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I watched Wes walk away, and I grew more curious by the second. Why did the quarterback of the football team look so pale all the time? And why, when he stepped into the shadows of the trees, did he lean on that David guy as if he was going to pass out? And if he was feeling sick, why the heck did he want to go ru

Thoughts plagued my mind as I made my way all the way back to the dorms. The last thing I wanted was to get close to a guy that made me feel as good as Wes did, only to have him ripped from my life because I wasn’t high on his daddy’s priority list.


I unlocked the door to our dorm and waltzed in.

“‘Sup.” Gabe waved and flipped through a few TV cha

“Thank you?”

“For the protein shake and banana waiting for consumption on the counter. I may have been bird watching and seen you walking down the path to the dorms.”

“Bird watching?” I rolled my eyes. “And what birds were you watching, nature man?”

“The gray ones,” Gabe answered, straight faced.


“Pigeons aren’t gray.”

“Are you colorblind?” I laughed and shook my head. “Okay, fine. So you were watching pigeons because why?”

Gabe threw the remote against the cushions on the couch and stood, raising his arms high above his head revealing more tattoos on his hips trailing up his stomach. “I was worried.”

“About the bird population?”

“You.” Gabe growled. “I know you like him, I just…” He bit down on his lower lip. “Something about him worries me, and you are only a freshman.”

“Thanks for the warning. Next time a girl jumps into your bed, I’ll be sure to give her a heads up. You know, as a thank you for all your protectiveness.”

Gabe shrugged and walked into the kitchen. “Pretty sure they all have to sign a release form anyways.”


He laughed.

“So where’s my shake?”

“Here.” He turned around and did a booty shake then dropped it like it was hot in the kitchen.

I fell into fits of laughter before he turned back around and held up his finger while he fished out his phone, put on some music, and grabbed my hands.

Rocketship by Shane Harper came on. We danced in circles and then bumped hips.

Gabe released me and danced, really well, over to the cups above the sink and pulled one down, then continued dancing while he mixed banana with the protein shake.

He dipped his finger in it and licked then did the same for me, holding out his finger for me to lick.

I shook my head no.

He leaned in and whispered, “Just one taste.”

“Said the senior to the freshman.”

“Once won’t kill you.”

“You’re the guy drug officers warn teens about, aren’t you? The one that says just one time won’t get you addicted?”

Gabe smirked. “Why, Kiersten, are you afraid you’re going to get addicted to me?”

“Fine.” I licked the sugary substance off his finger.

“You like him a lot.”

“What?” I stepped back and moved around him to grab my glass, but Gabe’s arms came around my waist twisting me around.

“I know girls.” He shook his head and winced. “Believe me, I know them well, and nothing about me is causing you to falter. Absolutely nothing. I bet even if I kissed you, you’d be thinking about him. Shit, Kiersten, it’s been four days! You’re going to get your little heart broken if you fall for him, and then I’m going to have to pick up the pieces, and you’ll probably sleep with me to feel better, wake up hating yourself and jump into a downward spiral of using men to fill the void he left in your life.”


“My point,” he said, grabbing my wrists, “is that this can all be avoided. Just don’t give him your everything — not until you know the return will be the same.”

I shook away from his hold and took a long sip of my shake. “Why are you saying all this? You hardly know me.”

Gabe snorted. “My point exactly. I don’t know you. He doesn’t know you. The only person that’s going to fight for you right now, is you. Don’t let yourself lose sight of your biggest ally. Don’t allow yourself to be blinded by pretty smiles and hot bodies — not even mine.”

My eyebrows arched at his confidence.

“Don’t get me wrong.” Gabe held up his hands. “You’re sexy as hell, but I would never shit where I like to stay.”


“It’s a compliment.” Gabe snickered. “You don’t sleep with cousins’ best friends, or roommates, or girls who don’t know themselves yet. It’s not fair. And in the end, it’s just inviting heartbreak.”

“You seem like you speak from experience.” I tilted my head to get a better look at his piercing eyes.

Gabe swore and looked away. “I do. And that’s all you need to know. She ruined me, Kiersten. And damn, if I wouldn’t give my entire world to be ruined over and over again, if it meant I could be a part of her universe.”

I pushed him toward the main room and sat on the couch. “What happened?”

“Apparently I’m the guy you date to piss your parents off. I’m the guy you date before a better offer, one involving multi-million dollar business deals, comes bustling through.”

I reached for his hand. “Gabe, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, it was years ago,” he said with a shrug. “I’m an old soul and all that.” Then he yawned again and slapped his leg, stood, and walked toward the door. “Remember our little chat.” Glancing over his shoulder, he wrinkled his nose. “And take a shower, you smell like hell.”

“Thanks.” I rolled my eyes.

He paused at the door. “I could join you if you get lonely and need someone to wash your back.”

I pointed to the door. “Bye, Gabe.”

Laughing, he left.

Part of me hated that he was right. I could see myself doing exactly that, holding onto Wes as if he was my survival and then dying if in the end it didn’t turn out the way I needed it to.

I couldn’t lose myself in him. I refused to.

I chugged the rest of my protein shake and made my way into the bathroom.

Chapter Nineteen

I’m not freaking out not yet. Why hasn’t she called back?


I knew I was being ridiculous when, during class, I kept checking my phone for any missed texts or phone calls.

Kiersten hadn’t responded to me. And I hated that my mind was absolute crap, while I made excuses for why she wouldn’t talk to me.

Was it because of my dad?

Or did I push her too far too fast?


My phone vibrated in my hand. Finally!

I looked down at the text.

We still on for 2night?

I was barely able to hide my excitement. As it was, I had such a giant-assed grin on my face, that I’m sure my professor assumed I was high, or looking at dirty pictures or something.

“Something you want to share with the rest of the class, Mr. Michels?” Crap, so she had noticed.

I cleared my throat and nodded. “I have a date.”

A few people whispered around me.

And then I received a slap or two on the back from teammates. My professor, however, seemed less than amused. She rolled her eyes and returned to her lecture. But I couldn’t concentrate. Instead, I texted her back.

Counting down the minutes.

So I’d lost every ounce of game I’d carefully pieced together throughout my existence. I didn’t want to play the cool and aloof guy. The one that had all the time in the world, because I knew I didn’t. And I wanted to capture every damn moment until it was too late.

My hands shook.

I checked my phone again.

I’d need to do another batch of meds before I saw her tonight. If I skipped my next class, took them about an hour early, and lay down, I’d probably be fine for the date. At least, fine enough not to puke all over her pretty face.