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Laughing, I leaned back among the bears, knocking most of them on the floor as I brought her down with me. I turned so we were face to face, lying side by side. “Hey,” I reached around and picked up a ragged red one. “Is this the one I got you for your birthday years ago? You kept it?”

“Yeah.” She snatched it away from me, holding it between our chests. “Of course I kept it.”

A good dose of pressure filled my chest. I didn’t say anything as I watched her.

“What?” she asked, her eyes on mine.

Sometimes words weren’t enough—they couldn’t cover the feeling. This was one of those times. So I closed the distance and kissed her, putting everything I felt for her, every promise I made her, into that one kiss. When I pulled back, her eyes were glazed over and I wanted to throw that bear across the room and get all over her.

Parents downstairs and bedroom door unlocked? Not going to happen. And besides, I was just fucking thrilled to be here with her.

“This is the best early Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten,” I told her.

Her bright smile sucker-punched me. “I think that’s the smartest thing you’ve ever said, and I’d have to agree.”

“Uh-huh?” I caught a piece of her hair and twisted it around my finger. “I’m so lucky. I know that. So damn lucky to have your love.”

She wiggled closer and the bear was smushed between us. She kissed me in a way no other person ever could, because it was Syd. I cupped the back of her neck, holding her there as I took control of the kiss. It wasn’t long before the bear ended up on the floor and our arms and legs were tangled. We were making out like two teenagers sneaking a few seconds. She was under me, her hips rocking against mine, urging me on. With how thin her bottoms were, it was like having almost nothing there. Need was driving me insane, pounding through my veins, and I didn’t want to stop, even though I knew it couldn’t go any further than this. And it was too good to stop, and the way her body moved against mine was too perfect, and her soft, barely audible moans too sweet to pass up.

I don’t know how long we stayed like that, kissing and touching, whispering to one another and laughing. It was late when I looked at the clock.

“Can you stay a little longer?” she asked.

I doubted her dad would appreciate finding me in her bed in the morning, but I couldn’t refuse her. “How about I stay until you fall asleep?”

“Perfect,” she murmured, resting her cheek on my chest. “Just use the front door when you leave.”

Smiling, I smoothed my hand down her back, loving the way she moved closer to me, fitting her body to mine like we were made for each other. Hell, I think we really were and it just had taken me a long-ass time to realize it. But I finally did, and that’s what mattered.

I loved her. God, I loved her so much. I couldn’t believe I’d made it this long without telling her. I was an idiot, but I was one hell of a lucky idiot.

Chapter 25


Ever since I was a little girl, I was always more excited about Christmas Eve than I was for Christmas Day. There was something about the anticipation, of knowing what waited the very next day, of wanting time to pass quickly, and at the same time wanting it to slow down.

This year was no different, but it was.

I couldn’t stop smiling, and I was sure I probably looked half-stupid to my mom and dad as I made pecan candies to take over to my grandparents’ house. Several times I found myself not concentrating, daydreaming while I was placing the caramel candies on the pretzel squares.

Things seemed surreal. I guessed after spending so long wanting something—someone—that when it finally happens, I almost didn’t believe it was happening. I kept waiting to wake up…but it was real.

Kyler loved me.

He’d been gone by the time I woke up yesterday, but the slight scent of the cologne he wore and the outdoorsy scent that was uniquely his lingered on my pillows. He’d left me a note, saying that he’d be back over, and that he would use the front door when he left.

Right after lunch, he’d shown up and he hadn’t left until after di

It sure as hell was making mine.

“Honey.” Mom laughed, drawing my attention. “What are you doing?”

Frowning, I glanced down and then I laughed outright. I’d stacked three pieces of caramel on top of one pretzel. Plucking them off, I set them aside. “Whoops.”

“Uh-huh,” Mom said with a knowing look on her face. “Your head is just not attached to your shoulders.”

“Nope,” I admitted, arranging the pretzels and candies on a baking sheet. “I probably shouldn’t be doing this.”

“You have to.” Mom washed her hands. The kitchen smelled of the stuffing she’d made to take with us. “Your grandfather will hit someone with his cane if we don’t have these candies.”

Not doing this was almost worth seeing my grandfather chasing people down with a cane. I popped the candies in the oven, setting the time for three minutes, long enough to get the chocolate and caramel all gooey.

“So…” Mom began, staring out the window above the sink. Blue-tinted shadows grew longer across the snow as the sun set. We’d have to hit the road soon, since we had to drop some of the food off at church before heading to my grandparents’.

I arched a brow, waiting.

Mom gri

Here we go. “Mom, people don’t say ‘chummy’ anymore.”

She pi

I gri

She sighed. “Are you going to fess up?”

“Fess up to what?” I asked i

Mom crossed her arms.

I giggled. “Kyler and I are…together.”

“I figured that much,” she said dryly. “But I’d prefer to know the details.”

The timer buzzed, and I grabbed a mitt. Opening the oven door, I pulled out the baking sheet. Moving quickly, I grabbed the bag of pecans and started placing them on the warm, semi-melted candies. “We’re together,” I told her, sneaking a pecan. “I’m not sure how else to say that.”

Mom popped her hip against the counter. “Well, what made this come about?”

I so was not telling her how it happened. Moving on to the second row of candies, I felt my face flush. “Things just sort of happened and we both admitted that we had feelings for each other. You know, more-than-just-friends kind of feelings.”

She didn’t say anything, and I glanced over at her. She was teary-eyed. I paused with the pecans. “Mom.”

“What?” She blinked rapidly and then laughed. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I always knew you cared about that boy more than you let on, and that Kyler felt the same way toward you. I’m happy you two finally recognized that in each other.” She paused, and then added, “Took long enough.”

I frowned as I hastily added the rest of the pecans before the candies cooled. “I’m begi

“I think so.” She walked over and kissed my cheek. “He’s a good boy, honey. I couldn’t be happier for you.”

My lips split in a wide smile. “I’m happy. I really am.”

And then I was happy-happy less than half an hour later, when Dad a