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"I'm sorry if I crossed a line before. I shouldn't have been so rude about your boyfriend."

I look down at my nails and run my thumb over the smooth blue polish.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore. If I make it out of this I will be dumping him, very publicly."

Dale chuckles.

"I saw him trying to make out with Julie Peters this morning. I guess it's a good thing. If this hadn't happened I never would have known, just kept dating him like a clueless wonder."

"Even after what he did to you last night?" Dale's brow creases with a frown.

"I don't know." I shrug.

Dale leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. Looking up with sincere eyes that are just an inch from my face, he whispers, "You deserve better."

I feel the sting of tears. If he knew the truth he wouldn't be saying stuff like this.

"You don't know what I deserve."


The door clicks and Dale bolts upright, turning back to the screen and studying it. I glance towards the door and notice a round faced Asian girl with wide eyes and an i

"Hey Dale."

I watch him with a grin as he pulls his eyes away from the screen and gives the girl a polite nod. "Hey Sophie, how's it going?"

"Good." Her face is beaming as she skips over and sits down next to him.

"Hey, hey, watch it." Her butt is about to land on me so I jump out of the way, but not before her shoe goes straight through my boot leather. "Okay, she just totally stood on my foot."

Dale snickers.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asks, her wide eyes looking worried.

"Yeah," Dale clears his throat. "Just a fu

He taps my phone and looks awkwardly at the screen.

Her adoring eyes study him in silence then she dips her head and tucks a strand of black hair behind her ear. Clearing her throat, she glances over at Dale and smiles again.

"So, are you going to youth group on Friday night?"

"Check out that face." I grin. "Is this your girlfriend or something?"

"No!" Dale snaps.

"Oh. Okay." Sophie's smile drops away and she begins fidgeting with the silver ring on her middle finger.

"Dude, she is so crushing on you."

Dale ignores my taunts and sends the girl an apologetic smile.

"I mean, maybe, I'm not sure yet."

The room lights with her sunshine smile and I can't help laughing.

"What is your problem, Dale? Look at those big brown eyes. She wants you. Go for it."

"Would you shut up," he mumbles.

"I'm sorry?" Sophie looks crushed. "Is it not okay that I'm here?"

"Yeah, of course. It's totally fine." Dale pats her hand and stands up. "I just have to go and I was wondering if you wanted to use my computer then shut it up for me."

"Smooth," I whisper.

Dale closes his eyes and clears his throat, forcing a smile. Sophie smiles back and nods, obviously disappointed by his departure.

"Okay. Thanks, Dale." She slides into his chair and he reaches over her to hide the screen.

"I'll just log out."

She studies his face as he quickly shuts down his account. Giggles rumble in my belly, but I swallow them down. Dale looks so awkward right now. Bolting upright, he pats Sophie on the shoulder and says a quick goodbye.

"Bye." She gives him a little wave as he turns to walk out the door.

The corridor is empty as we make our way back towards the quad.

"What is wrong with you? That girl is on your doorstep, man. Let her in!"

"Maybe I don't want to let her in."

"What, you think you're go

Dale stops in his tracks and gives me a dark look.

I cover my mouth with my hand and wince.

"I didn't mean to say it like that. What I mean is... she seems sweet."

He tips his head to the side, his right eyebrow jumping north, adding extra power to his droll expression.

I stupidly keep talking.

"Come on, she totally looks like your type."

"How would you know what my type is? You don't even know me." Dale turns and starts walking again.

I run to catch up with him.

"Is it because of the scar? Because there are some awesome plastic surgeons in L.A.. They could fix that up for you."

"No, it's not because of the scar and I don't need it fixed. I like it this way."

"Really? Why?"

He closes his eyes and sighs.

"It's a good reminder."

"Of what?" I look up at his pinched lips.


He shakes his head.

I fidget with my watch strap, unsure how to respond. My curiosity is definitely peaked. "I was just wondering if the scar made you feel-"

"Would you shut up about it? Jeez, Nicole! You've got the sensitivity of a shark."

My mouth drops open and I shoot him a scowl that I totally forget he can't see.

"I was just trying to be helpful."

"How?!" He spins to face me. "How is your constant chirping in my ear helpful?"

"I... she's a girl who likes you!" I point back down the corridor.

"You don't have to play cupid, okay. I can look after my own love life."

"What love life? You barely have any friends, let alone a girlfriend."

He groans and looks to the ceiling.

"You want to help me out, Nicole?" Leaning towards me, he tries to get right in my face. His direction is scarily accurate as he yells, "Stop talking!"

Fine. I cross my arms and glare at him.

After an icy-silence standoff, he eventually mutters, "Thank you," then turns and walks away.

I am so pissed right now I can hardly breathe. I watch him stomp away from me then scream a stream of curses in my head before following him. As he approaches the bathroom, my eyes narrow.

Invisible Woman.

An empowering smile brushes over my lips as Dale flings back the bathroom door and I jump in behind him. Without saying a word, I watch him dump his bag then listen to him unzipping his fly as he steps up to the urinal.

I give him a second to get started, then walk up behind him and clear my throat.

His shoulder jerks then he huffs. "Are you watching me pee right now?"

"No. I'm staring at the back of your dumb-ass head!"

I can't be sure, but I think he just laughed, one of those short ones that kind of punches out of the chest. Zipping his fly, Dale flushes the urinal and heads to the hand basin. I think he assumes I'm still standing behind him, because he looks in the mirror as he's washing his hands. I gaze at the side of his face.

"You know, you should be nicer to me. I'm the only one willing to help you."

"You're the only one capable."

He jumps to the side and turns towards the sound of my voice. Shaking the droplets from his hands, he grabs a paper towel.

"And anyone else in my position would have run for their life." He wipes his hands dry and turns towards me. "But I stopped and listened."

"Oh, my hero," I can't keep the mockery from my voice, "the guy who tells me to shut my face. I'm so incredibly happy it’s you who can hear me."

"You know what..."

I gasp.

"What's wrong?" Dale steps towards me.

"The walls are moving."


"My head!" I grab at it and crumple to the floor as the tiles go blurry and start rushing towards me.