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My breath catches.

"Someone's coming."

I can hear the slow footsteps of leather boots on linoleum.

Dale scuttles over to his bench, shoving the keys in his pockets. He's just slumping into a look of despair when the deputy's head appears.

"What's the noise?"

Dale looks at him with forced confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get smart with me, kid. I heard a noise."

Knowing he can't move and risk the chance of the keys jingling in his pocket, Dale stays lounging against the wall and shrugs.

"I'm sorry, officer, but it wasn't me."

The man's eyes narrow and I so don't want to see where this is going. Jumping behind him, I run my finger down his neck again. The officer twitches and slaps the spot. I do it again. He scratches this time. I repeat myself one more time and the deputy mumbles an irritated curse then spins on his heel. I watch his retreat and notice him heading for the men's room.

Dale stands with a chuckle.

"Was that you?"

"Too mean?"

"Perfect." He grins.

Pulling out the small, flat key, he tries to work more quietly this time and slips it into the lock. It's not the right one.


"Don't worry. I'll just try them all until we find it." Dale's calm voice soothes my nerves, but I still dance from toe to toe until two keys later the lock clicks open.

We both freeze at the sound, but nothing heads our way.

Sliding the door open, the smallest amount possible, Dale wriggles through.

"You're free!" Before thought stops me, I wrap my arms around his neck.

He shivers and I jump away from him. "Sorry."

"No problem." His smile is golden. I can feel my entire body warming with it until the sound of boots approaching distracts me.

I let out a gasp. Panic flashes over Dale's face.

"Run, I'll distract him."


"Just go!"

I race back down the hall towards the deputy. He is wiping his face down with a paper towel as he saunters back to check on Dale. This can't happen. We need more time.

I hold my breath, close my eyes and run straight towards him, passing through his body and making him stop with a jerk. His spine twitches and his limbs do a quick dance before he spins to look behind him.

"Yes, come this way."

He slowly scans the walls around him, looking nervous, before taking a cautious step back towards the cells.


I glance around me and spot distraction number two. Ru

The deputy appears in seconds.

"Everything alright back there, Walter?" The female officer calls.

"Yeah," the deputy sighs. "Just the wind wreaking havoc again. We have got to find another home for these file trays." He bends down and starts collecting up papers.

I jump over him and head for the exit.

Dale is ducking beneath the front counter. I was hoping my file tray distraction would pull both the officers away, but it didn't work. I stand up to see where the female officer is working then bob back down again.

"If you trying walking out that door, she'll see you straight away."

He nods with a frown.

"How are we supposed to do this?"

Dale mouths, "Distraction?"

"Another one? I'm ru

His lips quirk with a grin as he squeezes the keys in his hands. I watch his knuckles turn white and am suddenly inspired.

"Use the keys."

He looks at me.

"Throw them across the desk or something. They'll turn around and look and we can run out the door."

Dale thinks for a moment then nods at my plan, pointing to the door.


"Open the door," he mouths.

"They'll see."

He quickly points to himself and mimes throwing the keys then points at me and mimes opening the door.

"I'm not strong enough to do that."

He nods.

"No, I'm not."

Throwing me a stern look, he does another definitive nod.

"Your faith in my ability is stupid."

His eyes soften with a look of adoration, which I totally fall for. My insides buzz with warmth as my lips fight a smile.

"Okay, fine. I'll move to the door and count to three. You throw the keys and I'll try to push it open."

He gives me the thumbs up.

I creep over to the door and lean against it.

Concentrate, Nicole. Don't you dare screw this up.

I look to Dale, who's poised, ready to risk himself yet again for my sake. He's such an idiot.

Glancing at the door, he gives me a nod.

"Okay, one... two... three." I let out a grunt as I try to convince myself I'm not made of air and push on the door.

I hear the swoosh of keys, followed by a, "What the hell was that?"

Dale rushes past me and I turn to see the officer rummaging on the floor behind her desk.

Nervous giggles make my muscles quiver as I race around the side of the building, following Dale through the parking lot and over the fence. Dale scrambles up the wood and flicks his leg over the top. Me, being Miss Shortness will have no show. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pass through the wood and end up next to Dale as he lands on the ground. He leans against the planks to catch his breath.

"This is bad." I start to rock on my heels. "This is really, really bad. I just broke you out of jail."

"Calm down."

"Calm down? We're hiding from the police right now? As soon as they find out you're gone all hell is going to break loose."

"Don't you think I know that?" Dale runs a shaky hand through his curls.

"What now?"

"We go find Adam and get your body before Sheriff Hutton does."

"School's like five miles away. How are we supposed to get there?"

Dale frowns then licks his lip. He's obviously reluctant to say whatever it is he needs to say, because he opens and closes his mouth a couple of times then winces.


He sighs. "Fancy a joy ride?"


"Are you out of your mind? No! I'm not going to let you get into more trouble for me."

"What else are we supposed to do? We don't have time for a five mile run."

"What if you get caught?"

"What if I don't get to you before the sheriff does?"

A shudder runs down my spine. I want to break into my spiel about how he shouldn't be doing this for me, but he's already started moving. I let out an agitated huff and follow him.

It only takes a couple of minutes to make it to the road parallel to the police station. I reluctantly scan the cars, looking for lowered windows or unlocked doors. Thankfully the residential road is hardly busy. Most people are at work this time of day.

I spot a car parked across the road. "What about that red one?" I point to it.

"No, let's take the grey one on this side."

"What is it with you and crappy cars? That is a piece of junk." I look at its beat up exterior.

"Yeah, a piece of junk that probably won't be alarmed."