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There were five other couples already scattered at various stations, and they all smiled and nodded in greeting as Adam and Lauren made their way to the empty station on the far right of the room.

“This was a great idea,” Lauren said as they settled in. “Thank you.”

“A thank you before the date even begins? Does this mean I no longer have to fear a bathroom exodus?”

Lauren smiled as she went up on her toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. “I’m not going anywhere.”

And when she pulled back, the look in his normally playful eyes was now something else all together, and it turned the warmth in her belly into a full-blown inferno.

“Okay ladies and gents,” the woman called from the front of the room, breaking the spell. “I think we have everyone for tonight, so let’s get started.” With a quick clap of her hands, she added, “If you’ll please head to the bin in the back of the room and grab yourselves an apron.”

They walked to the back amid the other couples, each grabbing an apron out of a large container. Lauren slid hers over her head as she walked back toward their station, tying it behind her back as she went. She looked down as she smoothed her hands over the front of it, noticing the white letters scrawled over the red fabric: Kiss the Cook.

“Can you give me a hand?” she heard Adam ask, and she looked over to see him with his back to her, his normally dexterous hands fumbling with the flimsy strings.

“A chiropractor with inept hands?” she sighed, clucking her tongue and shaking her head. “I guess I should be thanking my lucky stars you transferred me to someone competent.” She pulled the strings out of his struggling fingers and began tying.

Adam turned to look at her over his shoulder. “You think my hands are inept?” he asked, and Lauren shrugged, fighting a smile, her knuckles grazing the firm muscles of his back as she tied the apron.

“That’s good,” he said with a nod, turning away from her again. “That might work in my favor.”

shoulder">“Oh? How is that?” she asked, finishing up the bow, and he turned toward her; the mischief in his eyes belied his i

“Because proving you wrong could be kind of fun.”

Lauren’s stomach twirled with something she couldn’t quite place as she looked up at him, but before she could respond, her eyes dropped to his chest. She burst out laughing, cupping both her hands to her mouth in an attempt to muffle the sound.

He pulled his brow together and looked down. “Ah, crap,” he said through a groan, shaking his head as his laughter combined with hers.

On the front of his white apron was the outline of a cartoon woman’s body, her obscenely large breasts bursting out of a tiny bikini top and her thighs swelling out of an equally skimpy bottom. Adam looked up sheepishly as he held his hands over his cartoon breasts, attempting to hide them, which only made Lauren laugh harder.

“Switch with me,” he said.

“Not on your life,” Lauren said through her laughter. “Besides, it looks good on you. Who would have thought you were so voluptuous under those scrubs?”

Adam lifted his eyebrows. “How long have you been thinking about what’s under my scrubs?” he challenged.

“Okay, ladies and gentlemen, now that we are all properly attired, let’s begin!” the teacher said. “If you’ll have a look at the folder on the right side of your station…” Adam leaned around Lauren to grab the folder, bringing his chest flush with her back.

“Saved by the bell,” he whispered in her ear, and she felt a faint shiver run down her spine that was as pleasant as it was unexpected.

She should have known better by now; no matter how many times she thought she had him trumped, he always seemed to end up with the upper hand.

And she liked it. A lot.

Adam opened the folder and took out the papers inside, spreading them out on the counter and following along as the teacher went over the menu for the evening. Or rather, their assignment. Smoked salmon and crème fraiche bruschetta for an appetizer, filet mignon with a red wine mushroom sauce over sautéed spinach and baby carrots for the main course, and a ci

“Jesus,” he mumbled, his eyes sca

“A little out of your element?” Lauren asked, feeling a bit nervous herself as she sca

“There’s a pizza place right down the road,” he said, putting the paper down and looking up at the teacher. “If this takes a turn for the worse, we hit it up on the way home.”

“Deal,” Lauren laughed, turning to look at the teacher as she held up a knife and explained the proper way to dice a tomato.

About an hour and a half later, they were seated in the adjacent room, which was set up to look like a makeshift restaurant, complete with linens and good silverware and candlelight. The couples all sat, waiting to be served the meals they had just prepared for themselves.

“I’m telling you, you’ve found your calling,” Lauren said as Adam poured them each a glass of wine.

“Don’t get smart,” he said, glancing up at her with a smirk as he placed the bottle back on the table.

“I’m not! I thought you were great in there. Well, except for the whole carrot thing.” lives far away.”

Adam laughed, shaking his head. He had started to chop them, not realizing the recipe called for them to be served whole, and each time he brought the knife down on the raw carrots, tiny pieces would shoot off the cutting board in different directions, like rogue missiles, hitting Lauren and at times the couple in front of them. Finally, the teacher came over and laid a placating hand on his wrist, telling him it was u

“Oh, and the onion thing,” Lauren added, smirking before she took a delicate sip of wine.

“You know, a lesser man’s ego would be bruised by all these backhanded compliments.”

“Good thing you’re not a lesser man, then.”

Adam smiled, lifting his glass to hers, and she clinked it softly. “And besides,” he said, “you were the one who assigned me the onions to chop. You could have mentioned it’s a step below getting maced.”

Lauren laughed. “Why do you think I passed the job to you?”

Adam narrowed his eyes at her. “Cruel.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”

He raised his brow before he smiled. “Fair enough,” he said as a server brought their appetizers to the table.

“Well,” Lauren said once the plates were in front of them. “Ready?”

“If you are,” Adam said, lifting his fork.

Lauren nodded, and they both cut a small piece of the smoked salmon and crème fraiche bruschetta, bringing it to their lips. After chewing in silence for a second, Adam brought the back of his hand to his mouth. “Wow,” he said around his mouthful of food. “That’s…”

“Incredible,” Lauren finished for him, taking another forkful. “Do you think this is actually the one we made, or are they taking pity on us and serving us the real deal?”

“If this is them taking pity on us, I’ll gladly accept it. Damn,” he added after taking another bite. “We’re good. We’re actually good. I’m impressed with us.”

“Agreed,” she laughed, dabbing her mouth with the napkin.

Adam took a sip of wine. “So,” he finally said. “Can I ask what made you want to be a child psychologist?”

Lauren lifted her wine, taking a sip, which gave her a few extra seconds to formulate her answer. She went with partial truth.

“I don’t know. I guess I’ve just seen a lot of kids who don’t have the coping strategies for issues they’re encountering at young ages, whether it’s emotional or developmental. And I know that having those strategies, having an outlet, makes all the difference. In how they turn out, I mean. And I just…I want to do more than be a teacher for kids like that.” She looked up to find him watching her intently. “I know…that sounds so…”