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Brock Landers

Copyright 2015 Brock Landers



Smashwords Edition,License Notes

This ebook islicensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not bere-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to sharethis book with another person, please purchase an additional copyfor each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did notpurchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then pleasereturn to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you forrespecting the hard work of this author.

DISCLAIMER: This story is intended for a mature audience only! Containsexplicit, graphic sex and language, including but limited to rough,aggressive sex, femdom, alpha male, bdsm, spanking, slapping,choking, and much, much more. Definitely not intended forindividuals under the age of 18 or those with a weak heart! Irepeat: 18 and over only!










As a single dad in his early 30’s, TimWilkins rarely had any time to himself. His ex-wife was a junkypiece of shit who couldn’t stay clean and hadn’t been in his ortheir daughters life for over two years now. Sometimes it felt likeall he did was work and take care of his daughter, Katie.

Except Wednesday nights. That was the onenight all week he had to himself. Tim and his college buddies gottogether to play poker and then usually ended up at some bardowntown, getting drunk and hitting on women like the old days.

The reason he had Wednesday nights tohimself was because one of the young women in his complex came overto baby-sit Katie. Her name was Amy and she was a hottie, 21 yearsold and a college student at the local community college. Shedidn’t have school on Thursdays, so every Wednesday night she cameover after Katie went to sleep at 9pm and kept an eye on things forTim.

Amy was the kind of girl that Tim had chasedaround when he was younger. She was tiny, barely over 5 feet talland just north of 100 pounds. She had long blonde hair, a cute facewith a bit of a hard edge, and an incredible body. And if Tim couldbelieve what he’d heard around the condominium complex, she was onthe slutty side, with different young men coming out of her condoon a regular basis.

As ashamed as he was to admit it, this lastpart was the main reason he’d asked Amy to watch Katie instead ofsomeone else. He’d caught himself fantasizing about her numeroustimes over the past year but didn’t know how to approach herromantically, or what she would do if he did. He hoped that onenight he’d come home from his night out and be drunk enough to makea pass at her and see where it led. So far, he hadn’t gone there,but he figured it was just a matter of time until he did. It waswrong, and he knew it, but it was the truth, no matter how much hetried to convince himself otherwise.

Amy knocked on the door right at 9pm, justas she did every Wednesday night. She was always punctual, amongother things. And one of those other things was she was always sexyas hell, but especially on this evening.

Tim answered the door to see her standingthere wearing a pink t-shirt that was tied off just below hersmall, perky tits and a pair of tiny jean shorts that barelycovered her ass. It was the perfect outfit to show off her tight,tiny, ta

“Come on in,” Tim saidafter admiring her for an uncomfortable length of time. He justcouldn’t take his eyes off her.

If Amy noticed, it didn’t bother her. Infact, she seemed to revel in his gaze, far more so than everbefore. She even flashed him a little glance as she entered hiscondo, looking over her shoulder to see if he was still looking ather.

Which he was, of course. How could he notwith that much flesh showing?

“Sorry about my outfit,”Amy said, smiling at him. “I was ru

“Where do you work?” Timasked. He didn’t even know she had a real job.

“Shooter’s, over by thecollege,” she said.

“Ahh,” Tim replied. “Thatexplains the outfit.”

Shooter’s was a local bar that hired onlythe hottest woman around as waitresses, then dressed them up inskimpy outfits just like the one Amy had on to lure in the malecustomers.

“Yes it does,” Amysaid.

“I didn’t know you workedthere,” Tim said.

“I just started a coupleweeks ago,” she replied.

“Does that mean you won’tbe available on Wednesday nights any more?”

“Of course not, silly,”Amy said, flashing him a sweet smile. “I wouldn’t do that to you. Itold them I needed Wednesday nights off.”

Tim let out a (slightly) exaggerated sigh.“Thank goodness. I don’t know what I’d do without Wednesday nightsto myself.”

“Oh, I’m sure you couldthink of something,” Amy said, her smile morphing from sweet tosly.

Tim didn’t know what to make of that, so hejust pressed on. “Okay, nothing different about tonight. Katie isalready asleep, as usual, but just like always, make sure youfollow the rules. No drugs, don’t drink any of my booze, don’tbreak any furniture, and most importantly, don’t bring any boysover here, okay?”

“I wouldn’t dream of doingany of those things,” Amy said, flashing Tim her pearly whites,giving him her most i

“You promise?” Tim said,half-jokingly.

“I promise,” Amyreplied.

“Okay, then I’m outtahere,” Tim said, heading towards the door. “I’ll be home around twoo’clock.”

“Have fun tonight,” Amysaid. “Don’t get in too much trouble.”

“I’ll try no to,” Timsaid. He closed the door behind him and heard Amy lock it. After along sigh, he turned and headed towards the parking lot.


As soon as Tim parked the car in the lot, heknew immediately something was wrong. He couldn’t put his finger onit specifically, but the closer he came to his condo, the more hisgut started to burn.

He’d had a really good night, won a couplehundred bucks playing cards, bought a few rounds of drinks, hit ona few women. But even though he could have easily gotten in thepants of one, he’d held off. He knew why, even if he wouldn’t admitit aloud. He wanted to keep open the possibility of making a moveon Amy tonight, even though he was pretty sure he wouldn’t have theballs to actually follow through on it.

But now, as he approached his front door,hitting on Amy was the last thing on his mind. He could hear twovoices through the door, one male and one female. And it was tooloud to be the TV.

Fuming, Tim opened the door. And sureenough, there they were, a young man and Amy, curled up next toeach other on the couch, the young man’s arms wrapped around Amyand her legs intertwined in his.

“What the fuck is going onhere?” Tim said, talking forcefully but not so loud that he’d wakeup Katie, who was sleeping in the room on the other side of thecondo.

“Oh shit,” Amy said,bouncing to her feet. “What are you doing home already?”

“Already?” Tim said. “It’stwo o’clock. Exactly when I told you I’d be home.”

“Shit, shit, shit,” Amysaid, a scared look on her face.

“You know the fuckingrules,” Tim said, pissed off just as much about seeing a punksitting on the couch with Amy as the fact that she’d broken therules. “No boys allowed in my house.”

“I know, I know,” Amysaid. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry isn’t going to cutit,” Tim said, still pissed.

“Relax, dude,” the youngman said. He was still lying on the couch, apparently unfazed bythe situation, or at least acting like he was. A smirking grin wasplanted on his face. “It’s no big deal.”