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"He probably still would have caught you."

He ignores my comment and drills the cell bars with his dark glare.

Dale had been like this since the Sheriff yanked him out of the garage by his collar. It was really disconcerting. I could handle irritated Dale... and thoughtful Dale... I was even getting used to sweet, disarming Dale, but darkly pensive Dale was a little scary.

I think back to the ride in here.

The Sheriff kept looking in the rearview mirror, making snide remarks.

"I knew you'd slip back into your old ways eventually. I've read your record, boy. I know all about your thievin'."

Dale kept staring out the window, not rising to any of the taunts.

"What were you trying to take from my place, huh? My son's car? You were going to take the Mustang for a joy ride, weren't you?"

The Sheriff's mocking nastiness was so uncalled for. I couldn't help wondering if he was laying it on so thick, because he wanted to get Dale out of the way.

I gazed into the rearview mirror, trying to catch a decent look at Sheriff Hutton's eyes.

It was only when he started demanding Dale explain his presence by Adam's car that I noticed a lick of fear in his expression.

"What do you know?!" His voice started to rise as he sped towards the station. "You better start talking, boy."

He slammed the brakes hard and Dale lurched forward in his seat, only just managing to stop his face from slamming into the seat in front of him.

With the dignity of a king, he quietly repositioned himself in the back and continued to glare at the back of Sheriff Hutton's head.

Everyone looked at him as he was dragged into the station. The deputy didn't ask any questions as he watched Dale being hauled towards the cell. The bars slammed, followed by the definitive click of the lock.

The Sheriff's eyes narrowed as he gazed at Dale.

"You just sit tight, champ. I'll be back soon."

He hasn't come back. I look at my watch. We have been stuck in here for thirty minutes. Time is ticking away and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I think of the Sheriff collecting Adam from school then driving out to where my body is.

Where will they bury me?

A myriad of possibilities scatter through my brain. They have every chance of getting away with this.

But what about Dale? I look across at him and wonder what his future holds.

How will the Sheriff silence him?

My imagination explodes with images more torturous than the next... Dale incarcerated for a crime he didn't commit, Dale getting beaten up in prison, Dale having to face his parents' shame and disappointment... or the worst of all, Dale lying next to me in a hidden plot made for two.

I wrap my arms around myself to try and stop the shudders wracking my body.

My eyes well with tears.

"This is my fault. You've only ever been good to me and all I've done is ruined your life."

Dale slowly turns in the direction of my voice. His expression is a little broken and I turn away from it.

Tears make my voice tremble.

"I'm so sorry for the way I've treated you. I'm sorry for Scarface. I'm sorry for getting you messed up in this."

"It was my choice."

"No it wasn't. A guy with a heart like yours can't walk away from someone in need." I slip off the seat and kneel at his feet. "You are so good, Dale and I'm not."

A sob catches in my throat.

"I should never have chased you down that hallway and demanded you help me, I should have left you alone." I gulp back my sob. "I wish I'd just died when Adam hit me. It would have been better for everybody."

"Don't say that." I look up to see his aching expression. He reaches out to where he thinks I'm sitting. I want to touch him. I want to wrap my hand in his, but instead I stand and move away.

"I have no right... I'm sorry, Dale. I'm so, so sorry." I sniff and try to rest my head against the bars of the cell. It keeps slipping through so I move back and just stand still.

"Nicky," Dale whispers, "you don't need my forgiveness. You need yours."

I look over at him. He's trying to pinpoint where I'm standing, trying to look into my eyes.

"You think you know me, but you don't. You don't know what I've done. I can't change the past and I can't forgive myself. This is just karma catching up with me."

"Tell me what happened."

I open my mouth then clamp it closed.

"I can't."

"Look, whatever it is, I swear I don't care. It won't change how I feel about you."

I pace to the other side of the cell.

"It will... and it should."

"Did my joy riding change your thoughts about me?"

"That's different. You've made something of your life."

"And you'll make something of yours."

He stands to join me, but I squish myself into the corner so he can't find me.

"You should forget you ever heard me, Dale."

"I'll never be able to, Nicky, and you know it."

He tucks a curl back from his face. He thinks he's looking at me, but his direction is a little off. I don't want to correct him. If he actually catches me with that gaze of his, I'll crumble.

No, I have made up my mind. This is over.

"You have to tell people the truth. You need to make sure the Sheriff doesn't pin anything dodgy on you."

"Nicole, you have to get me out of here. The only way I can prove my i

I hate that he's right.

"I just want this to be over. I should just go and you need to tell everyone the truth. I know they'll think you're crazy, but the truth will set you free, right? I mean isn't that the saying?" My voice is pitching high as I climb towards hysteria.

"Stop talking," Dale orders. "Just shut up for a second."

I close my mouth.

He gives me a moment for my usual rebuttal, but I don't give it. He nods and swallows. "Why do you think I can hear you?"

"I have no idea." I throw my hands in the air. Hysteria dances in my belly, making me giggle.

Dale steps right up to me and aims pretty well. Placing his arms on the cell walls, he captures me in the corner. He waits until my obnoxious twitter dies down, which doesn't take very long with his face so close to mine.

"You're supposed to survive this."

"You don't know that."

"Maybe I do. Maybe this is why God kept me alive in that car... for this situation right here."

"I don't believe in God."

Dale's face softens with a smile.

"He believes in you."

"You don't get it."

I push against him, wanting to break free. My hands whistle through his ribcage and he shivers.

"I don't need to get anything." He leans in so close I can't help looking into his eyes. "I like you."

"No, you don't, you put up with me."

"No," he chuckles. "I really like you." The blush lighting his cheeks, makes me wonder if he's actually telling the truth. "The first time I saw you, I thought you were so incredibly beautiful, but then you opened your mouth."


He grins.

"Let me finish... I wanted to be put off by you. I found you so irritating."

"You know, you're really not selling this."

"I'm not done. Now shut your mouth and let me finish." He gently smiles. "In spite of myself, I couldn't stop watching you and I remember this one day near the start of the year. You were really antsy and completely lost it with this guy in the cafeteria. You told him to suck it then threw a glass of orange juice in his face."