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“Mare? Bunk?” Lenobia said.

“This is some great shit. I wish I had popcorn,” Aphrodite said.

“She’s go

“Lenobia has laser vision?” Stevie Rae asked.

Aphrodite and I looked at Stevie Rae like she’d just asked if we thought Lindsay Lohan was really rehabbed.

“How ’bout I watch and not talk,” Stevie Rae said.

“Thank you,” Aphrodite and I said together, which made her glare at me before the three of us returned to gawking and eavesdropping.

“Well, ma’am,” Travis drawled. “I told y’all’s High Priestess when she hired me that my mare and I come as a package deal, and I’d need to stable her here. Since I just wrapped up a season managing the stables at Durant Springs, I’d need a place to lodge, too.” He paused, and when Lenobia didn’t speak he added, “Durant Springs is in Colorado, ma’am.”

“I know where it is,” Lenobia snapped. “What makes you think you can stay here on campus? We have no accommodations for humans.”

“Yes, ma’am, that’s what the High Priestess said. Since the job needed to be filled right away, I told her I’d get along just fine bunking with Bo


Travis rearranged his hat, the first sign he might possibly be uncomfortable. “Yes, ma’am. My mare’s name is Bo

“Do you think his horse is fat?” Stevie Rae asked quietly.

“Bumpkin, I thought you weren’t going to talk,” Aphrodite said.

“I think he just got his foot in the door,” I said. No way was Lenobia go

“Unload your mare. You and I will discuss your accommodations after she’s comfortable,” Lenobia said.

I noticed that Travis had already been undoing the series of levers and chains that held the horse trailer’s door shut, so we only had to wait a few seconds for the ramp to open.

“Come on, big girl. Baaack,” Travis said in a voice that had gone from polite and at times slightly amused, to warm and gentle and sweet.

Then his horse backed out of the trailer and gasps of shock and awe came from all around us. I took my eyes from the horse long enough to see that Stevie Rae and I weren’t the only gawkers. Darius, Stark, Rephaim, and most of the fledglings had somehow meandered their way over to us.

“That can’t be a horse,” Stevie Rae said, and even though we were several yards away from the animal, she actually took a step back.

“Holy shit. It’s a dinosaur,” Aphrodite said.

“I’m pretty sure it’s a horse,” I said, studying her. “But it’s a really, really big one.”

“Oh, a Percheron! She’s exquisite!” Lenobia said.

Everyone stared as petite Lenobia walked up to the huge mare with no hesitation whatsoever. Totally dwarfed by the hulking equine, the Horse Mistress lifted her hand, just slightly. The mare watched her for an instant and then dropped her nose, blowing against Lenobia’s palm. Lenobia, gri

I saw Travis blink in surprise. His mouth opened, then closed, then opened again. He cleared his throat. “Well, yes, ma’am.” He paused and reached up to pat Bo

Travis cleared his throat again, moved his hat around, and then said, “Her momma died right after Bo

Lenobia turned her gray eyes on the cowboy. She looked surprised, like she’d forgotten he was there. Her horsey adoration blinked off like she’d thrown a switch. “You did a good job. She’s big, easily over eighteen hands. Well muscled. In excellent condition.” Even though what she said was complimentary, her tone sounded more a

Lenobia turned and began striding back across the arena. When she reached the halfway point she stopped and addressed all of us. “Fledglings and vampyres, this is Travis Foster. He’ll be working for me. His mare’s name is Bo

I looked at the cowboy and saw him smile and nod at Lenobia’s comment and pat the big mare affectionately before he threw an equally affectionate look the Horse Mistress’s way. Lenobia didn’t look at him at all. Instead she narrowed her eyes and included the entire group of us in her glare. “And now you can all stop staring and get back to work.” Then Lenobia marched from the arena and into the stables without so much as a glance back at Bo

“That has interesting possibilities,” Aphrodite said.

“No kidding, that mare is totally cool looking. I mean, big, but still totally cool,” I said.

Aphrodite rolled her eyes. “I’m not talking about the horse, Z.”

I was frowning at Aphrodite when Damien hurried up to us. “Zoey, good, there you are. You need to come back to the main building.”

“You mean after sixth hour? It’s almost over,” I said.

“No, honey. I mean now. Your grandma’s here, and I’m pretty sure she’s been crying.”



My stomach clenched and I felt like I was go

“’Course we’ll come with you,” Stevie Rae said.

For once Aphrodite didn’t gripe about Stevie Rae answering for her. She just nodded and said, “I’m in.”