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“I’m go

“Okay,” she said around her mouthful of toast, her eyes still on the TV, and Lauren leaned over and kissed the top of her head before she turned back toward Michael’s room.

After grabbing her things, she stopped in the doorway to Erin’s bedroom. Michael was sprawled out across the floor, lying on a pink comforter half the size of his body and covered with another that left the majority of his legs exposed. She pressed her lips together when she recognized the ponies on his blanket as the ones from the movie last night.

Her eyes moved to his face, his expression completely serene in slumber. His dark lashes fa

Lauren walked carefully into the room, pulling the blanket off of Erin’s bed and covering his legs. And then she closed her eyes and took a long, steadying breath before she turned to walk out of the room.

She said good-bye to Erin and got in her car, not even bothering to turn the radio on as she made her way back home.

Crossing lines. It had been what started their friendship in the first place all those years ago, and then what propelled it into something substantial. What built it up and made it strong.

And finally, what ended up destroying it.

Lauren knew she had just done it again. Her original plan had been to remain strictly professional with him, at least until they could talk about everything that had happened. But yesterday, when she had offered to go to his house and care for his sick child, that plan had gone out the window.

It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal, crossing back into a friendship with him. But Je

She needed to get back.

The “keeping it professional” ship had sailed; she recognized that. Instead, she needed to focus all her efforts on holding the line now, on keeping it strictly friendship. She couldn’t allow herself to slip beyond that again, the way she had last night. and turned to look at her.ck you to

“You can do this. You can totally do this. Just…get back on the other side of the line and stay there,” she told herself as she turned onto the interstate.

But Lauren had been crossing lines with Michael for as long as she could remember.

And she knew from experience that once she did, it was virtually impossible to go back.


August 2002

“I feel like we’re in that movie Dazed and Confused,” Je

“First of all, that’s the worst impression of Matthew McConaughey I’ve ever heard.” She dodged Je


Lauren looked around before taking a sip from her own cup. “There’s got to be like eighty drunk teenagers here, Je

“Oh well,” Je

“Aaand, now we’re in the movie Grease,” Lauren said as she sat down next to her, and Je

“Ah, there’s my two favorite girls!”

Lauren and Je

“Idiot,” she muttered, bringing her hand up to straighten her hair, and Michael smirked, his eyes on her as he took a sip from his cup.

“So, Je

“That depends,” she said. “You think you might ever stop being a complete asshole?”

Guys,” Lauren scolded firmly, rolling her eyes. Few things entertained Michael more than getting a rise out of Je

“You know what your problem is?” Michael said, ignoring Lauren’s reprimand and leaning toward Je

“Please,” Je

Lauren watched the smirk lift Michael’s mouth, and she knew this conversation was going nowhere good.

“Okay then,” Michael said, motioning with his head toward a group of boys standing around just a few feet away. “In that case, I think you should go up to De

“Michael,” Lauren said reproachfully just as Je

“You’re such a child,” she sighed, and Michael laughed.

“Hey, you said you didn’t need lessons on how to have fun, right? It’s a party. De


Instantly Lauren whipped her head toward her friend, her expression incredulous.

She could have killed her.

Despite the fact that Michael and Lauren had been friends for almost two years, and he had never even come close to making a move on her, Je

But none of her attempts to prove it had ever been as blatant as this.

Lauren turned toward Michael, ready to tell him to ignore Je

Instantly she froze, her lips pressed tightly together, too stu

But then his lips parted gently and he leaned into her, taking her bottom lip between his with a tenderness even Lauren would never have given him credit for. Instinctively, she felt the tension melt away from her mouth as she tentatively kissed him back.

His mouth opened one more time, and hers responded automatically, their lips brushing against each other’s. Again, he captured her lip between his, holding it for a second before gently releasing it. He lifted his chin, brushing his full bottom lip over her top one before he finally pulled away from her.

It took her a few seconds to open her eyes, and when she did, she saw Michael looking over her head, smiling triumphantly at Je

She couldn’t breathe.

It felt like something had ignited inside of her. Her chest was burning, sending little heated sparks down through her stomach and out through her fingertips.

With an embarrassingly sharp intake of breath, she finally started breathing again, but neither Je