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GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING OFFICE: Extent Of Money Laundering Through Credit Cards Is Unknown; Washington, DC, 2002

GOVERNMENT OF CANADA: Canada-US Cross Border Crime and Security Cooperation, Ottawa, September 2002

GOVERNMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN: Report Of Mr Rodney Gallagher Of Coopers And Lybrand On The Survey Of Offshore Financial Sectors In The Caribbean Dependent Territories; London, 1990

GRAND COURT OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS: Indictment — The Queen V Donald Stewart, Brian Cunha, Ivan Burges, Judith Donegan; Georgetown, Cayman Islands, 2002

INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND: Governance, Corruption & Economic Performance; Corruption Around The World — Causes, Consequences, Scope And Cures; Institutionalized Corruption And The Kleptocratic State; Corruption, Extortion And Evasion; Corruption, Structural Reforms And Economic Performance In The Transition Economies; Improving Governance And Fighting Corruption In The Baltic And Cis Countries — The Role Of The Imf; Washington, DC, September 2002

Caribbean Offshore Financial Centers — Past, Present And Possibilities For The Future; a working paper prepared by Esther C. Suss, Oral H. Williams and Chandima Mendis, Washington, DC, May 2002

Enhancing Contributions To Combating Money Laundering, Washington, DC, 2001

Financial System Abuse, Financial Crime And Money Laundering, Washington, DC, 2001

Offshore Financial Centers; Background Paper, Washington, DC, June 2000

Offshore Banking — An Analysis Of Micro- And Macro-Prudential Issues; Errico, Luca and Musalem, Alberto, Washington, DC, January 1999

Money Laundering And The International Financial System; Tanzi, Vito, Washington, DC, 1996

The Structure and Operation of the World Gold Market, Washington, DC, September 1993

LAIDLOW, PHILIP: Shams, Association Of Corporate Trustees, July 2000


The USA Patriot Act — A Legal Analysis; Doyle, Charles, Washington, DC, 2002

The USA Patriot Act — A Sketch; Doyle, Charles, Washington, DC, 2002

NAYLOR, R.T: Follow-The-Money Methods In Crime Control Policy;

A study prepared for the Nathanson Centre For The Study Of Organized Crime And Corruption, Toronto, 1999

OXFAM: Tax Havens, Releasing The Hidden Billions For Poverty Eradication, London, June 2000

PETRAS, JAMES: Dirty Money Foundation Of US Growth And Empire Size And Scope Of Money Laundering By US Banks; report to the Centre for Research on Globalisation, Mexico, 19 May 2001

PHILLIPS, DION E: Another Look At The Royal Bahamas Defence Force, Center For Hemispheric Defense Studies, University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, August 2002

PUBLIC CITIZEN: Congress Watch — Congressional Leaders’ Soft Money Accounts Show Need for Campaign Finance Reform Bills, Washington, DC, February 2002

ROBB EVANS AND ASSOCIATES LLC: Various Reports Of Receiver’s Activities In The Matter Of JK Publications, MJD Service Corp, et. al.; California, 2002

SANTINO, UMBERTO: The Financial Mafia — The Illegal Accumulation Of Wealth And The Financial-Industrial Complex; private paper, 1986

SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION: AS Goldmen And Co, Inc, And Employees Charged With Variety Of Microcap Related Violations; Washington, DC, 1999

SIRIUS, FRANCIS J: Cubans In Miami — An Historic Perspective; Division of Humanities, St. Thomas University, Miami, Florida. Prepared for delivery at the a

SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK: The People Of The State Of New York Against Harry Bloomfield And Stuart Creggy; New York, 2002

SWISS BANKERS ASSOCIATION: Switzerland And The Fight Against Money Laundering; Basle, 2001

UNITED NATIONS: Report Of The Policy Working Group On The United Nations And Terrorism, New York, 2002

UNITED NATIONS, OFFICE FOR DRUG CONTROL AND CRIME PREVENTION, GLOBAL PROGRAMME AGAINST MONEY-LAUNDERING: Financial Havens, Banking Secrecy and Money Laundering; authored by Blum, Jack; Levi, Michael; Naylor, R. Thomas; Williams, Phil; New York, 1998

UNITED NATIONS, SECURITY COUNCIL: Report Of The Monitoring Group Established Pursuant To Security Coincil Resolution 1363 (2001) And Extended By Resolution 1390 (2002), New York, 13 May 2002

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: An Act To Deter And Punish Terrorist Acts In The United States And Around The World, To Enhance Law Enforcement, lonvestigatory Tools, And For Other Purposes (United And Strengthening America By Providing Apprppriate Tools Required To Intercept And Obstruct Terrorism — USA Patriot Act), Washington, DC, 2001

UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT: Final Report Of The Independent Counsel For Iran/ Contra Matters; Washington, DC, 1993

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, UNITED STATES ATTORNEY CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA: Malibu Man Pleads Guilty To $37 Million Internet Credit Card Fraud Scheme; January 22, 2001

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY: Letter to Hon. Alfred J. Lechner, Jr re: United States v John Mathewson, 29 July 1999

Plea Agreement With John Mathewson, 3 March 1997

Letter To Mr. William T. Walsh, US District Court Clerk, Re: Johnson And Dinan V United States Of America: Brief Of The United States In Opposition To The Petitioners’ Motion For Return Of Property; Affidavit Of Special Agent Sean W. McCarthy; Declaration Of James P. Springer; Proposed Order, 27 November 1996

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE: BUREAU FOR INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AFFAIRS — International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, Washington, DC, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY: National Money Laundering Strategy Report, Washington, DC, 2002

International Counter-Money Laundering Act Of 2000, A Section By Section Analysis, March 2000

An Introduction To Electronic Money Issues; Staff paper for the conference “Toward Electronic Money and Banking”, Washington, DC, 1996

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY: Amended Judgement In A Criminal Case, United States Of America V John Mathewson, Attempt To Commit Tax Evasion; Newark, 1999

Amended Judgement In A Criminal Case, United States Of America V John Mathewson, Conspiracy To Commit International Money Laundering, Newark, 1999

Indictment, United States Of America V Francis Joseph Russo, Joa

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK: The European Community v RJR Nabisco, Inc, and others.

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK: Security And Exchange Commission V Invest Better 2001, Cole A Bartiromo And John/Jane Does 1–10, Declaration Of Craig S. Warkol In Support Of Plaintiff’s Motion For Summary Judgment And An Order Of Preclusion; Exhibits To Declaration Of Craig S. Warkol, Vo -lumes 1–4, 2002

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE: Report To The Chairman, Permanent Subcommittee On Investigations, Committee On Government Affairs, United States Senate — Anti-Money Laundering Efforts In The Securities Industry, Washington, DC, 2001

UNITED STATES SENATE: Report To The Committee On Foreign Relations — The BCCI Affair, Kerry, John and Brown, Hank, December 1992


REPORT ON CORRESPONDENT BANKING: A Gateway To Money Laundering; Minority Staff, Washington, DC, February 2001

WACHTEL, HOWARD M: Corporate Governance And Tax Distortion In The Global Economy; Inter-Disciplinary Council on the Global Economy, Washington, DC, 2000

The Mosaic Of Global Taxes; Global Futures — Institute for Social Studies, Washington, DC, 2000