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“I don’t know. Domers are carrying out the searches, not us. I don’t personally know any of them.”

“May I see your communicator again?” She handed it to him. He typed a lengthy message out and gave it back to her. “Please send that after you’ve sent the first message.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Can I have you arrange for the fourth-floor common room to be secure by tonight? Camera gone and only Liberty guards on duty in there?”

“I’ll make sure it happens. And might I suggest, sir, after your unfortunate episode yesterday in the mines, that I assign Liberty guards down there as well? There are rumours that the guards you took out yesterday might have it in for you.”

“That’s not a bad idea, Bron. If there are only Liberty guards in the mine, that would give us another place to train. Start phasing them in and let me know when it’s all friendlies down there.” Jack shook her hand. “You’ve been extremely helpful.”

“I’m honored to be a part of this, sir. It’s been a long time coming. Is there anything else I can do?”

“Actually, there is. Su

“I’ll see to it.”

I was amazed by her willingness to help. Bron had always been the kindest guard I had ever known, but I still had no idea how she felt about things in the Pit. I had always assumed she was just a kind bourge, but still a bourge. This conversation had been an eye-opener.

“Thank you again, Bron,” I said.

Jack and I left and made our way to the sixth level common room for breakfast.

“What were all those messages you were typing into her communicator?” I asked.

“Encrypted messages for Liberty members. I a

“That’s really great, Jack.” I shot him a dry look. He was smiling.

The common room was full when we arrived. It occurred to me that that morning might be the last time I came there to eat since we were securing the fourth-level room for training. I looked around for Summer and was disappointed to see her parents sitting alone. If she were here, she would be eating with them.

My eyes fell on Reyes, Mica, and Raine sitting together and they noticed us too, but Reyes turned his head away from me. It was fine with me if he wanted to be that way. Jack and I picked up our food and water and found a table in the corner where we could sit alone together. I deliberately sat with my back to Reyes.

“You should talk to him,” Jack said when we sat down. “Make peace.”

“I don’t have anything to say to him.” I opened my container and began to eat.

“Really? After four years of being together you have nothing to say?”

“He hates me. He’s not going to listen to me.” Absentmindedly, I looked around the room, and my heart almost leaped into my throat when I saw her walk in. “It’s Summer!”

She didn’t look like my happy Summer. She looked tired and worn out. I noticed a bruise on her upper arm and wondered who gave it to her. Holt? I still couldn’t imagine my best friend in the clutches of that monster.

“Put your head down!” Jack barked at me.

“What?” I did as he asked because I heard the urgency in his voice.

“The man who walked in behind her is Desmond—Leisel’s guard. He’s watching her.”

I snuck a peek in the direction of the door and saw him. He wasn’t dressed in his Domer uniform, but he still looked out of place. He was too clean-cut and well-dressed. I remembered that Summer told me Leisel was having her followed.

“They’re looking for us,” I said.

“I know. I’m going to try to block his view.”

Jack casually got up and pulled his chair next to mine, which strategically put his back toward Desmond. Desmond cast a glance our way, his attention caught by Jack’s movement, but quickly returned to watching Summer. Then Jack surprised me when he put his hand under my chin and tilted my face toward his and kissed me on the lips.

“What are you doing?” I tried to ignore the thrill that went through me at the touch of his lips on mine.

“We’re just a young married couple madly in love sharing breakfast, okay?” he whispered. “We can keep our heads close together and out of view of him.” He laced his fingers through mine, and I marvelled at how soft and warm his skin felt.

I looked into his blue eyes. “This isn’t going to help calm Reyes down.” My voice had a low, husky quality I’d never heard before. I cleared my throat.

“Do you have a clear view of Desmond behind me?” To anyone else in the room who cared to look our way, Jack probably looked like a lover showering his wife with compliments.

“He’s watching Summer. He barely noticed us.” I was surprised by how breathless my voice sounded. My eyes wandered down to his lips, and I wanted him to kiss me again.

He looked down at my container. “Don’t forget to eat.”

Eating was a good idea. It gave me an excuse to unlace my fingers from his and get my emotions under control.

“I wish I knew what Summer looks like,” Jack said, leaning forward to whisper the words in my ear. He kept his head nuzzled to the side of my neck for a moment. I was pretty sure he was sca

“She’s hard to miss. She’s beautiful.”

“There’s a pretty girl who just sat down with an older couple.”

Jack stopped nuzzling my neck and concentrated on eating his breakfast. I was glad he put some space between us. The effect he was having on my senses was u

“Her parents are sitting in the back corner. She probably sat with them.”

With our faces safely turned away from Desmond, we ate our breakfast. I could still see him if I peeked over Jack’s shoulder. He remained by the door. The few people I could see in the room were nervous in his presence. They knew he didn’t belong. I emptied my container of stew and sipped my water.

“She’s leaving now,” Jack said.

Summer came into my view then and was looking our way. I made eye contact with her, and she looked a little startled when she recognized me. Her eyes widened for just an instant and then she put her head down and continued walking toward the door. But it was enough to make Desmond suspicious, because now he was looking in our direction. My face was in full view, and I needed to hide it. Without hesitation, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Jack, wrapping my arms around his neck.

My kiss caught him off guard at first, but soon his hands were travelling up my back pressing me closer to him. At his touch, I felt the fluttering of desire rising up threatening to cut off my breath. My breathing became a little laboured and my heart pounded. He must have known I wanted him. I blushed, pulling slightly away to put some distance between us. I needed to focus on the crisis at hand. Desmond.

“Is he looking this way?” Jack asked against my lips.


I narrowed my eyes to slits so I could observe Desmond inconspicuously. A bolt of panic went through me when I saw him looking right at us. He started walking in our direction. If he pulled Jack’s head back and saw his blue eyes, he would know for sure he had found his target. Somewhere behind me I heard a chair being scraped roughly across the floor. Then Reyes came into my line of vision as he stomped from the room, nearly knocking Desmond over.

“Hey, Summer, wait up,” he called out.

Desmond did an about face and followed Reyes. I watched them go until they left the room.

“That was close,” I said.

“You can let go now, Su