maybe you do.”

“ Cam!” Abigail nudged Cameron out of the way. “Listen, Cassie. You don’t know this tom well enough to leave the country with him. Won’t you miss the city… and us?”

“Of course I will.” Cassie sat down. “But I’ve always wanted to travel, and this is my chance.”

“I better check him out,” Maureen said. “I’ll get in touch with my friend downtown.”

“Don’t go snooping around.” Cassie’s ears lay back as she tensed. “I don’t need you queens getting in his business and causing trouble. One of the reasons Mr. Big-Paws left is because of how you all meddled in our affairs.”

“We barely did anything!” Maureen lowered her tail.

Cassie snorted, remembering how Big-Paws thought her snorts were cute.

“What are you going to tell him?” Abigail asked.

“I don’t know yet.” Cassie looked at her paws. “I just want to get away from here for a while.”

Abigail bumped Maureen with her head.

“What?” Cassie glanced at her friends.

Maureen looked guilty. “Mr. Big-Paws came by two nights ago looking for you. You must have been with Stefan. I’m sorry for not telling you before.”

“What did he say?” Cassie asked with raised ears.

“Just that he wanted to see you,” Maureen said, “and say goodbye properly.”

“Oh, is that it?” Cassie let the faint hope die-as she should have done before. “Where is he now?”

“Gone,” Cam said, “like you’ll be pretty soon. He’s moved on, and so should you. But you better come back and visit.”

“You can’t leave us for too long,” Maureen said, and all her friend’s eyes got really big. Cassie knew how much they all cared about her. How could she ever leave and not come back? They were her family. She might even miss her human a little too, and not just because of all the shoes.

That night Cassie stayed home and slept instead of seeing Stefan as she’d pla

The next night she made her way to the rooftop garden, knowing that Stefan would probably be waiting for her. He sat beside the koi pond, his tail lazily moving back and forth.

“Cassie.” Stefan leaped up. “It’s so good to see you.”

“You too.” Cassie approached and they touched noses.

“Have you made decision?” Stefan pulled back, his eyes catching the moonlight.

“I have.” Cassie said, as the lights of the city beckoned her. She pranced away and jumped onto the wall that surrounded the rooftop to stare at the beautiful buildings with their twinkling lights. Stefan followed, and they both stared over the edge, looking at the precipitous drop over fifty stories down.

This was her home, but it was a big world out there. “I’ll go, Stefan. Take me away with you.”

“I’ll show you so much more than you’ve ever imagined.”

“Not so fast.” Mr. Big-Paws jumped onto the wall, his large frame towering over the Russian.

“Y-you’re back.” Cassie couldn’t believe it.

“Go away from here, this does not concern you,” Stefan said, showing his teeth in irritation.

“Oh, it does.” Big-Paws’ ears were flat against his head and he bared his own teeth.

“What’s going on?” Cassie asked.

“Maureen got in touch with me.” Big-Paws inched closer to Stefan. “Her friend downtown looked up this cat’s human. He’s Russian mob, on the run from the authorities. And who do you think is the brains behind the operation? Certainly not that human.” Big-Paws kept his ears flat. Cassie thought that made his face look strangely savage.

“Is it true?” Cassie asked Stefan, remembering the smell of money and gunpowder under the couch cushion.

“True, yes.” Stefan didn’t back down. “And knowing this is true should make your friend here worry for his life. I am not a cat to be trifled with.”

“Did he tell you he was on the run, Cassie?” Big-Paws asked. “His human will never be able to get back into this country once he leaves. They’re after him right now. That’s why he’s got to leave, and fast.”

Stefan’s eyes told her that it was the truth.

Big-Paws stalked forward, allowing his claws to click on the stone. “Is that the kind of life you want, Cassie, being on the run all the time?”

“Humans are easy to replace,” Stefan said. “Don’t listen to this mixed-breed oaf. He is just jealous that I have you now and he does not. Don’t worry, I will find another human to serve us as we travel the world. I always do.”

“I’ve heard enough,” Cassie said. She glared at Stefan. “You should have told me the truth.” Then she fixed her stare on Big-Paws. “And you came back only after Maureen told you I was seeing another tom. Both of you make me sick.”

“You will not come with me?” Stefan asked.

“No.” Cassie wrinkled her pink little nose in disgust. “I’m done with tomcats. You’re all trouble.” She hopped off the wall and sped for the stairs.

A vicious catfight ensued as she reached the steps. They yowled, hissed, clawed at the air, then slammed together. Stefan used his lightning speed to wrap his front legs around Big-Paws’ neck, then scratched at the larger cat’s vulnerable belly with his rear claws. Big-Paws bit Stefan’s ear and grappled ferociously with the gangster cat, trying for a mortal strike.

Cassie couldn’t watch anymore. The sounds of the battle faded as she entered the building. A sudden stab went through her heart.

I’ve given up on love. What am I doing? I just let two toms get away, and one of them I actually loved. Cassie switched directions, ru