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Jace snickered when my jaw dropped.

“I don’t need a husband,” I said through clenched teeth. “We will be going now.” I spun on my heel, grabbed Jace’s sleeve, and pulled him away from the idiot.

Most of the way home, Jace laughed and muttered about me wearing a dress and how he pitied any man who ended up with me as a wife. He didn’t stop until I punched him in the arm, leaving a bruise that didn’t fade for two weeks. We didn’t go back to trade for almost three months and Dane kept his opinions to himself.

Then, a year ago, a couple of men found their way out to our isolated cabin when I was home alone. When Jace got home a few hours later, the men were dead and I was huddled in the corner, covered in blood.

After that, Jace insisted that we move behind the protective walls of the settlement and, since I wasn’t speaking at the time, I didn’t argue.

I’m arguing now though. Jace doesn’t know it yet, but we’re leaving soon, very soon. I’ve put up with the restrictions here because it made Jace feel better after what happened, but the only thing worse than being a sheep is being a brood mare. We will not be sticking around long enough for Dane to marry me off and breed me.

My steps slow as I approach the gate. The folds of fabric disguise my curves and as long as I don’t call attention to myself, I can slip past the two gate guards without much effort. It’s not like I haven’t done it before with no trouble. Put enough swagger in my step and no one pays much attention.

“Where are you going, Jax?” Flint’s voice stops me in my tracks. Dammit! It would be just my luck that my brother’s best friend is on guard duty this morning. There’s no way he wouldn’t recognize me.

Flint’s gun is still slung across his chest, his arms are crossed rather than making a move to grab me, and the other guard is busy examining a trader’s cart a good ten feet away. A good start at least. I have a chance at convincing Flint to let me by.

I turn my face and force the corners of my mouth up. There may even be a bit of eyelash fluttering going on. He just rolls his dark blue eyes at me, obviously not impressed, or maybe I just look like I have something stuck in my eye. Sometimes it would be nice to make use of some feminine wiles. I sigh and drop my shoulders. “Out.”

“You’re going to have to do better than that. You know I’m not supposed to let you out without an escort.”

“Please. I can’t breathe in here.” I step forward, stare up into his face and lower my voice. “Do you know Emily wanted me to come to sewing circle this morning? Can you even imagine?”

Flint’s mouth rounds up into a smile and he coughs to cover his chuckle. “No, Jax. I can’t possibly imagine you doing anything remotely feminine.”

I narrow my eyes. I’m no girly girl, but I know an insult when I hear it.

“Relax. I understand,” says Flint. “Just make sure you come back with Jace and don’t tell anyone I let you by.”

The smile on my face now is genuine. Reaching up, I ruffle his blond hair with my fingers and he smiles back at me. “Thanks. I owe you one.” I nudge him with my shoulder as I pass.

“Let Jace know I’ll meet up with him later, okay?”

“Sure will,” I call out over my shoulder.

Success! I wait until I’m out of sight of the gate before stuffing my cloak into my backpack and breaking into a jog.

* * * * * * *

Even though it’s mid-September, summer’s heat has lingered and by the time I make the short hike out to the lake, wisps of hair stick to my face with sweat. I hadn’t really pla

The lake is isolated and not something I’ve shared with anyone but my brother, but I still check to make sure no one else is around before I start stripping off my boots followed quickly by the faded jeans. My underwear and tank top stay in place, but I throw my bra into the air with a whoop. Damn uncomfortable thing. It doesn’t fall far from the rest of my clothes.

My arms and feet propel me out to the center of the lake. I hold my breath and sink into the water until my head is covered. With my eyes closed and the water pressing in around me I can shut out the rest of the world and just be. No rules. No expectations. No voices in my head. It is a wonderful feeling.

I stay under until my lungs are screaming for air, popping up at the last possible second and taking a gasping breath. This breath is cleaner and fuller than any I can take behind the walls of Bridgelake and it leaves me feeling more alive than I’ve felt in ages. It’s been much too long since I’ve left the house and relaxed under the open sky. I wasn’t exaggerating when I told Flint I couldn’t breathe in there. I’m not meant to be caged; some part of me just doesn’t handle it well.

I turn to float on my back, red tendrils of hair swirling around me. Puffy white clouds dance across the sky and a hawk glides on the breeze. A feeling of contentment settles in my stomach and the edges of my mouth turn up into a soft smile as I study the bird, a near perfect match for the metal pendant that rests against my chest, the one and only thing I have of my mother’s. The hawk shifts into a dive and disappears, but I continue looking up and begin picking out shapes in the clouds. A horse. A rabbit. I tilt my head to the side. There’s one that I can’t quite figure out… A hand grabs my ankle and pulls me under the water.

For a moment the darkness under the water is more a tomb than my refuge and my heartbeat picks up, pounding in my ears and sending a jolt of icy terror through my body. But then the hand squeezes my ankle and another comes up to tickle the bottom of my foot and a warm sense of safety washes over me.

Kicking the hands away, I pull my head above the water, sputtering. “Dammit, Jace!”

My brother’s head appears, his hazel eyes, the mirror image of my own, sparkling with humor. “I wish I could have seen your face. Was that a scream I heard? Did I scare you?” He laughs and pushes shaggy red hair the same shade as mine out of his face.

I scowl and send a splash of water toward him. “Not fu

“Aw come on, Jax,” he says, gri

I fight a smile. I rarely let my guard down so it actually is pretty impressive that he was able to sneak up on me.

I swim closer to him. “I guess your stealth skills are pretty good… But not as good as mine!” I kick up in the water until I can grasp his head and push him under. Soon after, his hand finds my leg and I go under too.

We spend a long time goofing off, dunking and splashing each other, before we exit the lake. I turn my back to Jace, remove my tank top and wring it out before pulling it back on. He just stands there letting the water drip from his boxers and down his legs. Once we find a patch of grass under a tree to sit on, I squeeze the water out of my hair and braid it until it falls in a damp line down my back. With my bare legs extended in front of me, I lean back against the tree, my shoulder butting against my brother’s.

“Make any friends today?” Jace asks.

“No.” I narrow my eyes at him. “I can’t stand those girls.”

“You haven’t even given them a chance. I know Emily’s been—”

“Emily huh? She spent an awful lot of time batting her eyelashes at you last time she stopped by. Anything you want to tell me about?”

Redness in his cheeks gives away his feelings more than words ever could. “No,” Jace says, frowning. “I’d just like to see you branch out, socialize… get better,” he glances at me and winces, his next words coming out in a rush, “It’s gotta be a lot more fun than sitting around the house and hiding from everyone. No offense, Sis.”