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My mother sending me on this mission was the bravest act in the world, by the bravest woman in the world.

Chapter Six


“Are you okay?” Roc asks me.

“I should be asking you the same thing,” I say. “Those soldiers were tough.”

Glancing at me, Roc says, “I don’t mean about the soldiers. I mean about Ram.”

I try to cover a twitch with a laugh. “We didn’t even like each other,” I say.

“I know that’s not entirely true,” Roc says. “Give me some credit.”

And I should. Roc’s perceptiveness is unca

Sighing, I say, “It’s just, I think we were becoming friends. Maybe even good friends, eventually.”

Roc nods. “He did what he felt was right. It was his sacrifice to make. A sacrifice that we all…” His voice trails away down the empty and endless tu

He doesn’t have to finish the statement. That we all might have to make. The image of Ram’s shattered and bloody body pops unbidden into my mind, a hero in life, a hero in death. My friend? I suck in a breath and try to force away the ache in my chest. Another person I’ll never see again. Another person I owe my life to.

A bad feeling fills my gut. We can’t waste Ram’s sacrifice. Nor Ben’s. We can’t linger in this death tu

I extract my sword with a metallic screech, instinctively pushing Roc behind me, my flashlight beam disappearing around the shadowy bend in the tu

I ready myself for violence.

A blade flashes before me, reflecting the light back in my eyes, momentarily blinding me.


My opponent swipes my sword aside and my stomach drops when a leg sweeps behind my knees. I grunt when I contact the stone floor, but am already twisting to escape my enemy. But he’s quicker, barring my movements with a firm knee on my chest and a forearm on my throat.

Through my star-filled vision, a face begins to emerge. Roc’s laughter fills the silence.

My vision returns, and Trevor’s atop me, gri

“Get off me,” I growl.

“No problem,” he says, rolling off and to his feet.

Angry, both at myself for my weakness and at Trevor for making me look bad, I push myself up, cutting off Roc’s continued laughter with a sharp glare. I notice Adele stopped nearby, watching the scene with something between interest and amusement, her right eyebrow raised. Heat rises in my head and I have to bite back a thousand angry words at Trevor.

I settle on pretending like nothing happened. Classic denial. “Did you find out what’s ahead?” I ask through clenched teeth.

“Of course,” Trevor says. “While you were all merrily strolling through the tu

“And?” I say impatiently.

“And I’ve got good news. Just a couple miles down the road is the next subchapter.”

“Which one?” Roc asks. “Eight?”

“Sorry, I failed Sun Realm geography,” Trevor says. “You tell me.”

Roc looks at me as he answers. “I don’t know this tu

He knows I don’t have his sense of direction, but with all eyes on me, I say, “Uh, yeah. Makes perfect sense to me.”

“But shouldn’t we continue on so we can get to the second cluster? We’re trying to get to subchapter one, right?” Adele asks. She’s looking at me, her expression thoughtful.

“We can get there on a train from subchapter eight,” I say, glancing at Roc for confirmation.

“We can,” he says. “Plus, if I remember correctly, this shipping tu

“Do you really think we can just hop on a train without anyone noticing?” Tawni asks.

“It won’t be easy,” I say, “but the celebrations tomorrow will only help us blend in.”

“Not tomorrow,” Trevor says.

I look at him strangely.

“Today,” he explains. “It’s well after midnight. Today is the Sun Festival.”

“We need to sleep,” Adele says. “There’s no way we can do this without sleep.”

I know she’s right, but the tu

“There’s a partially hidden alcove up ahead,” Trevor says. “I think we’ll be safe there.”

After the way he made me look bad in front of everyone, I’d rather not take his advice, but I don’t have a better option. “Okay,” I say. “Let’s go.”

Without discussing it, we all start ru

Pain is nothing. Words my father once spoke to me just after whipping a backhand across my cheek. It was the first time he ever hit me. I was only eight, but remember it as vividly as if it was yesterday. The sting of the blow brought tears to my eyes.

Pain is nothing, he repeated. Tears are weakness.

I blinked away the tears that day and rose to my feet, hatred for my father in my eyes. When my mother asked me how my mentor session was with my father, I wanted to tell her, wanted to ask her why my father would hit me, but instead I answered only Good.

He hit me eight other times in my life, each harder than the last. Until I turned fifteen, I didn’t know that he hit my mother, too, either because I didn’t want to know, or because I was too dumb or naïve to consider the dark truth.

Pain is nothing.

For me, his words are true, and soon the burning in my calves and thighs is nothing more than background noise against the slap of our shoes on the tu

Trevor leads, and thirty minutes later he slows to a walk, ru

To his credit, he was right about the alcove. It is well hidden, just a thin crack in the impenetrable stone tube, barely wide enough for us to squeeze through sideways.

I let the others push through first, Trevor, then Roc, then Tawni, and finally Adele, who reaches out and grabs my hand for just a moment before releasing it. I’m so used to the crackle of electricity that her touch—or even her presence—normally releases down my spine, that I almost don’t notice a few different feelings that arise. Warmth, like the heat from the artificial sun, spreads up my arm and into the rest of my body; flittering excitement bounces around my stomach and in my chest; there’s a numbness in my toes, almost as if I’m floating, or like my feet have disappeared. It’s as though when our co

Just before Adele slides into the crevice, she smiles back at me, as if she knows what I’m feeling. Gri

The alcove is much larger than I expected, long and rectangular, its ceiling double my height. An old unused fire pit sits ringed by small, white stones and solid stone benches. Above the pit is an opening in the roof, a conduit for the smoke to escape to some unpopulated cavern.