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Part One: Violations

Chapter 1: Starkey

Chapter 2: Miracolina

Chapter 3: Cam

Part Two: Whollies

Chapter 4: Parents

Chapter 5: Co

Chapter 6: Risa

Chapter 7: Co

Chapter 8: Risa

Chapter 9: Co

Chapter 10: Starkey

Part Three: Windows of the Soul

Chapter 11: Smoker

Chapter 12: Nelson

Chapter 13: Co

Chapter 14: Dolores

Chapter 15: Co

Chapter 16: Risa

Chapter 17: Cam

Chapter 18: Risa

Chapter 19: Cam

Chapter 20: Nelson

Part Four: Leviathan

Chapter 21: Lev

Chapter 22: Trust

Chapter 23: Lev

Chapter 24: Miracolina

Chapter 25: Lev

Chapter 26: Miracolina

Chapter 27: Lev

Chapter 28: Risa

Chapter 29: Cam

Chapter 30: Nelson

Chapter 31: Miracolina

Chapter 32: Lev

Chapter 33: Miracolina

Chapter 34: Lev

Chapter 35: Nelson

Part Five: Matters of Necessity

Chapter 36: Co

Chapter 37: Risa

Chapter 38: Hayden

Chapter 39: Co

Chapter 40: Starkey

Chapter 41: Co

Chapter 42: Starkey

Chapter 43: Avalanche

Chapter 44: Risa

Chapter 45: Cam

Chapter 46: Risa

Chapter 47: Audience

Chapter 48: Risa

Chapter 49: Cam

Chapter 50: Risa

Chapter 51: Cam

Part Six: Fight or Flight

Chapter 52: Lev

Chapter 53: Nelson

Chapter 54: Lev

Chapter 55: Miracolina

Chapter 56: Lev

Chapter 57: Co

Chapter 58: Trace

Chapter 59: Lev

Chapter 60: Starkey

Chapter 61: Noah

Chapter 62: Starkey

Chapter 63: Trace

Chapter 64: Lev

Chapter 65: Nelson

Chapter 66: Gate Guard

Chapter 67: Co

Chapter 68: Vessels

Chapter 69: Lev

Chapter 70: Nelson

Chapter 71: Lev

Chapter 72: Starkey

Chapter 73: Risa

Chapter 74: Roberta

Chapter 75: Cam

Part Seven: Landings

Chapter 76: Dreamliner

Chapter 77: Starkey

Chapter 78: Trace

Chapter 79: Starkey

Chapter 80: Miracolina

Chapter 81: Hayden

Chapter 82: Co

Chapter 83: Nelson

Chapter 84: Co

About Neal Shusterman

For Charlotte Ruth Shusterman

Love you, Mom


I never dreamed that Unwind would turn into a trilogy, but I just couldn’t escape the strange world it encompasses. I owe a continuing debt of gratitude to David Gale, Navah Wolfe, Justin Chanda, A

I thank my children for their endless patience while Dad disappears deep into his head, and Marcia Blanco, my extraordinary assistant, who keeps me sane and somehow keeps me organized! Many thanks to Wendy Doyle and Heidi Stoll for their tireless work on the Shustermania newsletter. Another nod to Wendy, and to my son Jarrod, for transcribing my story ramblings whenever I find myself in a digital dictatorial phase. Thanks to my critique group, the Fictionaires, for helping to guide my words—particularly Michelle Knowlden, for our wonderful collaboration on the “UnStrung” short story, and my “Big Sis” Patricia, for catching me when I McFall.

I am indebted to the countless educators out there who are finding ways of using my books in the classroom, and the many fans who tell me how my books affect their lives—fans like Veronica Knysh, whose e-mail brought me to tears and made me remember the reason why I write.

Thanks to Andrea Brown, Trevor Engelson, Shep Rosenman, Lee Rosenbaum, Steve Fisher, and Debbie Deuble-Hill: my proverbial “people,” who run my career with a collectively enlightened hand (and keep me from ru

And finally I thank my parents, Milton and Charlotte Shusterman, for always being there, even when they can’t be.

And the answer is . . .

As Unwind and UnWholly represent a world turned upside down, what better way to keep you up to speed than giving the answer before the question, like on a certain quiz show? Read the answers, and see how many questions you can get right! Get enough right and you may get to tear up your own unwind order! (Warning: Skipping the game may leave you feeling a bit unwound while reading. . . .)