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"And obviously someone from Big Bear High, right?"

"I guess we can assume that."

Dale frowns.

"Oh, blue paint!"


"He said there was blue paint on the guardrail, which was probably from the car."

Dale nods and shoots me a quick smile.

"Blue paint."

I smile back at him.

"So all we have to do now is look for a blue car with scratches on the bumper."

"Yeah." I nod as we slowly drive through Big Bear Village.

"That should be simple enough." Dale brakes to let a mother with her stroller cross the road.

I glance out the window and frown.

"Unless the driver's put their car into hiding or already taken it to the shop."

"Enough with the negativity. I know you're scared, but what happened last night is probably a good thing. At least we have something concrete to search for."

I spot Mrs. Hutton as Dale accelerates away. Pushing her shades into her hair, she smiles at the man walking by. Stepping down from the curb, she rounds the car and unlocks the door of her SUV.

Dale continues plotting out strategy as we make our way to school.

"You're right though, they may not have their car at school, but I know that everyone has to submit details of their car - make, model and registration."


"Up at the office. I had to fill in this form when I arrived. There has to be a record of it somewhere."

"Yeah, but how are we going to get to it?"

"I don't know Invisible Woman, how are we?"

Dale gives me a sly smile and I shake my head.


"Oh come on." Dale says yet again as he slams the door closed after me.

"What's your problem?" The girl beside him frowns.

"Sorry." Dale blushes. "Just talking to myself."

"Weirdo," she mumbles while scuttling away. Dale rolls his eyes and pockets the keys.

"You can do this," he whispers as we ascend the stairs.

"How do you know that?"

"I just know."

He gives me a warm smile and heads towards the office.

He opens the door for me, pretending to actually hold it for someone else. She smiles sweetly at him. I give her a dark look and glance over her shoulder to see Adam walking towards us. He's filing along with a bunch of kids who have just gotten off the bus.

"Let's go," Dale mumbles, leading me to the office.

I so don't want to do this. I don't even know if I can.

"Just stay calm. Let me do the talking." I give him a droll look, which he acts as though he can see, by shooting me a cheeky smile.

"Good morning, Miss Garcia." Dale saunters up to the young office lady. She has been working here for about six months and all the guys try to flirt with her because she's hot. Dale is obviously no exception.

"Mr. Fi

"I'm good." He leans on the counter. "I was just wondering if you could help me. I wanted to check what details I handed in for my car last year. Mr. Nelson keeps pulling me up and asking for my student ID."

Her nose wrinkles.

"Sorry about that. He's never been great with faces, but he does check the parking lot for illegal cars most days, I'm surprised he doesn't remember yours."

"Me too, which is why I'm wondering if I wrote down the wrong registration number or something."

"Let me have a look." She waves her mouse and pulls up a fresh screen.

Dale tips his head in the direction he thinks I'm standing. I wince back at his very pointed look that tells me to get my butt behind her and check out what she can see.

I reluctantly climb over the barrier, but end up slipping and falling straight through it.

"Ewww! That so creeps me out! I just fell straight through that thing." I shiver and let out another noise of disgust.

Dale bites his lips together and covers his mouth in an attempt to stop laughing.

"Shut up." I shoot him some quick daggers then lean over Miss Garcia's shoulder. "Okay, so she's sca

I glance up at him. He shoots me a look that screams, you're not looking for mine!

Rolling my eyes, I glance back at the screen. Blue, blue, blue.

I can't jot down notes so just start calling out students' names. Dale scrambles for a pen as he tries to listen to both Miss Garcia and myself.

"Terri Hemming, blue Saturn Astra, plate number 3HPV968."

"And I see your registration plate number is 7ADK249."

Dale scribbles down the information.

"Nicholas Evans, blue Dodge Dakota, 6PQR842."

I see Adam's name pop up and I'm hesitant to say anything.

"Is that all of them?" Dale asks.

Miss Garcia looks confused.

"I can't see the end of the page, I need her to scroll down."

"I'm sorry?" Miss Garcia frowns. "Did I miss a number?"

"You do it," Dale replies.


"Excuse me?" Miss Garcia tips her head.

"I'm sorry." Dale gives her a charming smile. "I meant, could you repeat it."

I look at the little ball on top of the mouse. All I'd have to do is flick it.

I glance at Dale making a total fool of himself on my behalf.

Biting my lip, I reach for the mouse then stop. "I can't do it while she's looking at the screen, it'll totally freak her out."

Clearing his throat Dale steps back from the desk. "Let me just go make sure I've got this right." He waves the paper in the air, buying me some time and hopefully a distraction.

I wait in agitated silence as Miss Garcia potters around her desk. All I can hope is that she leaves the screen up for me to see. The phone starts ringing and she turns to answer it. I take my chance. Looking at my finger, I will it to move the mouse.

I'm sure if I was flesh and blood right now my lip would be bleeding. I am biting the crap out of it as I reach for the mouse.

My finger goes straight through the first time.

I bite my lip even harder. Glancing at Miss Garcia, I can hear her wrapping up the call and turning back to face the screen.

Please! Move!

I flick the ball of the mouse and watch it turn. The page darts to the end. Letting out a surprised laugh, I squat down to quickly memorize the last three blues I see.

Dale breezes back in.

"It's right." He raises his hands. "I don't know what Mr. Nelson's problem is."

Miss Garcia chuckles.

"I'll see if I can bend his ear." She winks.

"Thanks Miss Garcia, you're the best."

Worried I'll forget the names if they keep talking for much longer, I hold my breath and just walk straight through the barrier.


"Let's go." I call over my shoulder.

"Have a great day." Dale waves then pushes the door extra wide as he's leaving the room.

"Okay, A

"Any others?" Dale scribbles down the info as he walks out to the parking lot.

"Yeah... two." I hesitate. "Um... Micheal Bishop."

"I know his car."


Dale pauses at the door. "And?"

"Adam Hutton, midnight blue Ford Mustang."