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Dale ignores my yelled response and continues with his calm interrogation.

"What if she doesn't come back tomorrow?"

"Then maybe she's finally found the guts to run away."

My insides twist. Why does everyone assume I want to do that?

"Why don't you text her, find out if she's okay?"

"And why don't you mind your own business." Trent slams his locker and spins around.

Dale doesn't budge. Raising his chin, he gives a small nod, but won't back down.

"You were the last person to see her."

"What are you, a cop or something? Look she got out of my car and that's the last time I saw her!"

"Where'd she get out?"

Trent's fists bunch into tight knots.

"Dale, it doesn't matter. He's not go

He ignores me, bunching his own fists, unafraid of the nostril snorting giant in front of him.

"Oi! You two! Get your butts out on my field. Now!!" Coach Yeller (it's actually Gellar, but everyone calls him Yeller... for obvious reasons) pulls the boys apart with a look of steel. Trent shoves Dale out of his way as he walks past. Dale stares after him, unfazed by the roughness.


"Coming sir, I just have to use the bathroom." He puts on a grimace and holds his stomach.

Coach Yeller takes a disgusted step backwards. "Make it quick!" Spi

Dale clears his throat and waits for the slam of the door before grabbing his bag and walking the other way. "You coming?"

"Ahhh, no thank you. I don't really need to see you poop."

"I'm not going to the bathroom." He pulls the door open. "I want to check out Trent's car."


Dale looks over his shoulder as we amble out into the parking lot. Ducking low, we skirt around the vehicles until we reach Trent's Jeep. Dale runs his fingers along the edge of the window. Dropping his bag, he unzips it and pulls out a long, flat piece of metal with a little hook on the end. Is that a slim jim?

"Why do you have that in your bag?"

Without saying a word, he inserts it down the edge of the window, jiggles it like a pro and pops the lock. "In case I ever lock my keys in the car." He shoots me a grin then opens the door.

"But, how'd you..." My voice dies away as I watch Dale hunt around the passenger's seat. Opening the glove box, he rifles through it as I'm swamped by another memory.

"Trent, stop it." I pushed his fidgeting fingers away from the fly of my jeans, trying to keep my voice light.

"Come on," he murmured into my neck, his lips working over my collarbone and nuzzling beneath my shirt.

I was lying on the reclined passenger's seat, pi

It didn't feel right. His lips weren't soft and succulent, his hands weren't tender and smooth. As I lay beneath him in the car I felt smothered. I don't know why, but I wanted out.

"Trent, seriously, stop it." I pushed his hands out from beneath my shirt as they brushed my dog tags. I felt the cool metal on my flesh and Dale's eyes swam through my brain.

Trent gave me a wicked grin and returned to his original starting point, ru

I tried to catch his wrist, but he maneuvered out of my way.

"I mean it!" I squeezed my legs together and shoved at his chest. He lurched away from me and swore.

"What the hell is your problem tonight?"

I re-zipped my fly and wriggled away from him as he climbed back into the driver's seat.

"It's not like we haven't done this before. Just last weekend we were-"

"Yeah, I know, but can't you just take me home and kiss me goodnight? Why do we always have to finish our dates with sex?" I adjusted my shirt.

Trent let out a frustrated sigh.

"I so don't get you. One minute you're begging for it. Look at the way you're dressed. And now you're playing cold fish."

I glared at him. Begging for it? Hardly!

He touched my face and kept his voice sweet and gentle.

"What do you want, Nicole?"

I recognized the tactic, but still felt softened by it.

"I don't know," I gave my standard reply, which he took as permission.

I was soon engulfed with kisses and roaming hands. The urge to just give in and get it over with was strong, but then I felt the dog tags again and my insides sparked with anger.

"Stop it! I said I didn't want to tonight. Why do you always have to keep pushing?"

I turned away from him and looked out the window... at the so called view. All I saw were dark, creepy trees.

Trent's fingers skirted my hair away from my neck and his lips soon followed. I rolled my eyes and unlatched the door, jumping into the cool night air.

"I said stop. I don't want to, just deal with it."

The dim car light illuminated his features as he glared at me. "Get in the car."

"No." I crossed my arms and glared back at him.

"Nicole. Get. In. The car," he repeated between clenched teeth.

I raised my chin. "No."

"Fine." He slammed the steering wheel. "You stubborn bitch." Grabbing my bag he chucked it at my feet. "You don't want to be with me, that's your loss."

Slamming the door closed, he started the car and revved the engine.

"Wait! Trent!" I reached for the door handle, but before I could grab it the back wheels spun and he screeched away from me.

"Look what I found?" Dale pulls me back to the present by waving my iPhone in front of his face. "Looks like you were in here last night, unless Trent has a thing for hot pink, jewel encrusted phone cases."

I force my lips to smile. I don't know why, it's not like her can see me.

"Yeah that's mine," I mumble, reaching for it then dropping my invisible hand as Dale turns back to look in the car again. "I remember being in here."

"You do?" Dale spins to face me, his direction is a little off, but I can't be bothered correcting him. "What happened?"

"I um. We parked. I just remember we were parked."

Dale's eyebrows bunch together, his mouth pinching into a tight line as he looks to the ground.

"Nothing happened." I don't know why I want him to know so badly.

He gives a nod and I sigh.

"That's why I got out of the car."

"What do you mean?"

Why am I telling him this?

"He wanted to... you know... and I didn't feel like it so..."

Dale's expression changed to one of amusement as I stumbled through my words and it pissed me off.