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27 July 1999: La Franchi, H. — Drugs Pulling US Into Columbia’s War

9 July 1999: Abel, D. — Holes Open In US Drug-fighting Net

27 August 1998: Baldauf, Scott — Why It’s So Hard for US to Pick Terrorists’ Pockets


21 October 2001: Robberson Tod — Investigators Hope Money Trail Is Path To Stopping Drug Flow Unlikely Helpers Aid Effort Against Complex Global Transactions

10 April 1997: Lodge, Bill — 18 Months Added To Man’s Sentence

21 September 1996: Houston Man Reportedly Says He Led Phony Nation

27 July 1996: Authorities Are Tracking Scam Artist

10 April 1996: Lodge, Bill — Insurance Salesman Confesses In Fraud Case


18 January 2003: Judge Orders Man To Pay $37m Us For Flour Fraud-Man Said He Was A Minister Sending Aid Overseas


3 March 1995: Parry, John and Patey, Tony — King Of Europe’s Cash Bernie Cornfeld Dies


11 April 2000: Co



13 November 2002: Fitzpatrick, Peter — Dirty Funds Haunt Small Exchanges Osc Comments About Money Laundering, Criminal Elements Earn Rebuke

27 September 2002: Brieger, Peter — Brokerage Regulator Can’t Be Sued By Investor Ruling On Suit Against IDA


September 24 2002: Parker, Andrew, Burns, Jimmy and Peel, Michael — Banks Set To Avoid Charges In Abacha Funds Case

23 September 2002: Parker, Andrew, Burns, Jimmy and Peel, Michael — Sorry Tale Of Efforts To Recover Abacha Loot To Repatriate Funds Stolen From The Country’s Central Bank Now In Tatters, The Government Is Turning To The International Courts

23 September 2002: Parker, Andrew, Burns, Jimmy and Peel, Michael — Nigeria Seeks To Recover Stolen Abacha $1bn

23 March 2002: Winer, Jonathan — How To Clean Up Dirty Money

13 February 2002: Caribbean Tax Haven Offers Assistance

29 Novemer 2001: Willman, John — Trail of Terrorist Dollars that Spans the World 26 January 2001: Mason, John and Parker, Andrew — Government Drive to Seize Criminal’s Assets

30 October 2000: Banks Clean Up

20 October 2000: Willman, John — Laundering Probe Targets London

21 August 2000: Cyprus Tries to Shake Off Tax Haven Image

12 May 2000: Islands Ask For Help On Offshore Rules

23 July 1999: Nigeria seeks help in tracing billions ‘taken’ by former military leaders

25 March 1998: Cartel Laundered Millions Through Bank

23 March 1998: Time To Take A Stand On Assets

24 January 1998: Graham, George and Wright, Robert — Winds Of Change On Treasure Islands

17 February 1998: Panama To Capitalize On Clean Bank Image

26 November 1997: Moves To Tame The Tiger

31 October 1997: Secrecy Laws — Screen Has Been Drawn Back Briefly

8 August 1995: Action Taken on Pyramid Scheme


30 December 1998: Fisher, Lise — Drug Smuggler Sentenced to Life, Convict to Forfeit Millions


2 March 2002: Scott, Katherine Hutt — Antigua Bank Owner Was Largest Soft-Money Contributor To Daschle


26 March 2003: Marron, Kevin — Banks Investing In Systems To Bring Terrorists To Account

4 February 2003: Belford, Terrence — Brokers Affected By Money-Laundering Legislation

31 January 2003: Stewart, Sinclair And Howlett, Karen — Court Halts Tracking Of Valentine

10 December 2002: McNish, Jacquie — Trustee Slaps Former Tk Staff With Suit Space

23 October 2002: McNish, Jacquie — Valentine Sells Assets To Cover Defaulted Loan

24 September 2002: Alphonso Caroline — Valentine Proclaims His I

23 September 2002: Alphonso, Caroline — Valentine Spends Weekend Behind Bars In Miami

21 September 2002: Alphonso Caroline and McNish, Jacquie — Valentine Plans To Plead Not Guilty

20 September 2002: McNish, Jacquie and Dixon, Guy — Lawyer In Sting Seeks Debt Relief, Man Charged By FBI Has Posh Lifestyle

