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It’s Grace, with her keen head for strategy, who gives them food for thought. “Of course, if you ask me, which you didn’t,” she says, “what ya gotta do is find someone co

“A viral grassroots media kind of thing?”

“More like fertilizer to get those roots growing in a healthy kinda way,” says Grace.

It immediately gets Co

When they bring the question of their next move with the organ printer to Sonia, she has the same advice every day.

“Sleep on it,” Sonia tells them—and it’s infuriating. Could it be that she’s just as terrified as the rest of them about this powder keg on which they sit?


Do you know what your daughter is up to? Do you know where your son is spending his time? In our hectic world we can’t always monitor our teenagers’ actions—but now there’s Track-a-Teen®! Using state-of-the-art biosignature software, the Track-a-Teen® app identifies your child on all traffic and security cameras, making it impossible for your teen to even cross the street without you knowing. Listen to what people are saying!

“My son went feral over a year ago. We thought we had lost him forever, but thanks to Track-a-Teen®, we were able to locate him and get him into a cognitive treatment program for incorrigibles before we had to resort to an unwind order.”

“My daughter was out late every night. We suspected she was feeding AWOLs and being drawn into their criminal activities. Using Track-a-Teen®, we were able to find their nest and alert the Authorities. Those AWOLs were captured, and now our daughter is safe.”

“Our boy was a model student, a perfect son. We had no idea he was caught up with a Cuban cartel, dealing tobacco. Without Track-a-Teen® we would never have known in time to save him.”

Remember, Parental Override is on the horizon. If you have a troubled child of unwinding age, Track-a-Teen® may be their last hope. Don’t delay! With Track-a-Teen® peace of mind is just a download away!


“We know what’s going on out there, and none of it’s good,” says Beau. “Better we should all laugh and try to forget for a little while.”

Well, screw that. It’s the one time when Co

The news doesn’t make anyone feel good—but as far as Co

It’s September now. Less than two months to election day, and the politicians who traditionally waffle on the unwinding issues are begi

Although the basement is warm, Co

“It’s not murder, didn’t you know?” says Co

Grace, who seems to hear everything between him and Risa, just stares at him. “You’re kidding. Right?”

If it were anyone else, Co

“We need to move on this,” Co

“Move on what,” Beau asks, adding his nose into the conversation. They’ve told none of the kids down in the basement about the printer because trust among AWOLs must be earned. There’s no telling where these kids will ultimately end up and what bargains they’ll strike to save their own lives.

“Lunch,” says Co

Beau knows he’s lying, but also doesn’t push, probably because he also knows he won’t get any information from Co

When Sonia comes down to deliver cold cuts and fairly stale bread for supper that night, Co

“You do realize that we need to get our hands on some of those stem cells you were talking about, and make sure the printer still works before we go public.”

“Fine,” says Sonia, glaring at him. “I’ll pick some up at Walmart tomorrow.” And when Co


“I hope I live to see that day,” Sonia says, and pats him on the cheek like a grandmother might. Co

•  •  •

“What the hell are you doing? Stop that! Do you have any idea what those are?”

Sonia has left the trapdoor open a bit longer than usual to help air out the basement, which has gotten noticeably rank. Co

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it!” Grace frantically tries to put them back in, but the trunk is so full, they just topple out again. It’s like trying to get toothpaste back in the tube.


“I just wanted to see what was inside, and they all started falling out. I didn’t mean it!”

“I know you didn’t. It’s all right. Go downstairs, and I’ll take care of it.”

Grace doesn’t need a second invitation. “I gotta stop touching things. Curiosity killed the cat. I gotta stop touching things.”

Grace bounds down the stairs away from the situation, leaving Co