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“Dr. Ca

“Someone needs to record all this. To tie the daily events to their historical and literary significance. We used to think that if the twentieth century would be remembered for any single moment, it would be the moon landing. But—” He looked steadily at her. “The moon landing is small potatoes, Dr. Ca

Asquith had a point, April thought. “What did you have in mind? A series of news reports?”

“Oh, no,” he said. “Nothing like that. I would want to do a major work. My magnum opus.”

“Let me think about it,” she said. “I’ll get back to you.”

“The working title would be Ancient Shores.” He gave her a card. “We should start without delay.”

He let himself out. April decided she would do it. That kind of publicity couldn’t hurt them. But she’d run it past Max first.

She picked up her messages. Peg Moll, their scheduler and event coordinator, had received a call from a man identifying himself as the agent for Shaggy Dog. The rap group wanted to do a concert on Johnson’s Ridge. “They’re promising to sell two hundred thousand tickets,” Peg said.

When the phone rang, Max and April were discussing plans to send a repair crew into the chamber that had taken Arky’s life. (Already it had outdistanced Eden as the place that researchers most wanted to visit.)

April picked it up, listened for a minute, and said, “Thanks.” She replaced the receiver and turned to Max. “There are some investors,” she said, “forming a corporation to control travel to all the worlds co

“The price is going up,” said Max.

“They call themselves Celestial Tours.” She smiled sadly.

Detroit, Apr. 1 (Reuters)—

The Detroit Free Press today reported that the Detroit Lions may move to Fargo, North Dakota. According to u

Prairie Industries is a conglomerate specializing primarily in the manufacture of agricultural equipment.

Larry King special on TNT, April 1. Guest: Dmitri Polkaevich, wi

King: You don’t feel, then, that a resurgence of nationalism is likely?

Polkaevich: The world is changing very rapidly, Larry. No, it is true there are those in Russia who would give us their own peculiar brand of fascism, if they could. Just as there are those who would return to Lenin. But the tide of history is ru

King: Well, I’m happy to hear it. If I may ask before we go to the phones, where is the tide of history taking us?

Polkaevich: Predicting the future is a dangerous enterprise.

King: Yes. But you just implied—

Polkaevich: That some tendencies are evident. Larry, you have of course been following the events along the Canadian border?

King: The Roundhouse? (Smiles) I wouldn’t know how to get away from them. In fact, we’ll be doing a show from there next week.

Polkaevich: The bridge to the stars is a Rubicon.

King: For Russian politicians?

Polkaevich: Oh, yes. And for the Armenians. And the Chinese. Larry, I no longer think of myself as a Muscovite. Or even as a Russian. No. You and I are citizens of Earth. The era of national borders, of governments that divide us with their petty squabbles, is passing into history.

King: Governments are becoming obsolete?

Polkaevich: Individual governments, yes. I think we will soon see a world body. Unfortunately, the transition period will be a dangerous time. People tend to disparage their governments, but they will fight to the death to keep them. And there is good reason for their fears. If a world government becomes oppressive, where does one flee? Although now perhaps we have an answer to that problem. (Chuckles)

King: Dmitri, your comment that you no longer think of yourself as a Russian intrigues me. I wonder if you can elaborate a little more on that.

Polkaevich: Larry, we know now we are not alone. There are others out there somewhere, and they are quite near. This knowledge will cause us to draw together.


TO: Intel IV

FROM: SAC, Morton, ID

SUBJECT: Initial Report/SIR27

New right-wing hate group is forming in this area in an effort to seize the entrance to the off-world site at Johnson’s Ridge, ND. They are designing a charter calling for occupation of the new world, followed by a quick drive for statehood.

Attachment A lists active insiders. Almost everyone associated with the governing board of this organization is on file. Attachment B contains press releases and public pronouncements by John Fielder, spokesman for the group, and Abner Wright, its founder. You will note their concern with getting the Roundhouse out of the hands of foreigners (they seem to be referring to the Sioux) and their stated willingness to use force. Will advise as situation develops.

TO: Director, Customs Management Center,

Chicago, IL

FROM: Area Port Director, Fort Moxie, ND

SUBJECT: Roundhouse, Status of

As you are aware, people are entering and exiting the country through a “transdimensional door” on Johnson’s Ridge. Please advise whether Johnson’s Ridge should be considered a port, for customs purposes. Of course, no one is bringing back commercial merchandise, at least to our knowledge. But there are fish and game requirements and other laws that would come into play.

If instructed to establish an entry area, please note that the action will require additional perso

Project Forty’s ratings had gone through the roof. As a consequence, criticism of Old-Time Bill also soared.

Bill’s enemies were the mainstream press, liberal politicians, and left-leaning churches, which is to say all the various forces that were co

None of this, strictly speaking, was true. To deal with the last first, Bill didn’t think seriously enough about theology to worry about details, but he sincerely believed that, as he often preached, everyone had a direct line into God’s study. Don’t hesitate to use the phone, he said; say what you really mean, and God will never put you on hold.