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“She’s just pushing him for information,” I say.

Circ nods but I can tell he don’t think that’s all there is to it. “I’ve been talking to some of the Marked too,” he says.

My head jerks to the side. “You have? Why?”

“Welcoming them, making friends—you know, the things normal people do.”

“And I ain’t normal?” I say.

“Not even close,” he says, laughing. But ’fore I can even hit him or shoot him a stony stare, he says, “And the guys I’ve been talking to told me all about where Feve comes from.”

“Like I care ’bout where a no-good baggard like him comes from,” I say. But then, nonchalantly, I ask, “So what’s his story?”

Circ smiles. “It’s nice knowing something you don’t.”

“Just spill it.”

“You know the story you told me about your mother and Brev?”

I freeze, remembering every word of it. But what’s Brev got to do with Feve?

I nod.

“Brev was Feve’s father,” Circ says.

My head falls back, crunching into the sand. “Of all the stupid, wooloo, good-for-nothing…”

“Not thrilled, eh?” Circ says.

Thrilled? More like disgusted. “It’s an insult to my mother and to Brev,” I say, squeezing my eyes shut and casting a wish on my mother’s star. The wish: that Feve melts into a pile of mush.

I feel Circ grab my hand and I’m pretty sure he knows I’m not happy with the news. He changes the subject again. “Do you think Hawk’s a changed man?” he asks.

It’s my turn to chew through my mouth. ’Cause it’s a tough question. Evidently there was more goodness in Hawk’n I ever knew, although I still can’t stand to look at his ugly face. Word is he protested the attack on Wildetown, but my father forced him to go. Afterwards, he spoke out, and was sent to Confinement, ending up in that last cage, when I mistook him for Circ and nearly fainted. He’s more’n made up for anything he ever did to wrong me. But still…

“I du

Circ grins. “Mine either,” he says. “But maybe at least we don’t have to hate him anymore.”

Yeah to that, I think. I been tired of hating for a long time.

But none of that matters to me right now, ’cause I have all I need. I rest my head on Circ’s chest, relishing the magnificent sound of his strong heartbeat, as if it might burst from his chest. For this moment I can just be me, Siena, Ski

Circ’s hand brushes against my wrist, draws lazy circles on my arm, lingers on my charm bracelet. His pointer charm rocks under a gentle breeze. “You kept it,” he says.

“You can’t take it back,” I say, gri

“Is that so?”

“Searin’ right.”

“I wouldn’t take it back in a million years,” he says, clasping my hand.

“How long can we stay here?” I ask.

“Only for ever,” he promises, a lie that’s as real as fire country being safe.


Keep reading for a sneak peak at the action-packed sequel, book two of the Country Saga (a Dwellers sister series), Ice Country, coming April 5, 2013!


I would be nothing without my readers, who’ve searin’ stuck with me through thick’n thin, who’ve made all the hours of hard work, of stressing over burnin’ deadlines and going wooloo over word count…so now I say, to scorch with all that, ’cause you’re awesome and you’ve made this journey so special and worthwhile and it would mean nothing—nothing!—without all of you along for it. So a special thanks to you, my readers, particularly those of you in my Goodreads fan group, which, at the time of writing this, was over 900 members! I never believed it could grow so big, but you all did, and it’s all thanks to your efforts, for you forcing your friends and family members to read my books when they probably didn’t want to (like really didn’t want to!). I couldn’t do what I love to do on a fulltime basis without all of you.

I also have to give a give a high five and a big hug and kiss to my wife, Adele, who supports me each and every day when I’m lost in other worlds, in other people’s (or prickler’s named Perry) heads for more than five hours a day, plus another five of tap-tap-tapping on my iPhone, chatting in my fan group and answering reader messages. You are my ultimate beta reader, and our many discussions of plot, the cheesiness of my dialogue, and how much you love my writing helps me in ways I can’t even explain. Oh, and your coffee is the most delicious and having you by my side is what keeps me sane. Thank you for changing my life and for believing in me.

To my marketing team at ShareARead, Nicole Passante and Karla Calzada, as usual you never cease to astound me at your unceasing ability to get my books in the right readers’ hands. We started this together, and before our very eyes it’s turning into something very special. Thank you for being my partners in all the fun (and for staying up till all hours of the night pla

To my cover artist, Regina Wamba, it’s my first time working with you but you’ve simply outdone yourself, taking the smorgasbord of ideas that Adele and I spout at you and piecing it together into something beautiful and a perfect representation of the world I created.

Next, a GINORMOUS thanks to my team of beta readers, some of you who’ve been around since The Moon Dwellers, and others who’ve just joined for this book. I love you all. Fire Country is at least ten times better because of your insightful and honest feedback. So thanks to Laurie Love, Alexandria Theodosopoulos, Kayleigh-Marie Gore, Kerri Hughes, Terri Thomas, Lolita Verroen, Rachel Schade, Ventura De

For the first time and certainly not the last time, I’d like to thank my super-secret street team (you know who you are). In the shadows you move like ninjas, penetrating even the toughest of bloggers, slipping my books into their author features and reviews almost without them knowing. I don’t know how you do it, but: You. Are. My. Heroes.

And last but not least I’d like to thank my friend Teddy (who happens to be a teddy bear), who thinks he’s real and helped inspire the character of Perry the Prickler. I know I say bad things about you and throw you against the wall sometimes, but in my heart I love you.

The saga continues in other books by David Estes available through the author’s official website:


or through select online retailers including Smashwords.com.

Young-Adult Books by David Estes

The Dwellers Saga:

Book One—The Moon Dwellers

Book Two—The Star Dwellers

Book Three—The Sun Dwellers

Book Four—The Earth Dwellers (coming September 2013!)

The Country Saga (A Dwellers sister series):

Book One—Fire Country

Book Two—Ice Country (coming April 5, 2013!)

Book Three—Water & Storm Country (coming June 7, 2013!)

The Evolution Trilogy:

Book One—Angel Evolution

Book Two—Demon Evolution

Book Three—Archangel Evolution

Children’s Books by David Estes

The Nikki Powergloves Adventures:

Nikki Powergloves—A Hero Is Born

Nikki Powergloves and the Power Council

Nikki Powergloves and the Power Trappers

Nikki Powergloves and the Great Adventure

Nikki Powergloves vs. the Power Outlaws (Coming in 2013!)