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"We'll bury them far away," says the Admiral, "and we will tell no one that they're dead. Because if word of it gets out, the culprits will have their first victor)'. If someone does start talking—and they will—we'll track the rumors down to the guilty party."

"And then what?" Co

"And then justice will be served. Until then, this must be our secret."

As Co

"So you want me to be a spy?"

"Whose side are you on? Are you on my side, or the side of whoever did this?"


"Why me?" Co

The Admiral gives him his white-dentured smile. "Because you, my friend, are the least of all evils."

* * *

The next morning, the Admiral makes an a


When the Admiral is present, he feigns obedience, but when others are gathered around him—and there are always others gathered around Roland—he takes every opportunity to cut the man down. "The Admiral's out of touch," he would say. "He doesn't know what it's like to be one of us. He can't possibly understand who we are and what we need." And in groups of kids he's already won over, he whispers his theories about the Admiral's teeth, and his scars, and his diabolical plans for all of them. He spreads fear and distrust, using it to unite as many kids as he can.


* * *

There's a recreation jet at the Graveyard, near the meeting tent. Inside there are TVs and electronics, and under its wings are pool tables, a pinball machine, and reasonably comfortable furniture. Co

While Co

"You're just a busy little worker bee, ain't ya," Roland says, loud enough for all the kids around to hear. Co

Roland keeps a cool poker face. "It looks like you're the Admiral's new golden boy, now that the others have left." He looks around to make sure he has everyone's attention. "I've seen you go up to his jet."

"He needs things fixed, so I fix them," says Co

Then, before Roland can push his interrogation, Hayden speaks up from the pool table.


All eyes turn toward Emby, who has become a fixture at the pinball machine since he arrived. "What?"

"You've been up to the Admiral's, haven't you," Hayden says. "Don't deny it!"


"So, what does he want? I'm sure we'd all like to know."

Emby squirms, uncomfortable at the center of anyone's attention. "He just wanted to know about my family and stuff."

This is news to Co

"I know what it is," says Roland. "He wants your hair."

"Does not!"

"Yeah—his own hair is thi

"Shut up!"

Most of the kids laugh. Sure, it's a joke, but Co

"That's right, pick on Emby," says Co

Roland's response comes without the slightest smile. "I wasn't asked."

* * *

That night Co

"I don't want suspicion, I want proof. I don't want your feelings, I want evidence." The Admiral adds some whiskey from a flask to his own coffee.

When Co

"Very few people know what I'm about to tell you," says the Admiral.

"So why tell me?"

"Because it serves my purposes for you to know."

It's an honest answer, but one that still keeps his motives hidden. Co