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"Do not call me that," she said, forcefully but respectfully. "My name is Mary Hightower, and it is the only name I answer to,"

"I know your name," said Pugsy, with an air of disgust in his voice. "So are you go

"I believe it's best if we discuss matters of importance alone," Mary said. His thugs looked ready to stand their ground, and Mary noticed the girl in the corner smile, perhaps impressed with Mary's boldness.

Pugsy looked to his thugs. "Send us up to the top, and wait for me on the ground," he told them.

"Yes, boss," they said, ever obedient.

Then he turned to the girl. "Why don't you go skinjack someone, and get today's sports scores."

It was the first thing that Pugsy said that really caught Mary by surprise.

"Whatever you say," said the girl with a toss of her crazy, nettle-nested hair, then she sauntered out behind the three thugs, eyeing Mary all the way.

In a moment the Ferris wheel grinded into motion, and the large car began a long, slow arc up and away.

"You trust a skinjacker?" Mary asked him.

"Sure," said Pugsy, "she comes in very useful--no matter what you say in your books."

"So, you've read my books, then?"

"Only what I could stomach."

"You should attempt to 'stomach' more," Mary suggested. "I've shared all the things I've discovered here--all the things I know."

"Yeah, well I know things too."

Pugsy stood up and went to a window to admire the view. Mary knew he wasn't very tall, but she didn't realize how short and stocky he was until he stood up.

"So now that we're alone, are you go

Mary decided to take the direct approach. "I propose an alliance between you and me. A partnership between equals."

That made him laugh. "Equals? How do you figure that?" And he gestured out the window at his vast land holdings. "I have no need to look," she said. "My view from the Hindenburg is just as grand as yours."

"Oh," said Pugsy, "but this view is priceless."

Finally Mary looked. They had just crested the peak of the Ferris wheel, and as they began the journey downward, the car next to them came into view. To Mary's horror, it was packed with children--Mary's children--every last one of them. They had been packed into that car like sardines. This is what Pugsy meant by "storage."

"It's amazing," said Pugsy. "Afterlights can fit into whatever space you want them to. All ninety-three of yours are in there."

Mary couldn't find words to express her disgust.

"So you see," said Pugsy. "I hold all the chips. You gotta do whatever I say, or they're the ones that'll suffer."

Mary swallowed her urge to slap him silly, and spoke slowly, making sure all her words had time to sink in through his thick skull. "Treating me as an equal will elevate you far more than you can imagine."

"Is that so?" He sneered.

"Yes, it is." Then she put aside all modesty, false or otherwise. "In Everlost I am seen as a queen, an angel, a witch, an enchantress. I did not chose this, of course, but the fact remains that I am the stuff of legend. If you imprison me, you are a mere jail keeper. But ... if you rise to be my equal, you will become legendary as well."

"I already am legendary."

Mary laughed dismissively. "Your infamy does not spread as far as you'd like to believe," she told him. "East of Pittsburgh, and south of Indianapolis, I doubt anyone has ever heard of you. And those who have heard of you, consider you ... well ... a gangster. But an alliance with me would legitimize what you've done here."

"And what's in it for you?" Pugsy asked.

Mary had anticipated the question. In this, she chose to be direct as well. "No doubt you've heard of the Chocolate Ogre," Mary said.

"I thought he was made-up."

"No, he's very real. In a single day he could empty Chicago, so that not a single Afterlight remained under your 'protection.'"

"I'd like to see him try," said Pugsy.

"Don't underestimate him; he's very cu

She crossed to the other side of the car, giving him time to think about it. As she did, her velvet dress brushed against the back of the red leather armchair. She wondered if it was as comfortable as it looked.

"So ... "said Pugsy, "you intend to build an army, is that it?"

"Oh, please!" Mary waved away the suggestion. "An army implies a war. I will not have a war ... but I will protect Everlost from those who might wreak havoc on the order that you and I try to create. No, we won't have an army, but we will have freedom fighters."

They reached the bottom of the wheel, and began to circle up once more.

"Agree to help me bring down the Chocolate Ogre," said Mary, "and I will give my heartfelt, personal blessing to you, as ruler of Chicago, and--dare I say it--with my stamp of approval, you could conceivably spread your reign to the rest of Everlost."

Pugsy was dazzled by the concept. "I'd be the EverBoss!" he said.

Mary tried not to cringe. "If you wish."

As they crested the peak again, they both looked to the next car, where Mary's children peered out, hopelessly cramped and tangled in their rotating cell.

"So," asked Mary, "which will it be? Jailer ... or Emperor?"

CHAPTER 18 The Interlight Incubator

A pronouncement was made the following day. All of Pugsy's Afterlights were called out to the Court of Honor to hear it, as were all of Mary's children, who were released from their revolving prison without as much as an apology.

Mary and Pugsy stood side by side at the podium, although he stood on a box so he would appear as tall as her.

"I'm pleased to a

There was a feast of crossed food--not all that much to eat, for even in Chicago edible pickings were slim, but it was the idea that counted, and everyone was in good spirits-- even the Chicago kids, who, for once, had reason to cheer rather than to despair.

Mary allowed her children to mingle with the Chicago Afterlights, knowing that at the end of the celebration they would happily return to the comfort and routine of the Hindenburg. Pugsy's three henchmen now treated Mary with the utmost respect, and would attempt to stand behind her and fold their arms as they did for Pugsy. Mary would have none of it. She didn't need bodyguards.

"Go practice your intimidation elsewhere," she told them.

"Of course, Miss Mary," they would obsequiously reply, as if being irritatingly polite would win her favor.

The skinjacking girl was a different matter. She moved in Pugsy's i

It was toward the end of the celebration that she sidled up to Mary, to engage her in conversation for the first time.

"It took only two revolutions of the wheel for you to get Pugsy in your pocket," she said. "You must be a witch after all."