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35. Phillips I. R. The reproductive potential of the common cotton-eared marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) in captivity. — J. Med. Primatol., 1976, vol. 5, N 1, p. 49.

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46. Groves C. P. The forgotten leaf-eaters, and the phylogeny of the Colobinae. — In: Old World monkeys. New York; London: Acad. Press. Inc., 1970, p. 557.

47. Angst W., Thommen D. New data and a discussion of infant killing in old world monkeys and apes. — Folia primatol., 1977, vol 27, N 3, p. 198.

48. Kavanagh M. Foodsharing behaviour within a group of Douc monkeys (Pygathrix nemaeus nemaeus). — Nature, 1972, vol. 239, N 5372, p. 406.

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