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“Get the word out to all the other generals. Sweep the city, but do not fire unless fired upon. Disarm and bind any soldiers who surrender. No more killing unless necessary.”

“Yessir.” He turns to go.

“Can I have a few of your soldiers?” I ask, stopping him.

“Shoe, Mags, Tilda,” he barks. Two women and a man step forward from the crowd of soldiers ma

“Come with me,” I say.

We climb over the trucks and into the city, the Dome arcing high above us. It’s just as bright inside as out, one of the benefits of using glass, I suppose. We’re on some kind of an army base. There’s what appears to be a medical building in front of us, barracks to the left. Several unused trucks parked to the right. But not a single soldier. The place is deserted; every last soldier was sent into battle.

But where’s their ultimate leader? Where’s Lecter?

I stride across the stone courtyard, my protection unit flanking me. A high metal fence surrounds the complex, a closed gate at the center. Together we push it open.

Buildings grow like trees around us, glass ru

Nothing here is new to me, because of when my father brought my family on a tour of the New City, but the three soldiers’ heads are roving like searchlights, taking it all in.

The city is spotless, just like I remember it.

Is she here? Is Adele here?

Then I see her. I gasp, because it’s not her, not really. Just her face, stone cold and unsmiling on a screen on the outside of one of the buildings. “Wanted,” it says in big block letters above her head. “Reward for information.”

Lecter’s discovered her. He’s got the whole city on the lookout. The only comfort I have is that if she’s still on the screen then perhaps they haven’t found her yet.

We march down a street, scan the vacant cross streets at the intersection, continue on.

I can’t stop, have to keep looking.

I won’t stop until I find her.


We exit Lecter’s home through the shattered windows along the curving hallway. I’ve got three guns tucked in my waistband. Mine, Jocelyn’s, and Lecter’s.

Jocelyn’s holding my hand, like she’s afraid I’ll disappear if she lets go.

Neither of us speaks. There’s nothing left to say.

We walk past the vacated guard station. The city is quiet for this time of day. The alarms did their job well. The citizens of this city know how to follow orders.

I can only see the parts of the Dome that rise above the buildings; the edges are lost behind the hundreds of structures lining the streets. Somewhere out there is a battle. Did Lecter’s final order result in another massacre, the end of another tribe? The end of him, the son of the woman whose hand is gripping mine so tightly it’s starting to hurt?

Without discussing it, we both head in the same direction, down a lettered street, making our way to whatever numbered one will take us to the main gates. Where, soldiers or no soldiers, we both know we have to go. We’ll shoot our way out if we have to. I don’t think either of us can take one more minute in this damned spotless city…

We both stop at the same time when we see people. Crossing an intersection two blocks up. Stopping in the middle. Turning away from us, then back toward us. And when they do…

Jocelyn sighs, making a high-pitched sound from the back of her throat. And I realize I’m making a similar sound, because…

It’s him.

It’s Tristan.


I turn and my chest fills with air when I see Adele. But no, it’s not just her—there’s a woman too. No.



My skin tingles and warmth roars through me and my feet are so fast, far faster than those around me.

I run toward my mother, blinking furiously at the tears in my eyes.


I just watch them run at each other, though I desperately want to run too. But I can’t be selfish. My time is later and nothing in the world can trump a reunion of a lost mother and son.

They smash into each other and Tristan whirls her around and I’d bet anything he wasn’t big enough to do that the last time they saw each other. Jocelyn is crying and planting kisses on his face and Tristan’s face is peeking around her, his eyes full of shock and joy.

And he’s crying the happiest, most wonderful tears.

When they finally pull apart, Tristan leads her over to me, hand in hand.

His smile is as beautiful and bright as the first time I saw him. At the parade. From behind the prison’s electrified fence. But this time it’s real. So real.

He puts an arm around my head, tugging my face toward his. And his lips part and meet mine, warm and full and comforting.

“She saved me,” I gasp when our lips unlock. “She saved us all.”

Tristan looks at his mother with admiration, and I won’t tell him anything else. Jocelyn can tell him as much as she wants to when the time is right.


Somewhere beyond…


The Earth is unfolded before me like a map, crisp and sharp and vibrant. It’s strange, I can see everything so clearly, almost like I’m still there, and yet it feels distant, worlds away, impossible to touch.

I’m ripped in half.

One part of me is curling the biggest icin’ smile across my lips, so wide and filled with giddiness that I almost feel ready to explode with happiness.

But the other part of me is squeezing my heart, filling me with the ache of desperate longing, sending rivers of sadness down my cheeks.

When I died, I lost more than my life.

I can’t be sad, though. Not really. It would be too selfish. Because they did it. They freezin’ did it, and though I wasn’t there to be a part of it, I know I was with them in different ways, living in the place it mattered the most: their hearts. And Jolie and Mother and Buff were there too. Even good ol’ Abe and Hightower were rooting for them to defeat the Glassies, standing next to me, watching from…well, from wherever we are. Somewhere beyond.

Somewhere beyond the pain and the hopelessness and the despair of a world torn into little bits so small and bent that I was starting to wonder whether there was any possibility of putting them back together again.

But when Lecter (the Yag!) fell and his army collapsed, a cheer went up, so loud that the misty haze surrounding us turned blue for just a moment, before returning to its normal color, a white so pure it’s like snow. Familiar. That’s the word for it. Although it’s not cold anymore, this place feels like home, in a strange way. A good way.

Even as I stare down at Skye, who’s safe and alive and as beautiful as ever, I know it’s better this way. I get to be with my family, and she with hers. And I know that one day—hopefully not anytime soon though—I’ll get to be with her again.

I finally turn away from the Earth and a hand reaches out to wipe away my tears. “Thank you, Brother,” I say. “But don’t let Buff see you coddling me like that, he’ll never let us live it down.”

Wes laughs and it’s the most brilliant sound I’ve ever heard, because I’ll never have to miss my brother’s laugh again. “Then quit crying,” he says. “There’s nothing left to cry about.”

And though I know he’s right, the tears keep falling, spilling from eyes overflowing, even as Jolie emerges from the mist holding Wilde’s hand on one side and Mother’s on the other. Her smile is as bright and welcoming as the sun over fire country. She’s happy, so happy.