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Tel.: (202) 387–4884

Web site: http://www.workersrights.org

Организации, содействующие более демократическому, устойчивому подходу к вопросам продовольствия

American Community Garden Association

Tel.: (877) 275–2242

Web site: http://www.communitygarden.org

American Corn Growers Association

Tel.: (202) 835–0330

Web site: http://www.acga.org

Community Food Security Coalition

Tel.: (310) 822–5410

Web site: http://www.foodsecurity.org

EarthSave International

Tel.: (800) 362–3648

Web site: http://www.earthsave.org

Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy

Tel.: (510) 654–4400

Web site: http://www.foodfirst.org

Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE)

Tel.: (212) 726–9161

Web site: http://www.gracelinks.org

Heifer International

Tel.: (800) 422–0474

Web site: http://www.heifer.org

Local Harvest

Tel.: (831) 475–8150

Web site: http://www.localharvest.org

National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture

Tel.: (845) 361–5201

Web site: http://www.sustainableagriculture.net

National Cooperative Grocers Association

Tel.: (251) 621–7675

Web site: http://www.ncga.coop

National Farm to School Program

Tel.: (323) 341–5095

Web site: http://www.farmtoschool.org

National Gardening Association

Tel.: (800) 538–7476

Web site: http://www.kidsgardening.com

Organic Consumers Association

Tel.: (218) 226–4164

Web site: http://www.organicconsumers.org

Организации, занимающиеся преобразованием медиасреды

Alliance for Community Media

Tel.: (202) 393–2650

Web site: http://www.alliancecm.org

Allied Media Projects

E-mail: [email protected] /* */

Web site: http://www.clamormagazine.org/allied/about.html

Center for Digital Democracy

Tel.: (202) 986–2220

Web site: http://www.democraticmedia.org

Center for International Media Action

Tel.: (646) 249–3027

Web site: http://www.mediaactioncenter.org

Center for Media & Democracy (Publisher of PR Watch)

Tel.: (608) 260–9713

E-mail: [email protected] /* */

Web site: http://www.prwatch.org

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)

Tel.: (212) 633–6700

Web site: http://www.fair.org

Media Access Project

Tel.: (202) 232–4300

Web site: http://www.mediaaccess.org


Tel.: (646) 230–6288

Web site: http://www.mediarights.org

Media Tenor

Tel.: (212) 448–0793

Web site: http://www.mediatenor.com

Microcinema International

Tel.: (415) 864–0660

Web site: http://www.microcinema.com

Openflows Networks, Ltd.

Tel.: (416) 531–5944

Web site: http://openflows.org

Reclaim the Media

E-mail: [email protected] /* */

Web site: http://www.reclaimthemedia.org

Third World Majority

Tel.: (510) 682–6624

Web site: http://www.cultureisaweapon.org

Интерактивные СМИ и новые источники информации


Web site: http://www.alternet.org

Coalition of Immokalee Workers/Radio Conciencia

Tel.: (239) 657–8311

Web site: http://www.ciw-online.org

Common Dreams News Center

Web site: http://www.commondreams.org

Free Press

Tel.: (866) 666–1533

Web site: http://www.freepress.net

Free Speech TV

Tel.: (303) 442–8445

Guerrilla News Network/GNN.tv

Web site: http://www.guerrillanews.com

Hometown Utilicom (public Internet utility)

Tel.: (610) 683–6131

Web site: http://www.hometownutilicom.org

Independent Media Center

Web site: http://www.indymedia.org/en/index.shtml

In the Mix

Tel.: (800) 597–9448

Web site: http://www.pbs.org/inthemix

The Meatrix

Web site: http://www.themeatrix.com

Pacifica Radio

Tel.: (510) 849–2590

Web site: http://www.pacifica.org

Thin Air Radio

Tel.: (509) 747–3807

Web site: http://www.thinairradio.org


Web site: http://www.tompaine.com TruthOut

Web site: http://truthout.org

Организации, занимающиеся вопросами образования

Big Picture Schools

Tel.: (401) 781–1873

Web site: http://bigpicture.org

Center for Collaborative Education

Tel.: (617) 421–0134

Web site: http://www.ccebos.org