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Kyler moved so fast it felt like the world was spi

I jerked as he parted me and dove in like a man starving. One hand dug into the blanket and my other threaded through his silky hair, holding on as his tongue plunged in. I thought I’d come apart right that instant. I was close, but his caresses were too breathtakingly soft.

“You taste so good,” he said, working a finger inside. “And you’re so fucking tight. You’re perfect, you know.” His lashes swept up, eyes locking with mine. “And I love when you look at me like that when I’m doing this.” To punctuate this, he hooked his finger, finding a spot I didn’t even know existed, and I cried out. “And I seriously fucking love that sound.”

Beyond words, my head thrashed from one side to other as he licked, swirled and thrust. Then his lips clamped down on that bundle of nerves, wringing a moan from me. Kyler moaned against me as my body started to shake. He worked another finger inside, and I flew apart, shattering into oblivion.

Kyler had a condom on by the time the last cry left my swollen lips. Things seemed to blur around the edges as our eyes locked. His searing stare lit me up all over again. An array of emotions flickered over his striking face as he gripped my hips and pulled me onto my knees. Boneless, I placed my hands on his chest. It moved with each ragged breath.

Holding me to him, he sat back and pulled me above his lap, his legs stretched out behind me. “Ride me,” he said, his gaze on fire.

I moved my hands to his shoulders as I spread my thighs wider. “Another first?”

“Oh yeah,” he said, holding himself ready. “It’s another first.”

That made me all kinds of insanely happy, and as our gazes collided again, I was unprepared for the feral, possessive stare in them. Gripping my hip with his free hand, he guided me down. The initial bite of pain as he slid into me quickly dissipated into a wondrous feeling of pressure and fullness.

It took a couple of moments to catch a rhythm, but soon he was pushing up as I was sliding down, our bodies moving together in perfect sync. He caught my mouth as he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest as his tongue matched the thrusts of our hips.

“Sydney,” he growled, his big body trembling.

I twisted atop him, writhing, but it wasn’t enough. A whimper escaped me, and in one fluid motion Kyler had me on my back, his hips slamming into mine. He gripped my hips, lifting me up as he went deeper and deeper. He got an arm under my waist and placed a hand on my lower belly, holding me in place. I couldn’t get enough leverage to move at all.

It was what he wanted. “Damn, I don’t want this to end. I want to feel this—this right here—” He grounded his hips, and my whole buddy shuddered. “I want to feel this forever.”

“Yes. Oh, my God…” The tension built so rapidly I couldn’t breathe. I tossed my head back, eyes wide and unseeing. Words tumbled out of my mouth. “Faster. Please. Kyler, please. I love—”

He slammed into me, cutting my words off, and I blew apart, shattering so deeply that he shouted and came immediately, his body spasming. The things that came out of his mouth almost tumbled me over again. They were prayers. Curses. Incoherent words that somehow all made sense to me. When he collapsed on top of me, he buried his face in my hair and managed to keep most of his weight on his arms. I wouldn’t have minded if he’d fallen on me.

I realized at that point that my legs were wrapped tightly around his waist still. I eased them down, moaning as it triggered an aftershock.

He mumbled something, and then said, “I don’t want to move.”

I smiled into the sweat-slick skin of his chest. “Don’t.”

His deep chuckle rumbled through me. “How are you feeling?”


“Same here, baby, same here.”


We went a step up from chips and raw veggies, settling on cheese and crackers for a late lunch/early di

“We’re in the big time, baby.” I placed the platter between us.

She giggled, arranging her crackers in a row of five. “Aren’t we sophisticated?”

Loving the sound of her laugh, I pulled my eyes away from her crackers to her and nearly tossed the food aside and tackled her like an animal. I’d slipped my hoodie over Syd’s head, and she looked so damn edible sitting with her legs tucked under her with the edges of my U of M sweatshirt skimming the soft skin of her thighs, wearing nothing else.

Truth be told? I just liked her in my clothes…and half-naked. Easy access and all—access I’d be using in no time.

And I also loved how her gaze kept dropping to where my sweats hung low on my waist. Every time her eyes fastened on the area between my hips, she’d flush and bite down on her lip or press her thighs together.

I couldn’t believe what Nate had said about her. I wanted to break his jaw all over again, and maybe some ribs. Frigid? This girl was the opposite of frigid—a hot little minx who blew my mind.

She took the paring knife I was using to cut the cheese and carved out mickey ears. Giggling, she plopped them on a cracker and fed it to me.

Yeah, I could get used to this.

After feeding ourselves, she brought the guitar over to me. Stretched out beside me, with her bare legs near the fire, she listened to me play and I played for hours, stopping every so often to just touch her, kiss her, stroke her.

I couldn’t get enough of her.

She was like a drug I wanted to keep going back to. I was addicted to the way she felt and the sounds she made. I thought maybe, just for a few seconds, that things would be awkward between us after having brain-cell-destroying sex, and there had been a moment or two when neither of us seemed to know what to say. Or maybe both of us wanted to say something but couldn’t. Either way, that had passed quickly. Everything was like it normally was, except it seemed brighter and better. Yeah, that sounded completely lame, but it was true.

Every look, every touch, and every word meant something deeper now.

Syd fell asleep as I played the guitar and though I was hesitant to leave her, I checked the doors and windows again. Nothing was amiss. No one was peering in our windows or trying to break through the doors. If it weren’t for the cut wires on the generator, I wouldn’t have been so damn paranoid. Good news was the snow had almost tapered off. Tomorrow I’d dig out the snowmobile and head to the main lodge to find out what kind of condition the roads were in. The plows had to be out on the main roads by now, and I really would need to check my cell to see if I had service, but right now? I just didn’t want to.

I returned to the room and felt my heart do some kind of damn flutter when my gaze landed on Syd. Lying on her back, with the quilt spread across her legs and her rose-colored lips parted, she was the most fucking beautiful and seductive creature I’d ever seen.

Yeah, I didn’t want to think beyond Syd.

Because I had no idea how things would be for us once we got back to the real world and were surrounded by friends and family. Was this the begi

And Syd—i