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Chapter Eight


“Hayden asked me if I was going with you to Christina’s party tomorrow.” Nadia’s tray banged as she laid it on the lunch table. “What the hell’s that all about?”

“He asked me too.” Cori

I groaned and popped a French fry in my mouth, hoping neither of them would be interested in going to the party.

“Why do you think he’s telling us about this party? Is it mentor-a-riff-raff week?” Nadia wore her eye makeup so dark today, the rest of her face all but disappeared. Combined with her black hair, she looked every inch the goth she’d aimed for. “Or are they playing some cruel joke on us?”

“I don’t know. Maybe Hayden’s trying to be nice. You know, pay me back for tutoring him.” I froze, wishing those words hadn’t slipped out. If I made the party seem safe and enticing, they’d try to drag me there. I didn’t want anything to do with that kind of party.

“We should all go.” Nadia gri

When one of those two got a plan in their head for something new to do, it was hard to dissuade them. Since the three of us were a team and went everywhere together, they’d nag me until I gave in. Nadia would have better sense. I hoped.

“Oh, I think he means it. And by the way he watches you, Tessa, I suspect his reasons are less than noble.” Cori

 “All the more reason to avoid him.” I snuck a peek at Hayden and found him watching me.

 “You should seize the moment. He’s so yummy.” Nadia fa

“It’s a costume party?” Cori

Nadia pointed a black painted fingernail at me. “I’ve got the perfect thing for you.”

If they were thinking about costumes, they wanted to go. I slumped on the lunch bench and covered my face with my hands. “You guys, no.” Why hadn’t my boss at Delia’s Deli put me on the schedule for Friday instead of Saturday? It would’ve been the perfect excuse to get out of the party.

“We’ll be at your house at eight sharp.” Nadia looked pleased with herself. “We’ll arrive dressed then get you ready, since you’re practically a hostile witness.”

“You sure nothing’s going on with you and Hayden?” Cori

“Nothing. I swear. He’s too full of himself.” I raised my right hand as if a bible were present then remembered the first day Hayden and I worked together. “Oh, wait. Once, he suggested we make out instead of study.”

“And you said no?” Cori

Clearly, my friends would be no help. I said a quick goodbye when the warning bell rang then bolted for my locker.

As I reached for my combination lock two students flew past me. One slammed against the locker next to mine. My body jolted into the flight side of fight-or-flight mode but my breathing steadied when I saw it was Hayden and not a stranger.

 “What do you want with her?” Hayden growled, readjusting Bryce by the collar so his feet dangled higher off the ground.

“Wh-what?” the captive replied.

“You were tearing down the hallway straight for her. What were you going to do?” Hayden pressed Bryce firmly into the hard metal wall.

I pushed at Hayden’s arm, trying to unlock his steely grasp. “Hayden. He wasn’t going to hurt me. It’s Bryce. You had to have seen him sitting at our table. C’mon.”

Hayden glanced at me, then slowly eased his grip on Bryce. “Sorry. He was moving toward you pretty fast. I went on automatic and didn’t take the time to identify him. I didn’t realize…”

The guy could move when he needed to, that was for sure. At that moment, I had one word to describe Hayden — intense.

He lowered Bryce to the floor, then turned him in a new direction. Away.

Bryce scurried off. He looked a little shaken but I was pretty sure he’d be fine. I stared at Hayden in disbelief. And awe. Though I felt badly for Bryce, Hayden’s display of testosterone — on my behalf — made him sexier than ever.

Chapter Nine


Tessa gaped at me like I was a monster. “How could you think Bryce would hurt me?”

Girls generally didn’t want to cozy up with scary guys, so there went any hope of getting her to warm up to me any time soon. Again, I told myself it was for the best. “I didn’t think anything. It was reflex. I only knew that if I didn’t act quickly, anything could happen.”

“Well, thanks for looking out for me.” Tessa glanced away, gnawing her lower lip nervously. Then she moved closer and whispered, “Everyone’s staring.”

A scan of the corridor revealed a gawking crowd. Students. Teachers. Even the janitor.

“We’d better get to class.” At that, she walked away. I followed, maintaining my distance, so I didn’t spook her again.

* * * *

After last class, she darted into the hallway before I had a chance to gather my books. By the time I caught up, Brad had cornered her. “What are you doing Saturday night?” he asked.

“Why?” She stepped back, baffled.

“Yeah, why do you want to know?” I moved next to Tessa and eyed Brad.

“Thinking she and I could go out.” He gri

“Actually, I have to work that night. But apparently, my presence is required at Christina’s party tomorrow.” She glared at me. “I guess I’ll see you both there.”

Tessa pla

“We should get started. I’m scheduled for work tonight and, as it is, we have to quit early so I can get there on time.” Tessa spun around and headed toward the library.

“Sure.” I scowled at Brad, then caught up with Tessa. “Where do you work?”

“Delia’s Deli. But it’s not only deli stuff. They have other things too, like cappuccinos, espressos. I mostly do those. Flavio makes the food. Not sure why I’m babbling,” she muttered.

“Yeah, I’ve been to Delia’s. It’s the only thing open around here after ten. Great sandwiches,” I said. “You haven’t been working there long or you would’ve seen us come in.” There, I’d paved the way so when I showed up with my friends — that was inevitable — I could ogle her without her taking it personally and I wouldn’t look creepy.

Chapter Ten


Friday morning. Bleh. In a few hours, I’d be tackled by Nadia and Cori

My normal enthusiasm to leave the house eluded me as I slipped my sandwich in a baggie, then placed it in my backpack by the door.

Honk! Honk!

I peeked through the living room window to see who honked. A convertible yellow Viper idled in our driveway. What the hell was Hayden doing at my house? I released the curtain and darted outside. As soon as he saw me, he killed the engine and got out.

“What’s going on?” I cut across the lawn.

“Thought it might be more efficient to drive to school together.”

I glanced around to see if Brad and Skyler were around and wondered if the three of them were playing a joke on me. “It’s more efficient for you to drive out of your way to the slums rather than go straight to school?”