18 September 2002: McNish, Jacquie and Freeman, Alan — Valentine Sought German Brokerage Venture, Indicted Canadian Caught In FBI Sting Eyed Troubled Firm

26 August 2002: Saunders, John — Greed Was The Bait For FBI Stock Sting 18 August 2002: RCMP Expect Further Arrests From Bermuda Short Sting

16 August 2002: McFarland, Janet; Mcke

8 July 2002: McNish, Jacquie and Saunders, John — The Rise And Fall Of Broker Mark Valentine

15 June 2002: Oberman, Mira — Pot Farms Conceal Deadly Risks


7 March 2003: Teather, David — Enron Scams Fill 2,000 Pages, Second Report From Investigator Tells Of Increasingly Desperate Efforts To Conceal Financial Disaster

14 December 2002: Levene, Tony — An Elite Police Unit Is Using The Internet To Fight Back Against International Electronic Fraudsters

18 May 2000: Osborn, Andrew — Nigerian ex-dictator’s stolen millions in British banks

12 May 1997: Plommer, L. — Islands Link Drug Cartels To Economy


October 22, 1999: Perin, Monica — From Mexico To Antigua, R. Allen Stanford And Family Have Created A Financial Firm Catering To The Aff luent


28 June 1998: Ricks, Michael — International Fraud Squad Arrests London Lawyers


28 January 2001: Lashmar, Paul — Banking Fugitive Woos Uganda


15 March 2003: Sullivan, Aline — World watchdogs make life unpleasant offshore

12 May 2001: Milbank, Dana — US Quits Oecd’s Drive To Rein In Tax Havens

4 December 2000: Ignatius, David — Getting Serious about Money Laundering

25 October 2000: Buerkle, Tom — Havens See Benefits In Tough New Rules

12 May 2000: Luxembourg Freezes Loot Abacba Took From Nigeria

27 November 1997: Walsh, Sharon — Mob Bust On Wall Street


6 July 2002: Business and Political Figures Names in Ansbacher Report

5 July 2002: Walking Bank Who Financed Haughey’s Secret Lifestyle 28

September 2001: Cusack, Jim — CAB To Lead Anti-terrorism Efforts


8 October 1995: Rodan, Steve — Home-Grown Terrorists May Return To Haunt The US


16 July 2000: Ivanovich, David — Houston Banker Tries To Create Caribbean Empire, Runs Into Problems With Feds


22 December 2002: Kristof, Kathy M — Author, Attorney Indicted In Offshore Account Case

5 November 2002: Hiltzik, Michael and Weinstein, Henry — Cigarettes Portrayed As Currency Of Crime EU Suit Against R.J. Reynolds Describes A Worldwide System Of Money Laundering

31 October 2002: Weinstein, Henry and Levin, Myron — Eu Alleges Mob Ties To Tobacco

7 April 2002: Meyer, Josh & Lichtblau, Eric — Crackdown On Terror Funding Is Questioned

25 August 1999: Leeds, Jeff — Cayman Islands Lifts Veil of Bank Secrecy

17 May 1994: The Troubled Reign of Bhutto 11

8 September 1989: Witness Tells Of Mob Influence In Pe


13 October 2002: Beaton, Graeme — Duo Face Jail In US Over Ł11 Million International Share Scam


16 September 2001: Robinson, Jeffrey — Following The Money 1 December 2002: Beaton, Graeme — Ex-Magistrate Guilty In Huge Shares Sting Graeme Beaton


16 August 2002: Fields, Gregg — Traders Charged In Fund Scheme Money Laundering And Kickbacks Alleged

15 April, 2001: Fields, Gregg and Whitefield, Mimi — Prosecutions Helping Lift the Veil of Secrecy from Offshore Banks

21 February 2001: Fields, Gregg and Whitefield, Mimi — Offshore Governments Close Three Banks — Money Laundering Report Spurs Move

27 October 2000: Lebowitz, Larry — 19 From Crime Family Indicted