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No mention of them on page two, or page three.

"Maybe it's an old newspaper," suggests Risa.


The headline reads, PILEUP ON INTERSTATE. It's a very small article. A morning car accident, blah-blah-blah, traffic snarled for hours, blah-blah-blah. The article mentions the dead bus driver, the fact that the road was closed for three hours. But nothing about them. Co

"It is believed that police activity in the area may have distracted drivers, leading to the accident."

They're all dumbfounded. For Co

"That can't be right," says Lev, "I was kidnapped, or . . . uh . . . at least they think I was. That should be in the news."

"Lev's right," says Risa. "They always have incidents with Unwinds in the news. If we're not in there, there's a reason."


Risa folds her arms. "Why are there no pictures?"

"I don't know—maybe the police are keeping it quiet because they don't want people to know they screwed up."

Risa shakes her head. "It doesn't feel right. . . ."

"Who cares how it feels!"

"Keep your voice down!" Risa says in an angry whisper. Co

But instead, Risa says, "If we're never in the news, then who's going to know if we live or die? See—if it's all over the news that they're tracking us, then when they find us, they have to take us down with tranquilizer bullets and take us to be harvested, right?"


"What if they don't want to take us to be unwound. What if they want us dead?"


"Lev," says Risa, "your family's pretty rich, right?"

Lev shrugs modestly. "I guess."

"What if they paid off the police to get you back by killing the kidnappers . . . and to do it quietly, so no one ever knew it happened?"


And at that moment two things happen. A police car turns onto the street, and somewhere very close by, a baby begins to cry.

* * *


This is the first thought in Co

He forces his feet to stay in one place, and takes a quick moment to assess their surroundings. Cars are starting in driveways as people head off to work. Somewhere a baby is crying. High-school-aged kids are gathered on a corner across the street, talking, pushing each other, laughing. As he looks to Risa, he can tell they're both of one mind, even before she says, "Bus stop!"

The patrol car rolls leisurely down the street. Leisurely, that is, to someone who has nothing to hide, but to Co

He and Risa turn their backs to the police car, ready to stride off inconspicuously toward the bus stop, but Lev is not with the program. He faces the wrong way, staring straight at the approaching cop car.

"What, are you nuts?" Co

A school bus approaches from the other direction. The kids at the corner begin gathering their things. Now, at last, there's permission to run without looking out of place. Co

The cop car's right beside them now. Co

The squad car rolls past them. Up ahead, the bus nears the stop. Co

"Are we really going to get on the bus?" asks Lev.

"Of course not," says Risa.

Now Co

The cop car comes to a halt a dozen yards short of the corner, waiting until the bus is finished loading. That means that the cop car will still be sitting right there when the bus pulls away. "We're screwed," Co

It's as they reach the sidewalk that a sound which has been too faint and too low-priority to care about suddenly snares Co

At the house in front of them, there's a bundle on the porch. The bundle is moving.


"C'mon, Billy, you'll miss the bus!"


It's Risa. She and Lev are a few yards ahead of him. She speaks to Co

Kids have already started piling onto the bus. The police car sits motionless behind the blinking red lights.



Then the door of the house opens. There's a fat little kid at the door—six, maybe seven. He stares down at the baby. "Aw, no way!" Then he turns and calls back into the house, "Mom! We've been storked again!"