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With painful abandon, the threads of Darkness descended upon the blood pooled in Neferet’s hand. She did not flinch. She did not cry out. Neferet smiled and pointed at the tree.

“My blood from me to thee

by command—so mote it be!”

Darkness spewed from Neferet’s window. Mimicking the wind, it whirled around the mighty oak’s branches. Utterly captivated, Neferet watched. Zoey had picked up the can and was walking slowly away from the tree and toward the sidewalk.

But the old oak was huge and the girl was still under its canopy.

Like a whip, the tendrils of Darkness wrapped around the lowest hanging tree limb. There was a terrible, wonderful crack! The limb broke and hurtled down as Zoey was staring up in wide-eyed, open-mouthed shock.

In spite of what her Consort had said, for an exquisite moment Neferet believed Zoey would, indeed, be killed.

And then, quite unexpectedly, a silver blur intruded on the scene. Zoey was knocked out of the way and the massive branch crashed harmlessly to the ground. As Neferet stared disbelievingly, Aurox and Zoey began to slowly unwind themselves from the tangled ball they’d become when he’d saved her from the accident.

With a sound of absolute disgust Neferet turned away from the window and closed the heavy drapes. “Tell my Consort that I said he could have allowed her to get a little more bruised than that.” She spoke to the writhing black threads that were her constant companions, knowing they would carry if not her actual words, then their intent, to the white bull. “I think my blood was worth more than a tumble, though I can see that it was wise of him to have Aurox come to her rescue. It will make the creature appear even more heroic to silly young fledglings.” Neferet’s emerald eyes widened as understanding dawned. “What a delicious complication if one of the silly young fledglings who see the vessel as heroic is Zoey Redbird herself!” Darkness lapped against her legs as she left her chamber and, smiling slyly, went to find Thanatos.


So, I’d just done a good thing—two good things actually. I’d talked Shaunee out of leaving the depot, and I’d picked up litter. I was holding the pop can thinking about how much I’d like a nice cold drink of brown pop when the wind, which had been acting crazy all night, blew a giant gust and crack! The gihugic branch directly above me broke off the tree. I didn’t have time to do anything but gawk in silent, frozen horror—and then he hit me from the side, low and hard, like I’d seen players do a zillion times on the football field. All the air was knocked out of me and I felt like I was smothering under a ton or so of guy.

“Get off!” I gasped, trying to push his leg from around me. I flailed enough that, with a grunt, he unwrapped from on top of me. As his weight lifted I could actually suck in a breath of air. I kinda elbowed my way to a half sitting position. My mind was working slowly. At the edge of my vision I saw the big limb, still quivering from its impact with the ground. That could’ve killed me, I realized and looked up at whoever it was that I needed to send a serious thank-you to.

Moonstone eyes were staring at me. He put his hands up the instant our gazes met and took a small step backward, as if he expected me to launch an attack at him.

Warmth radiated from the seer stone that hung between my breasts. It filled my body with heat, intensified as if by the touch of Aurox’s skin. It had to be my imagination, but it seemed that the stone’s heat lingered everywhere in my body even after his touch was gone.

“I was patrolling.”

“Yeah,” I said, and looked away from him, making myself oh-so-busy brushing grass and leaves from my shirt while I tried to sort through my jumbled thoughts. “You do a lot of that.”

“I saw you under the tree.”

“Uh-huh.” I kept brushing off grass and whatnot while my mind blared: Aurox saved your life!

“I wasn’t going to come near you, but I heard the branch breaking. I didn’t believe I was going to make it in time.” His voice sounded shaky. I looked up at him then. He seemed super awkward. As I stared at him, standing there, looking out of place and dorky, I suddenly realized that no matter what else he was, at that moment Aurox was simply a boy who was as unsure of himself as any other teenage boy.

Some of the anxiety, the terrible unease that I’d felt since the first moment I’d seen him, began to fade away.

“Well, I’m glad you did make it in time.” I kept my own voice calm—my emotions under control. The last thing I needed was Stark to come charging up. “And you can put your hands down. I’m not go

He lowered his hands and shoved them into his jeans pockets. “I did not mean to knock you down. I did not mean to hurt you,” he said.

“That limb would have done a lot worse. Plus, it was a good tackle. Heath would have approved.” I said the words and then clamped my mouth shut. Why in the hell was I talking about Heath to him?

Aurox just looked all-around confused.

I sighed. “What I mean is, thank you for saving me.”

He blinked. “You are welcome.”

I started to get up and he held out a hand to help me. I looked at it. It was a perfectly normal hand. It had no hoof-ness about it. I slid my hand in his. Our palms pressed together and I knew I hadn’t imagined it. His touch did radiate the same heat as the seer stone.

As soon as I was on my feet I pulled my hand from his.

“Thanks,” I said. “Again.”

“You are welcome.” He paused and almost smiled. “Again.”

“I better get back to sixth hour.” I broke the silence that had begun to settle between us. “I have a mare to finish grooming.”

“I must continue to patrol,” he said.

“So, the only class you have to go to is first hour?”

“Yes, as Neferet commands,” he said.

I thought he sounded strange. Not exactly sad, but kinda resigned and still a little awkward.

“Okay, well. I’ll see you first hour tomorrow.” I wasn’t sure what else to say. He nodded. We turned from each other and started to walk our separate ways, but something about first hour tugged at my mind and wouldn’t leave me alone. I stopped and called to him. “Aurox, hang on.” Looking curious, he came back to meet me beside the broken limb. “Uh, that question you wrote down today, was it for real?”

“For real?”

“Yeah, like, do you really not know what you are?” I asked.

He hesitated what felt like a long time before answering me. I could see that he was thinking and maybe weighing what he should and shouldn’t tell me. I was getting ready to say something clichéd (and untrue) like, “don’t worry—I won’t tell anyone” when he finally spoke.

“I know what I am supposed to be. I do not know if that is all that I truly am.”

Our eyes met and this time I did clearly see sadness there. “I hope Thanatos helps you find your answers.”

“As do I,” he said. Then he surprised me by adding, “You do not have a mean spirit, Zoey.”

“Well, I’m not the nicest girl in the world, but I try not to be mean,” I said.

He nodded, like what I’d said made sense to him.

“Okay, well, I’m really going now. Good luck with the rest of your patrol.”

“Have a care when you walk under trees,” he said, then he jogged away.

I looked up at the tree. The wind had gone from wild and crazy to gentle and barely noticeable. The old oak appeared strong and steady and totally unbreakable. As I walked back to sixth hour I thought about how deceiving appearances could be.



I’d meant to go to back to class. Straight to sixth hour. Really. Contrary to my recent actions, I’m usually not a class cutter. I mean, it just never made much sense. Like the homework wouldn’t be there when I got back to class the next day? Uh, it would, plus the lovely added bonus of being in trouble.