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“Seems more like a dance,” I said. “I was hoping for something faster paced and a little more violent.”

No sooner had I spoken than Jack sped up his movements. His leg came up and his foot snapped at my chest, stopping just inches from making contact. Less than a second later, the back of his hand stopped just half an inch from my nose.

He smiled. “Like that?”

“Like that.”

“You need to learn the exercises before you can control them. Try again?”

I nodded.

We went back into the first stance he’d shown me, and he repeated all the actions. Our hands were always moving, stretching one way, and then recoiling and stretching another. Our legs were constantly in motion. We squatted one minute then moved one leg up and balanced on the other leg.

“So how long have you and Reyes been together?”

“Why do you want to know that?” My relationship with Reyes was none of his business.

“Just trying to make conversation.” He shrugged. “Okay, I’m wondering what he whispered to you that made you so upset.”

“He told me that Summer is being used by those ugly old men I saw at your bachelor party.”

“Oh.” He stopped and looked at me. “I’m really sorry, Su

“Are you?” My anger came bubbling up to the surface again. I decided that killing someone actually would be a good release of all these emotions I had pent up. “How about we try out these moves you’ve been teaching me?”

I tried to strike out at him as fast as he had struck out at me earlier, but he easily blocked my punch. I raised my leg to kick him, but he stepped out of the way. I momentarily lost my balance, but recovered quickly and threw the heel of my left hand toward his face. Knowing he would block that strike, I had my right hand ready to catch him off guard. But he just grabbed both my wrists and somehow spun me around, pi

“Had enough?” he asked.

I raised my leg and brought it down to stomp hard on his foot. This time I did surprise him, and he let go of me. I whirled around to face him, but he was already in a defensive stance. I took a step forward, he took one back. I sped up my movements and so did he. I threw my right hand in his direction and followed through with my body to put more power behind my strike. Jack stepped backward, but didn’t see the chair behind him and tripped and fell. I was already in motion when he went down, so instead of my strike making contact, I ended up on top of him on the floor. I tried to jump up, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me there.

“You catch on quick!” he said, smiling. “Who knew sparring could be this much fun?”

“Let me up!” I tried to get out of the hold he had on me, but he was too strong.

Despite my anger, I was very aware that my entire body was pressed against his. Our faces were only inches away from each other. His smile remained as I struggled against his hold on me, his blue eyes never leaving mine. I put my hands on his chest to push away from him and was surprised at how warm and smooth his naked chest felt. I breathed in his scent, a combination of soap and sweat, and my heart beat faster. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to kiss him or punch him.

“Let. Me. Go!”

“Not until you tell me why you’re trying to kill me.”

“Because it’s your fault! You were supposed to sign her up with some old guy who was going to fall asleep, and then she would be sent home.”

Deep down I knew that ultimately Leisel had betrayed Summer, not Jack. But it made me furious that he didn’t think enough of Summer to make sure the plan was followed through. And I was angry with myself for letting Leisel manipulate me so easily.

The smile finally left Jack’s lips, and his expression became more serious. Our eyes locked for what seemed an eternity, neither one of us saying anything to the other. My hands remained on his chest, and I could feel his heart beating strongly just below my fingertips.

Finally, Jack said, “I did sign her up with Forbes, but I should’ve done more for her. I’m sorry.”

He continued to hold me against him for a moment, long enough for me to see the sincerity in his eyes, and then he relaxed his arms around my waist. I jumped up, relieved to put distance between us.

“Apology accepted.” I said it tersely, as if my words were a lie. Despite my mixed feelings, it wouldn’t do me any good to hold a grudge against him.

“If I let you beat me up, will you feel better?” he asked, brightly.

I almost screamed. Let me beat him up? But I realized that’s exactly what I wanted. I needed to release all the hatred inside of me before it ate me alive.

Jack stood up and righted the chair. “Look, I’m frustrated, angry, and feeling helpless, too. I don’t know if Holt has my family locked up or not. I can guarantee he’s already gathering evidence of treason against me so he can legally execute me. And I’m living down here in the Pit where—what do you call us? Borks?—are hated. But I’m hoping that you and I can at least be friends and help each other survive.” He raked a hand through his hair, and it came away black from the coal. “I am really sorry about Summer. If there was any way I could help her, I would.”

Once again I was seeing another side of him. I guess I had never really thought of Jack Ke

Maybe Jack and I could be friends.

“Bork?” I asked. “We call you bourge. But I think I like bork better. It rhymes with dork.” I gave him a sheepish grin. “A truce?”

“That would be nice, because I have a feeling it’s going to get rough down here.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you. You heard Reyes and his friends—you’re a hero. The one thing people needed down here was a victory and you gave them one. I know you think Leisel humiliated you, but that’s not what they saw. They saw an urchin taking down a bourge and putting her in her place.” Jack looked at me as if waiting for my reaction, but I was still trying to make sense of how I went from being a victim to a hero. My brain hadn’t accepted that information yet.

“That’s not all they saw,” I said. “They think they saw a love story between you and me. They believed what Leisel said.”

“I know. And it would seem our love story has sparked a hell of a response from everyone down here.” He took a deep breath and dragged his hand through his hair again. “I’m reminded of a saying I was taught at the military academy. It went, ‘Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. But red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.’ It was used to predict the weather. A red sunset meant clear skies, but a red sunrise meant a coming storm. I can’t help thinking your mom should’ve named you Sunrise, because there’s a storm on its way, Su

I gave him a look.  “A storm? Seriously, Jack?”

He laughed. “That was just my corny way of saying there’s a war brewing. You didn’t start it, but you seem to be the catalyst for it.”

“I think something’s brewing too, but I’m not sure about a full-blown war.” I shook my head. “You think no one’s ever thought of that down here? Believe me, we would have started one a long time ago if we weren’t condemned to living in a death trap. But the minute we make any noise, they threaten to lock the doors and shut off our ventilation. How long do you think we’d have before we ran out of oxygen or the entire Pit filled with gas from the mines? Our salvation won’t come until we can leave the Dome. But I think a revolt is possible. We could push back a little to let the bourge know we’ve had enough just like we did when they tried to lower the age of the Cull to thirty.”

Jack rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know. The military reports I’ve read—during my short career—suggest that unrest in the Pit has escalated over the past few years. President Holt included the Pit in the wedding celebrations as an attempt to pacify everyone down here. You know, include them in the wedding and make them feel like one of us. Unfortunately, his own prejudices prevented him from treating you as anything more than slaves. I’m betting he thought the extra bread with di