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And just like that she’s just Elsey again. My sister. Not my crippled sister. Despite myself, I laugh, although not as long or as loud as I’d like to for her sake. “You could never scare me,” I say, putting my arm around her so she can lean on me. When I feel her minimal weight against my chest I feel complete.

We lay there together for over an hour, sharing memories of Dad, of Mom, of life, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying—always loving. When she falls asleep I slip my arm from behind her head, covering her to her neck with the white spread.

“Goodbye, Elsey,” I say, kissing my hand and touching it to her forehead.

* * *

The Resistance is full of surprises. We stand on a large overhang high atop the cavern walls in subchapter 1. The Dome looks like a giant bulge from up here, sticking out amongst the toy buildings around it. We’re all sweating from the exertion of the climb. At least this time we got to use ropes.

We’re shoulder to shoulder on the ledge, Tawni, then Roc, then Tristan, then me. My mom insisted on accompanying us this far. I take one last look at the Moon Realm, perhaps the last time I’ll see it ever, and then turn around to where Mom is pulling away a big gray tarp from the mountainside, revealing a hidden ink-black tu

“We built this during the Uprising, but never had a chance to use it,” she says.

“We’re using it now,” I say.

When she turns, her eyes are full of conviction. “You will succeed,” she says.

“Of course we will,” I say, trying to make it sound like the truth.

She hugs Tawni first, holding her for a long time without saying anything. Then she hugs Roc and says, “Elsey’s sure going to miss you.”

“And I her,” Roc replies. He winks. “Don’t worry, we’ll see you again soon.” It seems Elsey’s optimism is rubbing off on him.

Next up is Tristan and she whispers something in his ear as she pulls him close. He just smiles and nods.

I’m last and we hug the longest. After all, she’s my mom, and I’m going to miss her. Just as I’m pulling away, she tugs my ear close to her lips and whispers sharply, “It’s no accident that you and Tristan met.”

My eyes widen and I open my mouth to speak, to ask her what she means, but it’s too late, because she’s pushed me into the thin tu

I grit my teeth, frustrated at my mom’s cryptic message, but trying to focus on the task at hand: find the President; kill the President. I lead the way into the tu


Keep reading for a peek into the heart-stopping third installment in The Dwellers Saga, The Sun Dwellers, which will be published in December 2012.


This time around I’m most thankful to all the readers who bought The Moon Dwellers and wrote the most wonderful reviews that helped inspire me to write the sequel. Your words of encouragement and your feedback mean so much to me, I can’t even put it into words. I was literally tearing up as I read some of your reviews. I can’t thank you enough for your support and for your willingness to take a chance on my books.

To my editor, Christine LePorte, thank you for helping me take my ideas and writing to the next level—the pearls of wisdom you provide do not go u

A HUGE thanks to my marketing team at shareAread, particularly Nicole Passante and Karla Calzada, without whom there would be no buzz. You’ve taught me so much.

As always, thanks to my incredible team of beta readers who embraced The Star Dwellers from the very begi

To my friends in my Goodreads fan group, you are all amazing, I hope you know how highly I think of you, and I appreciate all your jokes, kindness, and comments. You brighten my life every day that you’re in it.

I like to wait till near the end of the acknowledgments to recognize my awesome cover artists/designers at Winkipop Designs, because they are the first impression everyone gets, and so they should be the last two. Thank you for all your hard work within challenging deadlines and for finding a way to sum up an entire story in a single image. As one of my readers said, “After reading the book I realized what a work of art the cover is.” I couldn’t have said it better.

The saga continues in other books by David Estes available through the author’s official website:


or through select online retailers including Smashwords.com.

Young-Adult Books by David Estes

The Dwellers Saga:

Book One—The Moon Dwellers

Book Two—The Star Dwellers

Book Three—The Sun Dwellers (coming in December 2012!)

The Evolution Trilogy:

Book One—Angel Evolution

Book Two—Demon Evolution

Book Three—Archangel Evolution

Children’s Books by David Estes

The Nikki Powergloves Adventures:

Nikki Powergloves- A Hero is Born

Nikki Powergloves and the Power Council

Nikki Powergloves and the Power Trappers

Nikki Powergloves and the Great Adventure

Nikki Powergloves vs. the Power Outlaws (Coming in 2013!)


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/David-Estes/130852990343920

Author’s blog: http://davidestesbooks.blogspot.com

Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/davidestes100

Goodreads author page: http://www.goodreads.com/davidestesbooks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/davidestesbooks

About the Author

After growing up in Pittsburgh, Pe




Available anywhere e-books are sold in December 2012!


Subchapter 14 of the Moon Realm

Two years ago

Despite her nondescript gray tunic, the woman sticks out like a sparkling diamond in a coal mine, her shiny blond hair peeking out from beneath her dark hood. But it’s not her hair, or her face—which is remarkably beautiful beneath the dark shadows—that identifies her as a foreigner in the Moon Realm. Instead, it’s her gait, the way she carries herself: straight-backed and graceful and regal. Next to her the passing moon dwellers look hunched, their backs question marks and their faces turned to the dust.

She’s knows it’s the middle of the day—thus ensuring the girl will be at school—but the amount of light afforded by the overhead cavern lights is appallingly minimal, the near-equivalent of a Sun Realm dawn, or perhaps twilight.