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Given a choice, Demarco and Ciro would have preferred to skip the funeral. Beck had mixed feelings. But out of respect for Ma


The four of them stood in their best suits in a small chapel at Ferncliff cemetery north of the city. The minister was Hispanic. They listened to the ritual, keeping their thoughts private.

From the chapel they walked a short distance to the mausoleum where the urn containing her ashes was placed into a small crypt.

The day was bright and crisp, the air cold and clean, much like the day when it had all started. As they walked from the mausoleum to their car, Beck thought about Olivia Sanchez. What a terrible, terrible waste. Such a smart, tough, stu

Beck resolved to put her out of his thoughts. He would have to concentrate on Ma

Tomorrow, thought Beck. After the paper, with my second cup of coffee, I’ll sit with Ma

They’d talk over things. He knew, despite whatever grief or hurt or anger Ma

Confirm that Milstein was dead. And Crane. And Stepanovich. And Kolenka. And all their men either dead, deported, or locked up for a long time.

Beck knew it might take some time to reassure Ma

Crane had to know that when Markov went after Beck and Olivia for his money, one of two things would happen. Beck might kill Markov, and that would be the end of it. Or, Markov would kill Beck. Undoubtedly after torturing him to find out where the money was. At which point, Markov would know that Beck didn’t have his money. And that Olivia had disappeared, as had Crane. Which means that Markov would know who really took his money. Therefore, Crane couldn’t let Markov live.

Of course, Ma

As Beck walked the final steps to the gleaming black Mercury Marauder, he hoped knowing all that would give Ma


Sincere thanks to my agent, Alexandra Machinist, who made this happen. Gratitude and respect to Keith Kahla, my editor, a talented and generous man who made this a better story, and to his team at St. Martin’s who performed at the highest level on everything from cover to copyediting. And thank you, Ha


And Justice for One

One Way Out

One Man’s Law

New Lots

Reed’s Promise


JOHN CLARKSON is the author of several previous novels, including And Justice for One. He spent many years in the New York advertising industry—as a copywriter, ru

Visit the author’s Web site at www.johnclarkson.com.

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

AMONG THIEVES. Copyright © 2015 by John Clarkson. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


Cover design by David Baldeosingh Rotstein

Cover photographs: shadows of men © Eduardo Ripoli / Arcangel Images; puddles © Kuttelvaserova Stuchelova / Shutterstock.com

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The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Clarkson, John, 1947–

    Among thieves / John Clarkson.

        pages   cm.

    ISBN 978-1-250-04724-3 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-4668-4760-6 (e-book)

  1.  Corporations—Corrupt practices—Fiction.   2.  Organized crime—Fiction.   3.  New York (State)—Fiction.   I.  Title.

    PS3553.L3443A83 2015



e-ISBN 9781466847606

First Edition: February 2015

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