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“The most important thing is to make the child feel comfortable, because then the parent will feel comfortable.”

“Right,” Lauren said with a nod.

“In fact,” Deb said, glancing up with a smile as the front door opened. “Here’s our first one. Why don’t you stay here and watch me do the first one, and then if you’re comfortable, you can try the second?”

“Sounds good,” Lauren said, smiling over at the young mother who was walking in with the most adorable little boy.

The first half hour was organized chaos, but it couldn’t have run more smoothly. Lauren watched Deb go through the registration process with Micah, the two-year-old boy who looked like he walked straight out of a commercial, and then hurried back to the pre-K room as the other students began arriving. They were fascinated with her, as children usually are with new people, and spent the first part of the morning asking her questions and fighting over sitting next to her.

Lauren took to them with ease, and by the end of that first hour, she, Delia, and Janet had fallen into a routine that made it look as if they’d been working together for years.

“Hey, Lauren?”

She looked up to see Deb popping her head in the door of their classroom. “Our second registration is here. You want to give it a shot?”

“Sure,” she said, looking over at Delia, who nodded and absorbed the two kids Lauren was working with.

“This one’s coming to your room. Call me over if you need anything,” Deb said before walking back into her office.

Lauren walked behind the desk to see a man with his back to her, holding a little girl and pointing to some of the drawings on the bulletin board.

“Hi,” Lauren said sweetly. “Welcome to Learn and Grow.”

He turned then, and Lauren felt her smile drop. For a second, her vision got sort of fuzzy, and she reached down and placed her hands on the desk to steady herself.

There was no way it could be him.

But even as her mind chanted that mantra, she knew that it was. She hadn’t seen him in eight years, but his face was still the same.

In that instant, something in his eyes changed, and she realized he recognized her too.

She was too stu

She was too stu

And so she stood there, completely frozen and numb with shock, unable to feel what she expected herself to feel if she ever saw him again: confusion, disbelief, longing.

But most of all, anger.


November 2000

Lauren held her notebook tightly to her chest as she darted through the hallway, weaving in and out of the bodies that still { display: block; text-indent: 0%;ked up after that, lingered there, seemingly unfazed by the bell that had just signaled the one-minute warning.

“Why the hell are you walking so fast?” Je

Lauren ignored her, glancing at the doors of the classrooms they were passing. It was the first day of the second quarter, which also meant the first day of new specialty classes. Basic Health was in room 228, and they had only just passed room 210; they were never going to make it in under a minute.

With that realization she broke into a jog, muttering her apologies as she squeezed in between and around other students.

“Lauren!” Je

As they circumvented a group of students and came up on room 228, Lauren stopped abruptly, causing an oblivious Je

“Oh God, sorry. I’m so sorry,” Lauren said, taking a step backward and discreetly elbowing Je

The man regained his balance just as the bell sounded overhead, and he smiled. “Your timing is impeccable. Your method of arrival, however, could use a little work. Go on in and have a seat, ladies.”

“See,” Lauren said over her shoulder as they walked into the room, “we wouldn’t have made it if we didn’t run.”


Lauren smirked as she put her notebook down on a desk. “Well look on the bright side; now we get first choice in seating.”

“Wonderful,” Je


“To the drugstore.”

“I guess,” Lauren said. “Why do you need me to come?”

“I want to hold boxes of hair dye up to your head.”

Lauren turned, looking blankly at her friend. “Are you serious?”

“That’s the only way to guarantee it comes out just like yours,” Je

“Nothing ever comes out looking like the box. You’re better off just picking a color you like.”

“But I like your color,” she said as she applied the ChapStick. “So pretty but like, sexy at the same time, you know? It’s like…deep auburn. Rich mahogany. Or…mmm, dark chocolate cherry.”

Lauren shook her head as she looked through her bag for a pen. “You sound like you’re auditioning for a commercial.”


“Fine,” Lauren sighed as she opened her notebook to the first clean page and wrote the d { display: block; text-indent: 0%;bl you toate. “You’re a total weirdo, you know that, right?”

“And you’re my best friend, so what does that say about you?”

Lauren smiled. “Good point.”

“I can’t wait,” Je

As Je

As her eyes sca

He was going to make this class unbearable.

The sound of a chair scraping the floor caught her attention, and she turned her eyes to the boy taking a seat at the desk directly across the room from hers. She didn’t recognize him, but there were a lot of students she didn’t recognize in this class. It wasn’t uncommon for specialty classes to integrate different grade levels. In fact, as she took stock of the room once more, it seemed she, Je

“Ladies and gentleman, your attention, please,” Mr. Mavis said as he sat on top of his desk facing the room. “This is Basic Health, room 228, and I am Mr. Mavis. Please make sure you are in the right place before I pass around the sign-in sheet.”