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Quietly making my way down the hall, I stop by my dad’s office and listen in.

Nothing. Not a sound.

Peeking in, I see my dad at his desk, going through a photo album. I assume he wants privacy, so I turn to leave, when I hear, “Nothing scarier than almost losing a child.”

Stopping in my tracks, I listen as he goes on, “Losing a child, as in your wee one passing away, I think ye could come to terms with. It’s so final. I’m not saying it would be easy, just that it’s permanent. But almost losing a child…” He clears his throat. “…It’s a very hard thing to witness. Ye do the best ye can to hold it together for yer family. Somehow, it always comes back to that day. The thought of ye being out of me sight for even a minute was enough to make me loopy.”

Turning, my eyes met my father’s as he continued, “Because if ye were out of me sight, I couldn’t protect ye, love. It’s a father’s duty. And I only did what any father would do. I could handle ye thinking I wasn’t fair. As long as ye were safe, I could deal with yer attitude, Lily.”

And although I don’t completely understand, I get it somewhat. Nodding once, I shift from foot-to–foot, suddenly nervous.

A smiling Dad breaks the tension with, “So he fought the underworld for ye?”

Not able to keep the smile down, I whisper, “He promised he’d come back for me.”

He looks serene as he says, “Must love ye a lot, Lily girl.”

Dipping my chin, I tell him, “He says he does.”

Dad returns in perfect Irish sarcasm, “I’d be inclined to believe him. Coming back from the dead is overkill, but the gesture was nice.”

And I laugh softly, shaking my head.

Standing, Dad smiles up at me. “Missed ye a lot, darling. Do ye think…ye think I could get a hug?”

Not wasting another second, I cross the room in a second flat and wrap my arms around my father’s waist. Placing my cheek to his chest, I take in the warmth and love being given in this moment. I mutter into my dad’s shirt, “I’m getting married.”

He sighs and strokes my hair, “I know, sweets. It’s time for me to let go and place ye in the hands of someone who deserves ye. And I think Nox deserves ye.”

Squeezing my dad, I assure, “He does deserve me. As much as I deserve him.”

He pulls back a little and smiles softly, “Shall I go meet my future son-in-law then?”

“Yeah. I think that would be nice.”

Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, we walk together to the back patio where everyone sits chatting. Terah’s leading the conversation, as always.

Nox turns to the doorway and smiles, seeing me and my father wrapped up. Taking his cane, he stands a little unsteadily, and walks towards us. My father holds his hand out. Nox takes it. And I’m a little stu

My throat tightens. My eyes burn.

Still in a manly embrace, my dad says, “Owe ye everything, son. Ye need or want anything, ye just ask.”

Nox earns a point in my dad’s book when he utters, “I’m quite partial to your daughter, actually. I was kinda hoping I could keep her.”

Dad bursts into laughter and claps him on the back. He chuckles, “I’d love to say yes, and ye’ve got me permission.” He looks over to me. “But it’s up to her.” He smiles at me, “If it’s any help, I think she’d follow ye to Hell and back.”

They release each other, and Nox steadies himself on his cane. He turns to me. “She already has.”


The guys stay gathered in the dining room, while us ladies clear the table.

We’ve been chatting about our men and wedding stuff. Terah says, “God, sometimes I look at Jon and think ‘how the Hell did I manage to get you?’ We’re so lucky.”

Mom adds, “They are very handsome.”

Terah and I scoff. Shaking my head, I say, “Handsome is something. And Nox is handsome most times. But, by God, he is hot. Hotter than Hell, Mom. I never thought I could love someone so much. I can hardly keep my hands off him.”

Mom chastises on a gasp, “Lily! That’s inappropriate! You’re a lady and ladies do not speak that way.”

Terah chuckles, “Screw being a lady. I love my special cuddle time with Jon.”

Mom covers her ears, but barks out an embarrassed laugh, “I ca

Terah and I chuckle, watching her leave. After a moment, she turns to me, “Nox is hot, babe.” Turning back, she side eyes me. “ Have you- you know- yet?”

Sullen, I wipe a serving dish dry and pout. “Not yet. But I’m happy to wait. We haven’t really done much more than kiss since he’s been back, and I think a lot of it has to do with his leg.” Pausing a moment, I lean forward and say quietly, “I don’t think he has a clue what he does to me. I’m blazing hot all the damn time. I want sex, Terah!”

Doubling over, she laughs hard. “Oh, God. I never thought I’d see the day my kid sister would be so openly sexually frustrated.” Straightening, she smiles big, eyes wide. “Seduce him. Tonight.”

Face becoming serious, I place the dish down. “Really?”

She raises her brows. “Uh, yeah! Show him how much you want him. Show him he’s still the sexy man you fell in love with. Maybe he needs you to build his self-esteem some more. I didn’t know him before, but Jon said he used to be the most confident and sure-minded man he ever met, and that he must be feeling like shit.”

I know this. I’ve seen Nox get frustrated at the simplest things. Things haven’t been easy.

Making a snap decision, I place a hand on my hip. “I’m go

Then something passes through my head. “What if he rejects me?”

Terah comes forward, smiling softly. “He won’t. He loves you so much. He’ll see this is important to you. He’ll try for you.”

I whisper, “I miss him.”

Wrapping me in a warm hug, she says, “I know, kid.” Pulling away from me, she adds, “Go on back, I’ll be there in a few. There are only two dishes left.”

Nodding, I squeeze her hand and walk down the hall. Halfway down, the bathroom opens, and I’m almost knocked off my feet when I’m pulled inside.

Nox stands there a second before pulling me close, gri

My mouth gapes. “Uhhh…”


Chapter Twenty-Five

Training wheels


Flushing bright red, I ask wide-eyed, “How much did you hear?”

Leaning down, placing firm, wet kisses on my neck, he mutters into my skin, “Every. Fuckin’. Word.”


He demands, “Answer me.”

Double shit!

Closing my eyes at the feel of his mouth on me, I whisper, “I- I forgot the question.”

His breath warms my skin as he laughs silently. “You think I’m sexy?”

Oh that!

No hesitation. “Yes. And yes. You’re extremely sexy. And I think you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. Hands down.”

Lifting his head, he kisses my lips gently before ru

“You need me to fuck you, baby?”

I could cry from relief. Biting my lip, I whimper and nod. But it’s not good enough for him.

Reaching up and gripping my hair tight, he pulls gently but firm. “I said do you need me to fuck you, princess? I need an answer.”

My core contracts and floods.

He feels my hips jerk and smiles. Suddenly, the smile is gone. “Fuck me. You really want me?”

Oh God.

Terah was right. He’s insecure.

Not answering him, I take his free hand, slide it up my skirt, and place it on my soaked panties. Feeling how wet I am, he hisses in a breath and rests his forehead on mine. “Shit, babe. Fuckin’ hell! Poor baby. My poor baby. You need my cock, don’t you?”

Listening to his dirty words makes me even wetter. Playing my role, I pout and nod sullenly.