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Les portes de la ville de Troyes sont des masses informes, celle surtout qui est à l’entrée du faubourg Troucels est flanquée de deux énormes tourelles dont l’aspect choque depuis longtemps les yeux les moins exercés. Le Conseil Général en a voté la destruction et la construction de deux pilastres et d’une grille. J’aurai l’ho

Enfin je sollicite Monsieur le Conseiller d’Etat Directeur Général des ponts et chaussées de do

Le préfet de l’Aube Signé: Bruslé


Англ. гос. архив.

Record Office, С. О. 118, № 3.

5 ноября 1810 г.

Extract of a dispatch from mr. Nicholas to marquis Wellesley, dated Heligoland, 1-st Nov. 1810.

In my last dispatch of the 27-th Ult° N 41 I had the honour to inform your Lordship, that a detachment of French Troops, with 19 pieces of Ordnance, was expected to take possesion of the island of Nieuwork on the 31-st Ult°; and I am now sorry to acquaint you that they succeeded in their attempt. 700 men, consisting of Infantry and Cavalry, marched over on the morning of that day, with 8 guns, 120 ammunition waggons, 100 casks of beer, 200 oxen and 5 Casks of Brandy; but a smalle detachment of nearly 200 men returned in the evening.

The force which I formerly had the honour to acquaint Your Lordship was in the Ems, consisting of 12 Brigs, 12 Gun boats, and 1 Schooner, still remains in that river. At the entrance of the Jahde near Eckwarden, and on the opposite side two batteries are erecting, each of 3 Guns and 3 mortars.

The measures which the enemy are now adopting on the opposite coast appear to be of greater magnitude and more general, than would be necessary for an attack on the island, and I take the liberty of submitting to Your Lordship that they appear to me to have three separate objects in view. First, to exclude trade, and prevent all communication with the Continent; secondly to bring round, if necessary to support any further plans they may have in the North, a port of their flotilla from Holland into the Baltick by the Kiel Canal, and thirdly (and which appears to me of the greatest importance) to obtain by that Canal and the Elbe supplies of ship timber and naval stores for the Dock Yards in Holland and at Antwerp.

If the enemy continues in possession of Nieuwork, I feart that the timber belonging to the French government left at Copenhagen, the Prussian dépôt taken at Hamburgh, and what other stores they may have purchased in the Baltick, must get to Holland, either the whole way by the Shallows, or to the Jahde, whence they might be transported by a land Conveyance to the Ems.


Extract of a dispatch from mr. Nicholas to the marquis Wellesley, dated Heligoland 1-st november, 1810.

m mr. Culling Smith’s 5-th nov. 1810.


Англ. гос. архив.

Record Office С. О. 188, № 12.

5 декабря 1809 г.

Office of Commitee of Privy Council for trade Whitehall

5-th Dec-r 1809.


The Lords of the Committee of Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations having had under Consideration a memorial of the Inhabitants of Heligoland (transmitted in your letter of the 28-th Ult°). respecting the difficulties which they experience in procuring the necessary Supplies of Provisions etc. arising from the present mode of carrying on Trade with the Continent, unter His Majesty’s license; I am directed to acquaint you, for the information of the Earle of Liverpool, that although the very frequent Intercourse between the Continent, and the Island of Heligoland, on the one hand, and Great Britain on the other, must afford almost numberless opportunities (much more frequent than when the Island was in the possession of the Danes) of procuring supplies of every Description, the Lords of this Committee see no Objection to the Governor’s being authorized to grant Licenses on any special Occasion, to permit the Importation of Provisions.

With respect to the article of cloathing, the inhabitants have opportunities almost every week of procuring supplies from Great Britain.

I am to add that Their Lordships are of opinion that, in case the Governor of Heligoland should in any instance exercise the Power proposed to be given to him of granting Licenses for the importation of provisions into Heligoland, he should be instructed to communicate the same to the Earl of Liverpool, that the Lords of this Committee may be informed thereof.

I am, Sir, Your most obedient, humble Serwant,

W. Fawkener.

P. S. The Petition above referred to is returned herewith being in Original.

Endorsed Whitehall 5-th Decber 1809 mr. Fawkener.

From C. 0. 118–2. Heligoland. 1809.


Англ. гос. архив.

Record Office, F. О. 36, N 5.

Письмо лорда Уэлсли — Edward Nicolas’y

Foreign Office March 6-th 1810.


Representations having been made to me complaining of the injury, which merchants at Hamburg have sustained from the irregular transmission through Heligoland of their letters from England and in some instances of their packets to this country, I have to desire that you will exercise your influence to enforce a regular and impartial transmission of all future mercantile correspondance passing within the reach of your authority.

(Signed) Wellesley.


Нац. арх.

F12 616–617. Renseignements… extraits de la correspondance avec Francfort. (Графа: Concurrence).

20 августа 1810 r.

Duché de Saxe-Hildbourghausen.

Concurrence 20 Août. 1810.

Les fabriques de Saxe paraissent avoir de l’avantage, dans ce pays sur celles de France à cause de leur proximité qui leur permet de vendre à meilleur marché.

Duché de Mecklenbourg-Schwerin.

Les marchandises provenant des fabriques prussie

Aucune nation ne peut soutenir la concurrence avec la France pour les objets manufacturés de France qu’on importe dans le Duché.

Principauté de Lippe-Schaumbourg.

La Prusse, la Wesphalie, la Saxe et la Suisse, entrent en concurrence avec la France pour la vente des marchandises de fabriques. Les manufactures de Wesphalie, de Saxe et de Prusse peuvent avoir de l’avantage sur celles de France à cause de leur proximité.

Duché de Saxe-Weimar.

On doute qu’il y ait une nation du continent qui puisse rivaliser avec La France, quant aux objets manufacturés.

Il n’y a que les fabriques de Saxe en coton, dentelles et draps, celles de Bohême en draps, et les orfèvres et bijoutiers d’Augsbourg, Furth et Francfort qui parraissent soutenir avec elle la concurrence, à cause du meilleur marché qui résulte, soit de la moindre qualité, soit de leur proximité.