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"It's just that I-"

"Who's the older woman, Mr. Cougar Hunter?" I lean down to inspect the photo I've just spotted. Dale has his arm around a gorgeous woman with dark curls and a beaming smile.

Dale steps up beside me. "Firstly gross and secondly, she's my sister, Rachel."

"Really? How old is she?"

"Thirty." He picks up the photo next to it. "These are her kids Emma and Tim."

I gaze at the three impish grins in the picture. Dale is holding his two ice-cream covered relations. "Look at your face - the proud uncle."

"I can't help it. They are two cutie-pies."

"I can't believe you're an Uncle Dale."

"Yeah, well, Unky Dee at this stage."

He blushes red while returning the picture to its rightful place.

"So..." I look to my feet then casually shrug. "How old's your mom?"

Dale shoves his hands in his pockets and turns away from me.

"What, you're not going to tell me?"

"Look my parents are awesome, okay." He spins back to face me. "I don't need you spreading gossip about them."

"I wouldn't!" I try to ignore his dry look, but it's hard to miss. I huff. "You don't trust me."

He shrugs. "Why should I?"

I open my mouth with a sharp response, but I'm interrupted by a black labrador that bursts through the door with a happy bark. I yelp and jump back.

Dale laughs.

"It's okay, he won't hurt a fly."

I dubiously move to the edge of the room, grateful the jumping mutt can't see me. His slobbery tongue is hanging out of his mouth in ecstasy as Dale rubs behind his ears. All of a sudden the dog's nose twitches and springs into the air, sniffing loudly.

"What is it, boy?"

The dog hunches down and starts sniffing the carpet, weaving its way across the room until it's at my feet.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I yell at the dog.

He sniffs around my ankles then starts working his way up my legs until his nose is in my crotch.

"GET out of there!" I try to slap the dog away. "Dale! A little help!"

"Wow." Dale stands back in awe. "That's amazing."

I try to wiggle away from the dog. "What's amazing? The fact your stupid dog can't stop sniffing my crotch?"

"Jess, come here, boy." Dale slaps his thigh. "Jester. C'mere."

After a few more requests, spurted out between bursts of laughter, Dale's dog finally does as he's told.

I brush off my jeans with a shaky hand and raise my body with as much dignity as I can.

"Sorry about that." Dale simpers.

"I'm sure you are." I cross my arms.

"It's pretty amazing that he can sense you though. I wonder why."

"Look, who knows. Just keep him out of my crotch, okay."

"Yes, ma'am." Dale nods, fighting to keep his lips from popping back into a smile.

Rolling my eyes, I relent with a small smile he can't see. Stepping closer, I hold out my hand and let Jester sniff my fingertips. He starts licking air. This is too bizarre.

"I don't understand how he can sense me."

"Life's mysterious."

"That's your answer?"

Dale shrugs.

"Sometimes we just have to accept the fact we can't explain everything. Life happens, whether we want it to or not and we don't always have a reason why. Our job is to try and make some good come out of it."

I have a feeling he's referring to Jody, so I clear my throat and change the subject.

"Why'd you call him Jester?"

Kneeling down, Dale gives his dog another rub behind the ears.

"At the time I got him, he was the only thing that could make me laugh. Jester seemed the perfect name."

"What happened to you?"

Dale gives his dog a final pat and stands.

"Is it to do with your scar?"

He doesn't look at me.

"Is the knife fight rumor true?"

Dale grins.

"Falling through a glass door? Cycling accident? How about the one where you're surfing on a reef?"

He gives me a pitiful look.

"Okay, fine just tell me then. How'd you get the scar?"

Shaking his head, he turns to his desk and starts rifling through some pages.

"Come on. You know all about my past."

"Do I?" He turns.

I scowl at his open expression then look to the ground.

"Okay, fine, don't tell me." I look up with a sniff. "I don't care anyway."

"Dale! Di

He shoots me one last disbelieving look before walking out the door.

I stomp down the stairs behind him, a

I wince; glad I'm not talking out loud.

Dale takes a seat at the table, opposite his parents. His Dad gives him a friendly smile and asks how he's doing. They share a quick joke I don't understand then hold hands and say grace.

Holding hands around the table? Awkward.

"Amen," they all say in unison then smile at each other.

Dude, we're like five shy of the Brady Bunch here.

I lean against the wall and watch as Dale's Dad, what's his name again?

"Charles, can you pass the pepper please?"

That's right.

He hands his wife - Mary? Yeah, I think it's Mary - the pepper and gives her a private smile. Man, they look so in love it's sickening. I mean, ewww. How old are these people?

I ignore the thought that my parents used to look at each other that way and instead return my attention to the fact Dale is being a stubborn ass. I can't believe he doesn't trust me. After all we've been through today.

I cross my arms and shoot him a few death glares, but he's oblivious.

"So, Dale, how are you getting on with Mr. Moffat?"

"Yeah, okay." Dale nods.

"Okay? I was sitting next to you for half the class and you didn't take one note," I call across the room.

Dale's shoulders tense and he shoots his parents a close mouthed smile. My eyes narrow. Stepping towards the table, I decide to play the bitch everyone knows me for.

Squatting down beside the Fi

"Actually Mr. and Mrs. Fi

Dale shovels a fork full of rice into his mouth and glares in the direction of my voice.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a big, fat F on his transcript." I grimace. "Not so great for college apps, am I right?"

Leaning forward, Dale clears his throat and shuffles in his chair.

"If I were you, I'd be asking to see his school work, because if the amount of notes he took today were anything to go by, he might not be doing so well in other areas either."

The fork drops from Dale's hand and in spite of the fact he can't see me, he manages to aim a black glare right in my direction.

"Dale, sweetie, are you okay?"

He holds his breath for a beat, then shakes his head.

"No, actually. I need to tell you guys something."

"What are you doing?"

I step back from the table as his parents both lean forward, looking concerned.

"The truth is..."

"Are you insane, right now? They won't believe you can hear a ghost!"

He sighs.

"I think I'm failing physics."

Confusion stunts my next statement.

Mrs. Fi